![]() Author has written 23 stories for H.I.V.E., Wizard101, Pretty Little Liars, Winnie Years, Maximum Ride, Stargirl, and Star Wars. I'm 16, I live in the USA and I like to write. I'm not the best writer out there but i try my best. Favorite Book Series is H.I.V.E, Favorite Movie Series is Star Wars, and Favorite TV Show is the X-Files. I love the H.I.V.E series. I've read the series about 8 times over, and its not getting old yet. I ship Wingelby and Naven, and Ottra is okay, but its too dramatic and annoying. And I don't like Laura much anyways. I miss new H.I.V.E books. I heard the 9th one is coming out in 2017. That feels like such a long time!!! My favorite of the H.I.V.E books is either Escape Velocity or Deadlock. They're both good. Rouge and Zero Hour come next Then Dreadnought and Higher Institute of Villainous Education. Then Aftershock and Overlord Protocol. Although, I like all of them a ton. I cried during Aftershock and Deadlock. Yes. But only during the sad parts. I like Otto because he is just kind of awesome and he's pretty boss with that interfacing thing he does. Wing is awesome too cause he is like silent he is like ninja awesomeness and its awesome. Shelby is hilarious and she is pretty awesome too. I dont like Laura all that much, she was okay in the beginning but she soon grew really dramatic and obsessed with Otto. Franz is okay, but it annoys me that he *SPOILER* shoots Anastasia. I wanted Raven to do it. *SPOILER* Nigel is okay, but he sometimes just annoys me. I dunno why. But he is a good character. If I had a choice, Lucy would never have existed. she is the worst thing that ever happened. Penny and Tom just get in the way. But I cried when *SPOILER* Tom died *SPOILER* cause I know it would destroy Laura and Penny. Raven is awesome. Raven is just awesome. She's just, awesome. Nero is pretty awesome. So yeah, H.I.V.E is awesome. Holy shit, I wrote the cringey stuff about H.I.V.E in probably 2014-15. But hey, still in love with the series! I'm leaving that cringe in my bio simply because it's always been there. But here's an updated list of Favorite Books in Order: 1. Deadlock 2. Escape Velocity 3. Rogue 4. Zero Hour 5. Dreadnought 6. Overlord Protocol 7. Higher Institute of Villainous Education 8. Aftershock I love all the books though! Ranking of 10 Main Characters: 1. Raven 2. Nero 3. Shelby 4. Otto 5. Wing 6. Franz 7. Laura 8. Nigel IM AN X-FILES FAN ALSO! I don't know what it is about the show, I just love it! Well, to clarify, I enjoy the first 4 seasons, 5th is okay, 6th has its moments, but its all downhill from there, including the reboot. I was really into the show throughout 2017, but now with 2018, i'm not as interested in it anymore. What I really like about the show is the characters. While I love Mulder and Scully, I think a lot of the other characters are super cool, and they have really great character development. I really appreciate what the show did with Krycek and Skinner, it's so interesting!!! I also like Marita Covarrubias, but unforunately, her role isn't as large as the roles of the other 2. STAR WARS IS A.M.A.Z.I.N.G I was a little late to the Star Wars hype... I started watching in 2016. Late! But since I did, I've fell in love with various aspects of the series, and I've come to appreciate it in so many different ways, a lot of which are so different from ways that others around me appreciate it. My Favorite Star Wars Movies, Ranked: 1. Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back - it's just so good! the plot moves fast and it's incredibly interesting, and it also has a darker tone than ANH, and the ending!!! while I already had it spoiled for me years before I even watched the series, it's still really cool. 2. Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - unpopular opinion to have a prequel this high on my list, I know, but there's no way you can tell me this is a bad movie... the action, the suspense, it's insane!!! Finally seeing how Anakin becomes Darth Vader. My first time watching the movie I was crying uncontrollably, and the same happens everytime I watch now. The movie never stops moving and you wish you could be involved in the movie, telling Anakin no, stop, but you can't, and the effect his actions have on the enitre galaxy, especially the jedi order, and order 66, padme, and obi-wan, is absolutely heart-wrenching. the emotional impact of this movie is part of it's greatness. 