![]() Author has written 9 stories for Pride and Prejudice, Count of Monte Cristo, and Harry Potter. Why? Because Jane Austen died too young. Hi, I'm Fredrica Edward. Upon reading many great Pride and Prejudice variations, I decided to try writing my own. After an encouraging response, I've now started publishing my completed stories. All my stories have Pinterest boards to illustrate them, just google "Fredrica Edward Pinterest" to find them. CURRENTLY WORKING ON Quantum Entanglement
28/11/17 Current competitions Cinder Lizzy - chapter-naming competition running. Enter through reviews. Go Down Red Roses - chapter-naming competition running. Enter through reviews. Acrostic competition. To celebrate the release of the hard copies of Via Luton and Time's Up, I am giving away a hardcopy and Kindle version of my next book, Sweet Torment, which should be released early 2018, to the first persons to solve either of the acrostics at the back of the paperback versions of VL or TU. Please send your entries in by the review pages for the relevant book on fanfiction, and don't forget you must be logged in so that I can PM you to claim your prize. 15/10/17 Sweet Torment & The Lectrice currently being prepared for publication The winners of the best review competition for ST were: alix33 Laure SaintYves 5/4/17 Time's Up released in trade paperback on Amazon and Createspace. It is available electronically for the Kindle and is also currently available on Kindle Unlimited. Thanks to my amazing cover artist for the great picture of Darcy and the astrolabe! There seemed to be renewed interest in Via Luton as well, so I'll keep it on KU for the moment. The winners of the chapter-naming competition for The Lectrice are: Ch 26: AliasKelly - "All is Fair" Ch 42: Katzenpfote - "Roses and thorns" Ch 48: AnnWest - "A night at the opera" Ch 28: DizzyLizzy60 - "Audentis Fortuna iuvat" Ch 36: maeseaview - "Cross purposes" Ch 58: EricaSykes - "Smell the roses" 3/9/16 The Via Luton paperback is now for sale on Amazon in the US and Europe. Readers from other countries can purchase it through Createspace. I have also enrolled it in the Matchbook program; so if you buy the paperback you can purchase the Kindle version as well for only a little extra. For my Australian readers, I'm working on getting it printed here but that's going to take a little longer. Thanks to my amazing cover artist who did such a wonderful job producing the original cover inspired by the photo of Nina Dobrev in her crinoline. It looks even better in hardcopy than on my iPad. 27/4/16 My apologies for a few formatting errors in the original Kindle edition of Via Luton which arose during the Kindle conversion process. I have now sorted these out. The new edition has V1.2 Apr 2016 on the copyright page. If you would like to update, please go to Amazon customer services and ask them to "push" the latest version of I Met Mr Darcy Via Luton to your Kindle. 16/3/16 As a thank you to those who favorited Via Luton I offered a countdown deal of VL to allow readers to purchase it at half-price. Thanks to readers who wrote reviews. Published work Via Luton 410 pages in 6x9 trade paperback. My second story, Via Luton, is a Hunsford fork. I always thought Elizabeth was remarkably composed and civil in response to Darcy's proposal. I'm sure I would have torn strips off him. So I set about constructing a scenario where she would be justified in taking more violent action. I couldn't help thinking that Darcy's infatuation in Austen's original tale must surely have been grounded in lust... Departing from Austen's original plot after chapter 26 was pretty scary. Thanks to those who supported me with their reviews. Some reviewers thought the story went on too long, but I intentionally continued past the equivalent point in Austen's novel because I thought it appropriate for modern readers. In these days of easier divorce, marriage involves starting with a good base and continued