Author has written 15 stories for Dark Tower series, Harry Potter, A-Team, Lost, Jeepers Creepers, Chronicles of Narnia, Charles Dickens, StarTrek: The Original Series, and Torchwood. I don't really have much to say (large gasp from family and friends who are shocked !) Update: I still am going to make a more indept list of my favorite shows and pairings. If you remember this profile from before you will notice that I no longer adore Snape/Lily. With the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I became convinced that J.K. Rowling didn't know what on earth she was doing. I can truly say that I hated, HATED that final book even though it made Snape/Lily canon. I am no longer a Snape/Lily fan, really, because Lily now has all the literary merit of Daisy from The Great Gatsby. That's a fairly big insult and shows how much I dislike the character. Glass Darkly Broken Update: This has been a long time coming but I will be updating Glass Darkly Broken very soon. I hope that everybody will remember what was going on! Instead of doing the novel writing mission in November (Nanowrimo) I will instead focus on finishing this fanfic! |