3. Episode IV - A New Hope - The original Star Wars! Who doesn't love the original? This movie is slow at the beginning, but it's such a unique story in a unique galaxy far, far away. I must admit, the first time I saw this movie, I didn't care for it too much. it took me watching the other 5 movies to really, really appreciate this one. I love this movie, and it's the one that I can watch whenever I want, and I will watch, forever! 4. Episode VI - Return of the Jedi - This movie really ties together Episodes I-IV. If I had to pick a flaw, its the ewoks, without a doubt. I mean they're throwing rocks at stormtroopers, come on! But the scene at the end with the Emperor, Luke, and Vader is amazing, as well as the space battle with Lando and Ackbar and them. Also, the escape from Jabba's Palace is really awesome. I know a lot of people don't like the events in Jabba's Palace for some reason, but I actually love the first hour of this movie. Until the ewoks arrive... 5. Episode VII - The Force Awakens - I like this one a lot, introduction of new characters, re-introduction of old. It has it's flaws, of course, but Rey, Finn, and Poe are all very likeable people from the start. While Rey is 100% a Mary-Sue and it's super annoying, I'm holding up hope they reveal her to be a Skywalker in Episode IX, or at least related to SOMEONE from the jedi order of the old republic. But she's still very likeable, as well as Finn and Poe, and while Kylo Ren is cool, he's no vader. (he's just a child in a mask) 6. Episode VIII - The Last Jedi - I've only seen this movie once, so maybe my opinion would change if I had the priveledge to see it more, but I actually really enjoyed this one also. I know lots hated it, but I liked it. I really need to rewatch it though. Also, when I was in the theater, a man had a heart attack and we all had to evacuate during a really intense scene, and I still wonder to this day if he was okay and got to rewatch the movie. 7. Episode I - The Phantom Menace - While lots hate this movie, I love it. Probably because I love all things Star Wars... this movie is the most lighthearted of the saga, marking in contrast to ESB and ROTS. But it's great, especially the lightsaber battles, and the pod-race. Jar Jar Binks, however, is a menace (see what I did there) to the movie. 8. Episode II - Attack of the Clones - This is the only Star Wars movie I get bored watching. The romance is cringe-worthy and the dialogue is crap. The first hour and a half of the movie isn't good. But the events on Geonosis make up for it. I don't include Rogue One in this list because it's separate in it's own way, but I like it a lot. I don't have any attachment for the characters, however, so that doesn't make it as deep as Episodes I-VIII. I also LOVE the Clone Wars cartoon. I've seen all the episodes, some multiple times. It's so enjoyable and makes both Obi-Wan and Anakin great characters. Not gonna lie though, Ahsoka annoys the hell outta me. Its hard to pick a favorite Star Wars character, but I'm gonna have to go with Obi-Wan Kenobi. When I first saw him in A New Hope, I didn't really understand his purpose, he was just some old guy who *spoiler alert* dies. But once I saw the prequels, I absolutely fell in love with the character. His life sucks though, I feel awful for him. I like both Anakin and Luke. Yes, Anakin isn't great in Episode II, he comes off as creepy, and Hay-dont-act-again Christensen doesn't play the part well, but he's great in Episode III and the clone wars cartoon. Luke is the farmboy who turned into a legend, and I adore the kid. Leia and Padme are also super awesome, and I love Han Solo. Initially, he was my favorite. And of course, gotta show some love for Yoda, C3PO, R2-D2, Chewie, Lando, and Qui-Gon! I, hiveluver, do solemnly swear to review all the fics I read, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else. I have joined the Review Revolution. Copy and Paste this into your profile to join the Revolution! For people that hate stereotypes: If you think people should just shut up and stop, put this on your profile. (BOLD the ones you are.) I'm SKINNY, so I MUST be anorexic. I'm a JEW, so I MUST hate all Germans I'm a PERSON, so I MUST be LABELED |