Author has written 36 stories for Wing Commander, Highlander, Wrestling, G. I. Joe, Crow, Dungeons and Dragons, Star Wars, Star Wars, Aliens/Predator, Angel, Atmosfear, Sarah Jane Adventures, Doctor Who, Phantasy Star, Batman, and SSX Tricky. I am a teller of stories. A weaver of dreams. I can dance, sing, and in the right weather I can stand on my head. I know seven word of Latin. I have a little magic and a trick or two. I know the proper way to meet a Dragon. I can fight dirty but not fair. I once swallowed thirty oysters in a minute. I am not domestic, I am a luxury, and in that sense, necessary. Jim Henson's "The Storyteller" 7/16/20: AN: After taking a look at one of my completed works here on and seeing some errors that need to be corrected, I will be reviewing all of my work on and on Fictionpress to fix errors that jump out at me. Thus, I am in editing mode for the time being. AN: I tend to update slowly. This is often due to inspiration and trying to keep real life's nose out of my business. I do appreciate everyone's patience. Trust me, no story is abandoned. AN: I have recently been approached by multiple members of inquiring if I am willing to take commissions. I can, if I am able. I will let you know up front if it is beyond me. Please, see the above AN and know that if I do take on a commission, it is not something that will be finished in a week or two. Also, please, don't request a commission that breaks the TOS of this site. I have been on this site too long to see my account suspended or deleted for breaking guidelines. In Progress Stories: "Tough Love" A new chapter is finally up! I have expanded and slowed down the pacing of this story, as it is taking on a life of its own. Now to get to work on the next chapter. This is a story that another member approached me to write. After significant brainstorming with him, this story looks to be a very interesting one. A lot of this story has been mapped out, and it is just a matter of getting each chapter written. I don't want to rush this story because of how much work has been put into it behind the scenes. I want to make sure I do this one right. While I have a lot of aspects of the characters planned out already, seeing them come to life as I write them is very interesting. "There's a Killer on the Loose" I am almost done with the next chapter. Yes, I know that the chapters are short. Yes, I still know who did it. No, I'm still not saying ahead of time. The ending is also set, and I am saying that now. I am saying that now so that no one can call shenanigans on me later. "The Guardians of Helm" I am doing some major editing of this story, so it will be a few bits before an actual new chapter is posted. "Prey for the Hunter" I am almost done with the next chapter. I am trying to keep with the hyper-detailed style that this story has had so far. When I first started this story, I didn't mind using AVP: Extinction as the source material. Now, I am not so sure. Unfortunately, given how far I've come with these first chapters, unless I want to do some significant re-writes, I will have to stick with using Extinction source material. "Duel of the Jedi" The story summary has been changed. Originally, this story was a stand-alone in which I was going to leave the era that it takes place in up to the reader. That has changed. It has become a midquel that takes place during the events of some of my other Star Wars stories. Yes, I changed the beginning. Originally, it began with an ancient Sith Lord waking up and setting the events in motion. Now, the story begins with the events that lead up to the Sith Lord awakening. Additionally, I used to have a number of other chapters up that were works in progress. That's why the one reviewer made mention of the chapters that sounded like RPG-bios. I have taken those chapters down because updating a chapter with new content doesn't change a story's place in line, thus not very many people would see the updates when they do take place. I want people to know about an update when it takes place. Also, given the fact that this is only one of a number of midquels, it will likely be some time before I update this story again. "The Immortal Brigadier" Some minor editing has been done. This story was conceived by the death of Nicholas Courtney. I have had to update things based on the changes that have taken place on the show since then. "My Best Friend, Sarah Jane Smith" Some minor editing has been done. Given how infrequently there seems to be traffic to this topic, I am still pondering just finishing this story to get it over and done with. I paused this story for the longest time because when I began it, I was not the expert on this series that I am now. I just need to get the juices flowing and write this piece. "Gemini" Some minor editing has been done. I know some of what I want to put into the next chapter. "I'm Here" Some minor editing has been done. I am finally working