Disclaimer: I don't own the Star Wars universe or Star Wars KOTOR, Walt Disney and Bioware do. They also own all the characters and worlds contained therein. The characters created by me for this story are all that I own.

"War is more natural than peace. They are just as often fought over a want of power as they are over a difference in views and ideals. Those who die actively fighting are often the lucky ones. Those who try to simply go about their daily lives are usually the ones who must suffer the most. Unfortunately for them, their suffering is as much an inescapable reality as death is."

Prologue: Death of the Academy

The day at the Jedi Enclave began like any other on Dantooine. The Jedi masters oversaw the routines of the Padawans and the Apprentices, the merchants opened their shops for the daily business, and the farmers flocked in for reasons too numerous to count. Interaction with the farmers and merchants on the part of the Jedi was pleasant, if not a bit formally cold, as always.

Once all was settled and calm, the Masters retired to their rooms to silently meditate on things to come. Malak was only gaining power and territory the longer this war went on, and no word had come yet from Bastila and Revan regarding their progress in finding the Star Forge. Each felt in his heart that somehow the Force had failed them. Master Vrook's faith in Bastila was unshakable, but he did not believe in Revan. Revan had failed the Jedi before. He knew what Vandar and the others thought as well. They were skeptical, but believed. They had no choice.

Sudden, the Enclave was rocked by a great explosion. They were under attack. The farmers and other civilians ran for their lives as, one by one, the Masters, Padawans, and Apprentices, rushed to be ready for combat. Merchants were ordered to close up shop and get to safety by a few Padawans shortly before a huge laser blast came down from the sky and struck them dead where they stood. A woman on the pathway to the plains was frozen in place with fear, her youngling hugged tightly to her for protection. A laser blast came down on her position, and a young Padawan barely tackled her out of the way in time. Looking at her, the Padawan simply nodded at the woman. The woman ran, still clutching her youngling in her arms. Though the volley from orbit lasted only a minute or so, it felt like an eternity. Shuttles and troop transports began to land all about the Enclave. Sith soldiers and dozens of Dark Jedi exited their ships and converged upon the decimated Enclave. Padawans and a few Apprentices engaged in lightsaber duels with their attackers. One of the transport ships listed to one side as it took fire from other ships. It flew a few hundred yards, and then crashed out in the plains.

The Apprentices and the Padawans were beginning to be overwhelmed when the last shuttle touched down. The ramp opened slowly and the Darth Malak himself surveyed the area. Walking with the power and authority that only he himself possessed, he headed for the entrance and the heaviest of the fighting. A Padawan ran at him, but was cut down by a stream of Force Lightning from the Dark Lord's fingertips. "Bring that one," Malak commanded to a pair of troopers. The troopers acknowledged their orders and grabbed up the fallen Jedi. Malak continued to walk towards the entrance to the Enclave as the fighting continued all around him. He saw the body of Jedi historian Deesra lying at the feet of a young Padawan. The Padawan looked up at the Dark Lord and shuddered for a brief instant. Malak raised his hand to deal with the Padawan, when the Padawan raised a single hand.

"I live only to serve you, Lord Malak," said the Padawan. Then he reached behind him for two bulging objects tied to the back of his belt. As he brought the objects into view, Malak noticed that it was the heads of Jedi Masters Dorak and Vrook. "I am yours to command, Master." The Padawan knelt down and bowed his head.

An escape shuttle took off from the hangar under the Enclave, disrupting Malak's momentary pleasure. He growled his unhappiness and considered the betraying Padawan. "Go, to my shuttle, my new Apprentice," he ordered. The Padawan rose and headed for the shuttle. Malak threw back his head and laughed a mechanical maniacal laugh at his victory.

To be continued…