Reviews for all my best lies
YOL001Twilight chapter 17 . 8/22
Loved it. Thanks for sharing
CutewithAcapital-Q chapter 17 . 8/5
This was too fun of a read!

Very teen romcom alla'to all the boys...'

I especially liked how you stretched it over the span of book 6 and pretty much replaced Hermione and Ron's subplot. Super indulgent, since I've always been low key salty that the majority of the book they were in a really petty fight. So kudos on the re-imagining that doesn't tamper with the canon of the Harry plot

My one kinda nit pick would be that chapter where Ron had such an awful day; I like the idea of him psyching himself out of going for what he wants and I think it was written really well, especially that scene with Ginny and the line about "..until you make yourself the problem." But I also got that "Because plot" vibe. like okay Ron is out of commission because of kiss-induced depression (Who hasn't been there?) but Hermione also kinda chickened out because plot.

Regardless, I liked their dynamic and even the underlying theme of deception and Hermione's really strained relationship with her parents, that it foreshadows her changing their memories for their protection.

and lines like 'It had taken five years of friendship and a fake relationship but he did it' are exactly what I signed up for

melove167 chapter 17 . 6/2
Aww this was such a fun, sweet story! Loved the way you wrote the characters and kept some elements of canon but had enough differences along the way to keep it all refreshing and interesting. I really enjoyed it! Thank you!
Guest chapter 17 . 5/22
amazing story thanks for sharing. always do love a good fake dating story
Nicholasinsjtu chapter 17 . 5/19
so sweet and i love it so much, thanks for your work.
maggie chapter 9 . 5/5
ahhhhhh i love this chapter so much im reading it quarantined lol, sorry i haven't reviewed before but i love this fanfiction!
K chapter 17 . 3/10
A darned good read. Well done.
M-Tiara chapter 17 . 3/6
It's a nice story and It runs exactly what I want. I love it.
cookeroach chapter 17 . 12/30/2019
This was amazing
Micaela chapter 17 . 12/27/2019
Finally something so great to fill my Romione heart! Thank you so much for writing this! Its awesome!
CocoaCollidoscope chapter 2 . 11/24/2019
hahahhahahahaha..i kept snorting and cackling my way through.

also... dun dun dun...
Bgrangerweasley chapter 17 . 11/17/2019
really nice story. I really enjoyed it.
Javad chapter 1 . 10/15/2019
It's stories like this and writers like you that make me wish there were an additional 50 chapters after this one. So perfect, you reeally understand the joy and pains of ron. I hope you come out with a new multi chapter fic soon!

PS first time reviewing someone on fanfiction
I really want Ed to appre
iris129 chapter 17 . 10/13/2019
Oh wow I love this. I'd seen around tumblr but never got around to reading it, and I'm so glad I did. Very enthralling, I read it in one sitting (seriously, tho, I have a midterm to study for and I read this instead, lol). Your characterization for everyone is on point, and I LOVE the titles of your chapters.
keeptheotherone chapter 17 . 10/2/2019
Loved reading this and especially liked how you wove things in with canon, even when you changed details to match your story. Thank you!
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