on the next chapter. I am torn between different paths to take this story. "The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of" Some minor editing has been done. Given how infrequently there seems to be traffic to this topic, I am pondering just finishing this story to get it over and done with. Again, this is my take on the events of the first SSX game, so a lot of characters won't be in the story. Granted, if I end up liking the story well enough, I might just do a sequel someday that deals with SSX Tricky. "Give Me the Prize!" Some editing has been done. I still hate this story, and this is definitely my last Highlander fanfiction. Granted, I said that with Emergence, and here is this story. I won't get into why I don't like this story, I will simply write the darn thing. I have the remainder of this story mostly planned out and the ending has been written for years. I just can't stay focused and energized on this story because I hate it so much. "I Wonder What People Will See in the Final Days" Some minor editing has been done. Given how infrequently there seems to be traffic to this topic, I am pondering just finishing this story to get it over and done with. Okay, this is not a long story. Both body chapters will be written and submitted at the same time, given the shtick of this story. The epilogue has been written for several years. The problem I am having is writing up all of the action that is going to take place and making sure to use the correct technique names. "War Party" Another decade plus drought has ended. I think I will be keeping some aspects of AVP: Extinction for this story. Here's to hoping that the next update won't be another decade in the coming. "Judgement Day" Some minor editing has been done. Like a Quentin Tarantino movie, this story will take place out of chronological order. However, what is time in the Doctor Who universe? "Flight of the Valkyries" A new chapter is up after too long. Finally. I have the next couple of chapters planned. I just need to get up the energy to write it all, especially the action. "A New Beginning" Some major editing has been done. Given how infrequently there seems to be traffic to this topic, I am pondering just finishing this story to get it over and done with. This story has gotten some life recently, I just have to keep it going. "Mourning Heart" I have changed the plot summary. This story was originally a stand-alone and not a sequel to "Death of the Academy." It also doesn't work as one of the multitude of midquels, given what the plot is. Now that it is a sequel, certain things work for me now that didn't before. Now to just write the darned thing. "Fall From Grace" I have changed the plot summary. I am working on the current chapter. However, as this has become one of my many Star Wars midquels, the stories that take place before this one will have to be dealt with first before I tackle this one again. "Second Chance" I have changed the plot summary. I need to charge up my batteries for this story. "The Dark Zodiac" Some minor editing has been done. I have a vague idea at this time where this story will ultimately go. "My Life's a Joke" Some minor editing has been done. I know where I want to take this story. Now to figure out how to get there. "The Great Jedi Purge" A new chapter is up. To answer one reviewer's question, no. This story is not canon. This story is just a series of shorts about some Jedi I created for the story as a whole and what happened to them during the Great Jedi Purge. "The Sith Empire" Some minor editing has been done. This story deals with the Sith Order in the era that I am writing in. And yes, I created Darth Inferis. There will be A LOT of characters in this story, so I apologize ahead of time. "Passion of the Jedi" Some minor editing has been done. This story deals with the Jedi Order in the era that I am writing in. There will be A LOT of characters in this story, so I apologize ahead of time. Upcoming Stories: "It is Not Hands That Call Us. It is Desire" A Hellraiser fic. "Wedding Dirge" A Crow fic. "Sinning Saints" A Crow fic. "Bittersweet Candy" A Crow fic. "Way of the West" A Crow fic. "Tainted Love" A Crow fic. "Send in the Clowns" A Crow fic. "When in Rome" A Crow fic. "Colour of Vengeance" A Crow fic. "Utterly Dreadful" A Crow fic. "Last Stand" A Colonial Marines tale. "How Distressing" A Colonial Marines story. "The Demon Who Makes Trophies of Men" Can you tell what three letters this fanfiction is best described by? "How To Move Forward?" This is a Phantasy Star 2 fic. "How Did All This Happen To Me?" Mario and Luigi have a talk about their games. "Cobra's Nest" When writing the latest chapters of "Flight of the Valkyries" and "A New Beginning" my interest in Wing Commander has been re-charged. This is going to be a loooooonnnnggg story. I don't honestly see an end for this one. However, "Flight of the Valkyries" and "A New Beginning" will need to