negotiation, so I wanted to portray a little of that with ODC. The Pinterest board is largely complete. The book is now published as I Met Mr Darcy Via Luton on for the Kindle on Amazon and is currently available through KDP Select. The first 4 chapters are still available on fanfiction, along with the epilogue, originally chapter 71, now as "chapter 5". Time's Up 410 pages in 6x9 trade paperback. My third ff story, Times Up, was published on 5th April, 2017. It starts with a prequel, illustrating Darcy's mindset as he heads to Hertfordshire, and forks before the Netherfield Ball. I was inspired to attempt angst by some of Jannet Doe's great angsty stories, which you'll find in my favourites list. The Times Up Pinterest boards are largely complete. Works in Progress My first story on fanfiction, Sweet Torment, is being prepared for publication. Thanks to those who kept me motivated with their reviews to keep improving it! I have now started posting an outtake from Via Luton detailing what happened to Mr Darcy's chere amie, Genette From chapter 6 onwards called Ruth's Story. Update 2/6/17 i decided to continue posting Ruth's Story, which isa Sense and Sensibility vagary at A Happy Assembly. I thought there might be some more hardcore JA fans over there. My fourth story, The Lectrice is currently being prepared for publication. Thank you to those who contributed to the chapter-naming competition. Winners were announced at the end of the story and at the top of my profile. Entries will remain here until the Kindle version is published, whence you will find them in the appendix. Ch 1: maeseaview - runner-up for Ch 45 Ch 2: Dizzy Lizzy.60 - runner-up for Ch 45 Ch 3: Dizzy Lizzy.60 - tie for Ch 54 Ch 7: LotsOfLaundry - "Half-sick of shadows" Ch 18: kalizivis - "Yonder window breaks" Ch 19: Steeleo - "Bingley's boudoir" Ch 20: AliasKelly - "Sirens and succubi" Ch 21: DizzyLizzy60 - "Obsessions" Ch 22: marinka - "Willkommen in Wien" Ch 23: EmilyWoods - "Into the night" Ch 24: EmilyWoods - "Dreams" Ch 25: Steeleo - "The cavalry arrives" Ch 26: AliasKelly - "All is Fair" Ch 27: Steeleo - "The earl disposes" Ch 28: DizzyLizzy60 - "Audentis Fortuna iuvat" Ch 29: myship - "A reason to arise" Ch 30: Keg - "Sticky wicket" Ch 31: marinka - "In a pickle" Ch 32: ilex-ferox - "Tangled web" Ch 33: LotsOfLaundry - "Whooose cameo?" Ch 34: LotsOfLaundry - "Mistress of mayhem" Ch 35: FatPatricia515 - "In cognito" Ch 36: maeseaview - "Cross purposes" Ch 37: Happy Lizzy - "Revelations according to Finn" Ch 38: AliasKelly - "Tales from the Cheapside" Ch 39: suddenlysingle - "Love is blind" Ch 40: ilex-ferox - "Master stroke" Ch 41: deanna27 - "Least in sight" Ch 42: Katzenpfote - "Roses and thorns" Ch 43: Dizzy Lizzy.60 - "Cows and other livestock" Ch 44: 42isIndeedTheAnswer - "The vice man cometh" Ch 45: mdg99 - "Poetic justice" Ch 46: AliasKelly - "Rules of engagement" Ch 47: EricaSykes - "Secret service" Ch 48: AnnWest - "A night at the opera" Ch 49: Irina-314 - "Knights and dragons" Ch 50: ilex-ferox - "Birds, bees and beasts of the field" Ch 51: ilex-ferox - "Ariston Men Hydor" Ch 52: nessy22 - "Missing Jane" Ch 53: ilex-ferox - "Conversation" Ch 54: FatPatricia515 - "Recovery" Ch 55: ilex-ferox - "Bristol fashion" Ch 56: ODCODG - "Haggling Skills" Ch 57: readerfolly - "Wedding belle" Ch 58: EricaSykes - "Smell the roses" My fifth ff story is Go Down Red Roses. Entries for the chapter-naming competition are: Ch 1: Clara84 - "Compassion is everything" Ch 2: Laura SaintYves - "The Blood Countess" Ch 3: Missouri Walker - "Assault and Bàthory" Ch 4: YepItsMe - "The Phoenix" Ch 5: Anglocelt - "Dying for a drink" Ch 6: austen16 - "Toil and trouble" Ch 7: Chica de Los Ojas Café - "A slight headache" Ch 8: Laura SaintYves - "Wanderlust" Ch 9: Deanna27 - "Moth to a flame" Ch 10: Deanna27 - "Chemistry" Ch 11: Deanna27 - "Restraint" Ch 12: Laura SaintYves - "Like attracts like" Ch 13: Deanna27 - "Fox on the run" Ch 14: Deanna27 - "Under his