Author has written 9 stories for Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, and Summon Night. Names on various messageboards: Isaac Gravity/ IsaacGravity Gender: Male My abilities as a writer: Well… I guess I’m decent…I don’t really believe I’m a bad writer but I know I’m not an exceptional/great one either. Just there… I enjoy what I do and have my style and beliefs when doing that. I like keeping true to the essence of the series I work with and all the mechanics and visuals that follow. As long as you don't force your opinions around me like fact or how it's supposed to be done we have no real problem. Respect and understanding is the key. The tough guy/holier than thou act on the 'net of all places is a waste of energy... Just (and always) be you. My story/writing preferences as a whole truly are stories with Supernatural/Fantasy themes. As far as my weaknesses go…I have a grammar problem. I’ve known this for years, so I try to work around it. Abilities as a reviewer: I hardly review. When I do review it’s usually a honest-to-goodness pat-on-the back for even making a fic at all. Or I’ll point out what caught my fancy from the said chapter. I usually leave literary points to others and focus on what I now I can easily point out: That being Characterization. Favorite Hobbies: Favorite Genres: As said before, I always loved supernatural/paranormal and fantasy stories ever since I was really little. So I always base all my stories around those themes. Originally this section was dedicated to all my favorites in terms in gaming and anime/manga. But then I realized where my list for American cartoons and comics? So to put it short, I'm an avid lover (bordering fanboy) of many different things. That's all I really can say, I was right there giving sparkly eyes for a lot of different things and still do. (Guess I never grew up in that right). And as much as I wanna throw around honorable mentions to various games and comics be it American or Japanese as they're the reasons why I take up fan writing so enjoyably I know who they are and that's all what really matters. I'm not out here to win one-ups from others... That's right! I'm out here to drown your imaginations, feed you cool hidden morals and awaken your inner hot-blooded spirit!! Dislikes: None really worth mentioning. Stories I'm working on: 1. Distanced Hurricane- Game: Pokemon Generation III (R/S/E). Status: On-going. Pet project. 2. Bonding Prisoner- Game: Summon Night Sword Craft Story 2. Status: On-going. 3. S.O.S!! Strongest Bronze Team: Go-Rescue!- Game: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 1. I hope to work on this eventually...! But the other two projects and my own personal matters keep me from getting to it. Someday, I tell myself. Someday... |