![]() Author has written 85 stories for Harry Potter. Hello, FanFiction world, and welcome. My name is Autumn, and I will be your host during this profile viewing. I write primarily in the world of Harry Potter. I do my best to write original works, too, but inspiration tends to be a fickle muse. Reading is my exercise—I'm always up for a good rec. I'm a five-season vet of the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition. Season 8 has commenced. Go Cannons! I tend to fall back on either Drastoria or Romione, but you'll see I've written an assortment of random things as well. Ron and Draco tend to be my muses, so there are a lot of stories around them. I've always fancied myself a Scorose shipper, but I wrote a HugoxScorpius fic for QLFC once, and I think I might be in love with the pairing now? Either way, I absolutely head canon Scorp with one of the Granger-Weasley children, so... I do not write Cursed Child compliant. I don't think I ever will. I don't know, I love Astoria too much to give her the six-feet-under treatment. And I'm really not about tragic love stories. Sure, give me the slowburn, but give 'em a happy ending if you're going to torture them along the way. That's my take, anyways. My Collection of Drastoria Finding Hope - Draco and Astoria master wedding jitters together. Fluff ensues. In These Quiet Moments - There is no plot here, just the random musings of Draco Malfoy as he wakes up with Astoria in his arms. It Goes Both Ways - Communication is hard, no matter how long you've been together. Scars - Every HP character has some battle scars. Draco finally accepts his. Chronicles of Shadow and Sacrifice - High Fantasy!AU. I had so much fun world building for Farm Boy!Draco and Sorceress!Astoria. Next - Draco has a very important question for Astoria. I wonder what comes next? The Underground - Voldemort Wins!AU. Where We Go From Here - Draco and Astoria ditch a ball to chat in the kitchen. Take My Hand Take My Whole Life, Too - Returning for his eighth year, Draco confronts some of the demons haunting him with the help of a new friend. There's More to Jazz Than Just the Blues - The prompt for this was "Terrible Sequels." Mine was Spider-Man 3. I hope I did it justice. Not My Job - An early fic of mine. A random morning in Drastoria's life that goes a little bit awry. My Collection of Romione Skin - Ron likes Hermione's skin. One Fail Safe Way to Welcome a Witch - Ron reads a book. All That I Know - Hermione reflects on the hardships of war. Ron helps her through it. Her Smile - Polyjuice Potion goes awry during the Horcrux hunt. There's Nothing I Fear - Hermione's thoughts during Ron's return during the Horcrux hunt. Sorting Out His Priorities - The prompt here was to incorporate my QLFC teammates into the fic. So all the names might be a bit confusing, BUT in a nutshell, Ron has front row seats to a Chudley Cannons game. He also has a big surprise for Hermione that kinda, sorta doesn't go to plan. Stories I Really Enjoyed Writing I think my favorite part of fanfiction is exploring things and places I would never think to go on my own. Here are just a smattering of the random things I really enjoyed exploring. Back to Now - Draco Malfoy gets sucked back in time and only Merlin can get him back to the future? And what's this about a quest for the Holy Grail? Kissing in the Rain - A fluffy fic looking into the beginning of Percy and Audrey's relationship. (Title may contain spoilers.) So Wrong, It Might As Well Be Right - Teddy Lupin's having an affair. He doesn't mean to do it, but it feels... right. The Best Man - Fred was supposed to be George's best man when he got married. Then Fred died. Everything Worth Fighting For - Also known as the story that started my HugoxScorpius obsession... Raging Sorrow - Charlie Weasley experiences heartbreak in Romania. I'm not happy about it either. I've been blessed with some pretty amazing teammates over the years for the QLFC. Here are a few gift fics written by some pretty amazing people! |