be finished before I even submit the prologue of this one, so it may be quite some time. As with my other WC fics, this one will (eventually) be tied in one way or another to all my others. "Smashing Skynet" Yup, Terminator. "In the Darkness" My horror Star Wars story. KOTOR II inspired this tale, but it is not a KOTOR story. "Tale of the Twins" A Star Wars fic. "Weapons of War" A Star Wars fic. "Death Comes For Us All" A Star Wars fic. "We Are Gray" A Star Wars fic that runs parallel to "Passion of the Jedi" and "The Sith Empire." "We Are the Darkness" A Star Wars fic that runs parallel to "Passion of the Jedi" and "The Sith Empire." "The Knights of Order and Chaos"A Star Wars fic that runs parallel to "Passion of the Jedi" and "The Sith Empire." "Lost Light"A Star Wars fic. "Shadow Light"A Star Wars fic. "Jedi Noir"A Star Wars fic. "Fatal Fatale"A Star Wars fic. "Dead Reckoning"A Star Wars fic. "Death in the Force"A Star Wars fic. "Welcome to the Party" A Star Wars fic. "Righteous Furies" A Star Wars fic. "Time Festers All Wounds" A Star Wars fic. "Aggressive Negotiations" A Star Wars fic. "Knowledge is Power" A Star Wars fic. "Excitement and Adventure" A Star Wars fic. "Fire of the Soul" A Star Wars fic. "Run the Gauntlet" A Star Wars fic. "Trophy" A Star Wars fic. "Opposites Attract" A Star Wars fic. "Siren's Song" A Star Wars fic. "A Light In Their Eyes" A Star Wars fic. "Startling Revelations" A Star Wars fic. "Help Comes in Many Forms" A Star Wars fic. "Temptation" A Star Wars fic. Completed Stories: "Return of the Dead Man" The sequel to "Return to Darkness." I don't think this was as gruesome or dark as the original. It took me forever to complete it, though the epilogue was written long before the final chapter was ever finished. I ramped up the use of the color imagery. I feel that the final confrontation was a bit lacking, as I had trouble choreographing the wrestling match. In the end, I do like this story, but I think that there could have been more to it. "Welcome to the Other Side!" What this story became was not what I originally envisioned. I used to run a series of Atmosfear LARPS and the expansion of the universe that took place in them caused a shift in my thinking that made it difficult to write a story using only the canon. I also just wanted to have an additional completed story. In the end, it could have been more, but what it is isn't bad. I don't mind it. Sadly, the Atmosfear category doesn't get a lot of traffic. "Soul Harvesting" This was envisioned as a much longer story. However, for the same reasons as I explained with "Welcome to the Other Side!", and because I really couldn't get anything for this story going, I just wrapped it up. I would have deleted it all together if it hadn't had multiple reviews. I like the beginning of this story, but I am not fond of what it ultimately became. "I Can See You" This was also envisioned as a longer story originally. I don't know what caused it to be this short piece. Likely, it was for the desire to have another completed story on my list. I don't mind this story, and I am actually surprised at the positive reception it has been given. "Death of the Academy" I really love this story. The epilogue was practically the first thing written. It took me a long time to finish the final chapter before the epilogue. I had the end of the chapter written for a long time, it was a matter of how to arrive at that ending. I also did a bunch of editing to fix a few errors, which caused a couple of delays. Then the massive rewrite of the beginning of each chapter in which I took out the pseudo-RPG bio of each character and added an actual physical description of each character took place. I also added a few character interactions, as I realized that one character created for the story originally had no interaction with the rest of the characters that were created for the story. Having each chapter end how they do was on purpose so that people would read the epilogue. One character's outcome was slightly changed so that their presence in "Mourning Heart" was easier to tie-in. Though, now that I am writing this, I figured out a way to have that character around and use their original ending. I recall that when I initially began this story, I envisioned a different beginning. Though, that beginning would have not worked. I am really proud of this story and how it turned out. Bonus points to you if you can figure out which of the six characters is my favorite. I wish that this story had more attention, given how proud I am of it. Additionally, Beledok and Geviar are actually in KOTOR. It also felt strange upon replaying KOTOR to walk about the Enclave and stand where Keelie's chapter took place. I have edited this for what will, hopefully, be the last time. With any luck, I have finally gotten it right. "Dreadnoks Rule" The story that is sort-of on my resume. I get to tell people that I am an award-nominated internet