Yes I know it isn't April Fool's day yet, but I couldn't be bothered to wait months before posting it, so here it is.
Various people at H.I.V.E. have teamed up and are now giving some of the teaching staff a really hard time, read on to find out how some of the most formidable villains are made a laughing-stock...
(Note: none of the H.I.V.E. characters belong to me *sniffle* but to the magnificent Mark Walden)

Nero yawned and slowly straightened up in bed blinking blearily. He glanced briefly at his clock: 6:30am. Rubbing his eyes he hit on the switch for the lights, wincing as they came on and momentarily blinding him. As Nero's brain began to wake up he suddenly realised there was a strange smell in the room, a bit like strong-smelling paint. He sniffed harder and opened his eyes and stared in horror at his walls.
'What...' he gasped.
All of his walls and the ceiling had been plastered with graffiti. He spluttered, completely at lost for words for one of the first times in his life. Then he felt another wave of horror mixed with shock as he realized what the words said, "NERO LOVES RAVEN" read several then: "NERO KISSED RAVEN" and: "THE CONTESSA HAS A CRUSH ON NERO" also with: "NERO HAS A PINK RABBIT". Nero slowly pulled himself out of bed and continued to gawp at the wall, slowly the shock faded away to be replaced with anger.
'Whoever has done this is going to be sorry,' muttered Nero.

It wasn't common knowledge around H.I.V.E. but Nero was quite colour-blind, that presented quite an opportunity to any pranksters. Nero strode out of his room muttering threats under his breath. He grabbed his suit out of the cupboard and dragged it on. Not realising of course that it had been painted a rather fetching shade of pink.

As soon as he had finished dressing, Nero pulled out his blackbox and flipped it open to contact H.I.V., he would certainly know who had done this to his room. As the face lit up on the screen Nero let out a gasp of surprise and shock. Overlords menacing red face filled the screen and as Nero stared it let out an evil cackle of laughter that sent chills down his spine and disappeared.
Nero gulped and stared at the blank screen. Overlord had returned. His heart was thundering in his chest and adrenaline surged through his veins. Taking a deep breath to calm himself he headed for the door. To his surprise it was open.
Nero looked suspiciously around. Everything appeared normal, there were no shouts of alarm or screaming. As he looked around a security walked down the hallway.
'You there,' said Nero to him.
The guard turned and stared at him his jaw falling open slightly as he took in Nero's pink suit. He coughed then croaked, 'Yes sir?'
'Why wasn't I informed that Overlord is loose in H.I.V.E.'s network,' demanded Nero frowning.
'Overlord?' responded the bug-eyed guard who was now staring at Nero in a fashion that suggested he thought Nero was a few cards short of a deck, 'Overlord is dead sir, isn't he?'
Nero stared at him before spluttering, 'But I just saw him on my blackbox screen.' As Nero was saying this he pulled out his blackbox and flipped it open to reveal H.I.V.'s blue face. Nero gawped. The guard stared. H.I.V. eyed Nero calmly, 'What can I do for you sir?' asked the A.I. calmly.
Nero blinked several times, 'Is everything alright H.I.V.?' he asked faintly.
H.I.V. stared, 'Of course sir, I would have alerted you if anything had been wrong.'
'Then Overlord's not back?' asked Nero looking puzzled.
'No,' replied H.I.V. slowly.
'But I saw him...' Nero trailed off feebly.
H.I.V. stared at him with an expression of sympathy on his face, 'Maybe you should take a holiday sir,' he suggested then vanished.
Nero slowly shut the computer. The guard shifted uneasily, 'Is that all sir?' he asked.
'Yes, yes, you can go,' murmured Nero in reply.
The guard strode off quickly; had the headmaster of H.I.V.E. had finally cracked?

The Contessa sat on her chair and stared at herself in the mirror. She quickly double-checked that her doors were securely locked before moving over to her cupboard and opening it to reveal a selection of large wigs. Everyone at H.I.V.E. simply presumed that the Contessa had lots of hair which she tied up each morning, nothing could be further from the truth. She hardly had any hair at all, not that anyone knew that or ever would.
She selected one of them and placed it on her head attaching it into position with some specially-adapted glue designed to keep it in place. The Contessa glanced at herself in the mirror and nodded to herself satisfied.
As she stood up and left the room, unbeknownst to her, the outer layer of the wig faded away to reveal a rather, eccentric hairstyle. The wig had been dyed bright neon, yellows, oranges and greens then a large band had been place running through it with the words, "I AM IN LOVE WITH NERO" written on it. It was quite eye-catching and also destroyed her evil-don't-mess-with-me-or-I-will-get-you demeanour completely.
All in all it was quite a work of art.

The second chapter should be up soon. I plan to give Nero a reallyhard time in it and maybe have a few other H.I.V.E. teaching staff (the Contessa being among them) pranked to the extreme insert evil laugh here