skin" Ch 15: Dizzy Lizzy.60 - "The fine art of fibs" Ch 16: Laura SaintYves - "Animal magnetism" Ch 17: Chica de Los Ojas Café - "Nightwalkers" Ch 18: YepItsMe - "Where there's smoke" Ch 19: Sacredwoman2K - "The rake" Ch 20: CG4me - "Left behind" Ch 21: austen16 - "A meeting with a cat" Ch 22: Chica de Los Ojas Café - "The Pests of Kent" Ch 23: Chica de Los Ojas Café - "Domestic bliss" Ch 24: Mariafae - "Dark secrets" Ch 25: Laura Saintyves - "Interview with the vampire" Ch 26: amamama - "Elementary" Ch 27: YepItsMe - "I'll take the red" Ch 28: Ansujali - “Fangs and claws” Ch 29: Deanna27 - “Double-cross purposes” Ch 30: amamama - "The dark knight" Ch 31: Chica de Los Ojas Café - "Touch and go" Ch 32: Anglocelt - "Every breath you take" Ch 33: nanciellen - "Beyond the pall" Ch 34: Windchimed - "The ends justify the means" Ch 35: Deanna27 - "Slightly disguised" Ch 36: phyloxena - "Things that go bump" Ch 37: Laure Saint-Yves - "A cryptic encounter" Ch 38: Brytte Mystere - “Midnight Bell” Ch 39: anita1788 - “Chains that bind” Ch 40: LMFG - “Sturm und Drang” Ch 41: Deanna27 - “Engagement” Ch 42: beaty - “Action and reaction” Ch 43: Tina - “The experiment” Ch 44: Laura Saint-Yves - “The cat is out of the bag” Ch 45: beaty - “Leg-shackled” Ch 46: Anglocelt - “A twist in the tale” My sixth ff story is Cinder Lizzy. Entries for the chapter-naming competition are: Ch 1: Laura SaintYves - "The golden apples" Ch 2: ilex-ferox - "Inkblots and tea leaves” Ch 3: ilex-ferox- "Frills and Furbelows” Ch 4: Irina-314 - "Prelude" Ch 5: Chica de Los Ojas Cafe - "Quite an entrance” Ch 6: Chica de Los Ojas Cafe- "More silk than muslin” Ch 7: Chica de Los Ojas Café - "A charming shade of pink" Ch 8: Kaohing - "To London, to London!" Ch 9: suddenlysingle - "Something in the heir" Ch 10: ilex-ferox - "New-found friends" Ch 11: Windchimed - "Happy Bearday" Ch 12: WendiaAprigio - "Allegro con angoli" Ch 13: Windchimed - "Animal attraction" Ch 14: ilex-ferox - "The affair of the punch" Ch 15:Windchimed- "A for Apology" Ch 16: ilex-ferox - "Breeches and promise" Ch 17: ilex-ferox - "Cousins and correspondence" Ch 18: FatPatricia515 - "Keeping up with the Lucases" Ch 19: nanciellen - "Taken for a ride" Ch 20: vaarin - "Robbing Peter to pay Paul" Ch 21: EmilyWoods - "The wedding punch” Ch 22: FatPatricia515 - "Reflections on the married state" Ch 23: suddenlysingle - "The mirror crack'd" Ch 24: beaty - "Mary, Mary quite contrary" Ch 25: beatrizwolfstark - "Enter the dragon lady” Ch 26: Windchimed - "Map that leads to you" Ch 27: ilex-ferox - "Con brio" Ch 28: guest - “Bonfire of the vanities” Ch 29: guest - “Stale mate” Ch 30: FatPatricia515 - "The cascade" Ch 31: guest - "Pride before the fall" Ch 32: guest - "In sickness and in health" Ch 33: Lee36 - "Terms of endearment" Ch 34: beaty - “The mourning after” Ch 35: FatPatricia515 - “The reluctant tourist” Have a beautiful day. Fred Sweet Torment Resources Finale Dream Catch Me by Newton Faulkner on YouTube Times Up Resources Ch 3.10 Theme Song Love is Like Oxygen by The Sweet Ch 8.1 Short documentary on The Seige of Badajoz on YouTube Ch 25.17 Church Hymn Love Divine on YouTube Ch 26.3 Musical rendition of Tennyson's The Lady of Shallot on YouTube Ch 26.5 Celtic version of Greensleeves on YouTube Ch 31.16 Diablo demonstration on YouTube Ch 31.24 A Guided Tour of York on YouTube Ch 32.10 Two-handed cat's cradle sequence on YouTube Ch 32.11 Cat's cradle hand trap on YouTube Ch 33.1 Playing Snapdragon on YouTube Via Luton Resources Girt-The Unauthorised-History of Australia by David Hunt Ch 36 Se tu m'ami, se sospiri by Pergolesi Ch 42 Lady Louisa Stuart was a daughter of the third Earl of Bute, an earldom in Scotland. He purchased Luton Hoo in Bedfordshire in 1762 around the time he became Prime Minister. Bach Air on a G String as played by Mary at the ceremony. Lydia in action as seen in Great Australian Rules Marks. If you can't appreciate the athleticism, there's always the short shorts. |