author because of this story. While I like this story, given that the Dreadnoks are some of my favorite characters in G.I. Joe, I do acknowledge that it has multiple flaws. I think one flaw is the fact that the chapters are very short. I think I also made some of the characters too smart. I am glad that people read it now and again. "Under the Cover of Night" This is another story that I am slightly proud of. I say slightly because there things about it that I find flawed. I wish I had made the chapters longer, especially the final flight. As a whole, I do like this story. In its individual parts, it could be better. Given its age, I am not surprised it doesn't get many views. "Emergence" What can I say about this story? Well, for starters, I despise it immensely and wish it wasn't the story on my list that has gotten the most overall views. Why is this? Is Mary-Sue and Methos ship fanfiction that popular? I used to like this story, but once I realized it was a Mary-Sue, I turned on it. I am not above creating a character for the canon characters to interact with, especially when that character is something of an antagonist for the canon characters to overcome. The only reason I haven't deleted this story is because of its high view count and it has quite a number of reviews. Please, stop reading this story! Please, read my other stories, they're much better than this one. Seriously, the chapters are short and its a blatant Mary-Sue ship fic. What is the appeal? Again, please, stop reading this story! "Return to Darkness" Okay, I do like this story. I like it much better than its sequel. This one is darker in tone and a bit grittier, too. Remember what I said about creating a character for the canon to interact with and overcome? This. This story is just that. Given how long it took to finish the sequel, I am surprised I began and finished this one as quickly as I did. Now, given that it is an Undertaker story, I am not surprised at how many hits it has gotten. I wish it had more attention, however, because of its age, I can see why it doesn't get more. "To Be With You" This is just a small piece. It is exactly what it was intended to be. I am glad it has gotten the attention it has, and am not surprised that it doesn't get more, again because of its age. Yes, I do like this piece. "Wing Commander Omega" The story that started the Wing Commander section here at Though Wing Commander doesn't get a lot of stories, which likely means not a lot of attention, I am still pleased with the fact that I was the first person to post a story in this category. I have made several edits to this story over the years to deal with the little things when I notice them in my other Wing Commander stories. As a stroke to my ego, a number of years ago, I was able to get Tom Wilson, who played Maniac in the live-action clips of the game, to autograph a copy for me. That's what this story means to me. I consider every hit and review of this story to be extremely satisfying. This story is a prime example of the fact that I prefer to write in the universe, as opposed to taking the canonical characters on a new adventure. I hope that this story continues to get more reviews and more hits. I am still hoping that it someday surpasses "Emergence" in terms of the sheer number of hits. Oh, and someday, the surviving characters from this story will be characters in a sequel that I will tackle once "A New Beginning" and "Flight of the Valkyries" are finished. If I could say anything negative about this story, it would be that I should have made the final confrontation with the main villain different. "Routine Patrol" My second story in the Wing Commander universe. I use the characters from this in "A New Beginning" as one way to tie the various stories in with one another. This story originally had a much different ending to it. However, as I was writing it, I opted to change the ending to the one it has now. To avoid spoilers, I won't be saying any more. Do I like this story? Yes, I do. I will admit to a bit of befuddlement on the one criticism that a reviewer gave to it. Personally, I don't see the problem that the reviewer gave it, but that is likely because I wrote this and thus see and understand things within this story differently than a reader would. Mind you, I do welcome all feedback, including negative feedback if it is constructive. Feedback that simply tells me that you think something sucks doesn't help me to improve for next time. In the case for this story, the reviewer was indeed constructive. All that said, I know that this story is short, especially when compared to the other Wing Commander fics I have on here, however, I really wish that this story had more reviews. I know that because of its age, that is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. Still, one can hope. Keep checking for more updates! JP McClendon |
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