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Joined 03-09-14, id: 5578428, Profile Updated: 08-28-19
Author has written 2 stories for Magic: The Gathering, and Pokémon.

Well hello there, whoever you are, I am DragonFelicis. You probably gathered that already.

In celebration of my new(est) pokemon story I've decided to put down a few things relating to it on my profile page. Just for those who are interested.

Since I've got a lot of characters there to use and keep track of, having something here might help a few people do the same. And also put down some details and information that may not be able to be properly shown in the story.

Trainer Profile

Felix: Our intrepid trainer. Felix doesn't have a legal last name. Raised in Sinnoh's Solaceon Town. He is a foster child, being raised for most of his life by the stern, but still pretty good, Miss Norrie. Felix was a normal child until one day while sitting through class, he began hearing things and feeling odd waves of emotion that weren't his own. Then a starly was speaking and he had no idea what was going on. Looking around, out of bounds, he found a trapped riolu that was the source of all this, her aura flailing uncontrollably.

This riolu, that he would later name Keira, was not happy to see a human and smacked him around not once, but twice, trying to drive him away. She succeeded, those two times, as six-year-old children don't like being hit, but guilt brought him back again and again until she finally relented and allowed him to help her.

Felix wouldn't start his pokémon journey until he was eleven. Largely due to the fact he had to pay for everything himself, Miss Norrie only gave the bare assistance in this endeavour, took him a year of odd jobs and pocket money before he was able to get everything he needed and then he was off. To Kanto. Felix not wanting to start in his home region and embarrass himself, instead vowing to come back when he was ready.

Personality: From ages six to fourteen, Felix is an excited sort, loving to run ahead, jump into a situation, chatter the ears off anyone who will listen. He's happy to laugh off whatever barbs his pokémon might say to him, or others, and loves them all anyway. Felix isn't the best commander in a pokémon battle, prioritising his pokémon's welfare over victory and in his earlier days pulled out of many battles where his pokémon were getting too damaged for his comfort, but thanks to his closer connection with pokémon has been able to plan up several impressive maneuvers. He's overall a cheerful person, one who finds it easier to be around pokémon than humans.

After Sinnoh, however, something happens that causes a drastic change in Felix's personality. For a long time, it only gets worse from there...

Likes: Pokécola. A drink designed predominantly for pokémon, but Felix himself grew a taste for it after nagging Keira five-too-many-times for a sip. Spending time with his pokémon. Playing pranks with, and on, Keira. Ghost-types Pokemon Contests. Pokemon battles, but not as much as contests. Pokemon showcases, but not as much as the former two. White chocolate. Exploring new and, potentially dangerous, places. Learning, especially about pokémon and/or history. The cold. His human friends.

Dislikes: Poffins. He just never could learn to enjoy them. Being hot. Being especially dirty. Dark chocolate. His pokémon getting more hurt than even they are okay with. End of the world situations. Kyurem, and the curse the legend put on him. Team Galactic and especially Team Plasma.

First Person Comment: "What's there to know about me? I'm Felix, nice to meet you!"

Felix's (many) Pokemon

Journeying across the regions brought Felix into contact with many pokemon. Many were happy to come with him, curious of this human that understood the pokemon language. Some, however, not so much.

This area will be updated as I introduce pokemon in A Trainer's Epoch.

Keira (Riolu to Lucario): Keira was Felix's first pokemon. Officially, until Felix was able to get a trainers licence, Keira was owned by Miss Norrie, but she was Felix's partner through and through. Having been found stuck in some old wire, right at the back of his school, Felix and Keira did not have the best first meeting. She punched him. Their second meeting was worse, somehow, as she punched him again, but this time in the jaw. Keira was sure she had seen the last of the human, but no matter how she tried she couldn't free herself of the wire and was bleeding from where it cut into her leg. Fortunately, Felix did return yet again having snuck out and this time Keira relented, allowing the human to help her and accepting his offer to bring her back to his home to rest and recover.

The riolu had sworn she'd stay only until she recovered, wanting to run and never stop, but something about the young human made her stay. It would take Keira nearly six years to evolve, despite their closeness, but never once did she look back on their time together and think she would have been better off alone.

Unusually for a riolu or a lucario, Keira cannot control aura very well. And due to being such an aura-sensitive creature her aura constantly bursts from her. She was unable to learn Aura Sphere due to her lack of control, but managed lesser aura-based techniques like the Force Palm, Bone Rush and Reversal attacks. Due to her lack of control she is also unable to use aura-sight or any other aura techniques that require even moderate control.

Personality: If asked, Keira would refer to herself as awesome. To Felix, he'd say the same. Spunky is the word many of Felix's other pokémon would use to describe Keira. Be it as a riolu or lucario Keira never outgrew her playful side, her hotheadedness or her utter determination. Competitive is Keira's game and she does not like to lose, standing up to and challenging anything that she chooses, be it from an onix a thousand times her size or an aerodactyl so crazed it was trying to eat her. Keira gives no quarter and never backs down. To Felix's dismay. Her inability to properly channel aura is of great shame and disgust in herself, but she hides such inner worries from everyone else.

Likes: Pokecola. She was the one who got Felix addicted to it in the first place. Burnt popcorn with dark chocolate. Battling. Battling opponents that outclass her. Bone Rush and Force Palm. Teasing her trainer. Playing pranks with, and on, her trainer. Swimming, but struggles due to now being a lucario. Punching bad guys in the face.

Dislikes: Sweet things. Being pulled out of battle, whether or not she was able to keep going. Ghost-types. Her difficulty with aura. Thinking about the past. Her father. Anyone and anything that threatens Felix, including multiple of her own teammates. Stubbornness, despite being the stubbornest of them all.

First Person Comment: "Hey come on, I can keep fighting!"

Kanto-Caught Pokemon

Adrien (Aerodactyl): Possibly Felix's most violent pokémon, others may get close but Adrien was always among the most difficult to control, and the first pokémon he had the misfortune of catching (Keira technically being caught by Miss Norrie). Adrien was an aerodactyl revived from an old amber, and he was not happy upon waking up. With only scattered memories of the time that had been before, and completely unprepared for all these strange pink things saying words he couldn't fathom, Adrien went on a rampage. He caused considerable damage during his time free, attacking a plane, killing another aerodactyl and nearly killing both Keira and Felix, both fresh off their first badge.

Only due to Keira pushing herself far beyond her limits did they manage to survive, and in a moment of hysteric panic, Felix caught the downed aerodactyl. He thought he was free to give the aerodactyl back to the scientists, but the aerodactyl thought otherwise and broke containment and went off searching for the human that had defeated it. Felix was more capable in their next encounter, however, and the aerodactyl was stuck with him afterwards.

Personality: Violent. Uncontrollable. Crazed. All words that describe Adrien the aerodactyl, none completely true though. Adrien is from a time before humanity, when pokémon battles were always life or death and there was no time, no concept, of recreational activity. Getting used to how the world works took time, and he never fully shed his wild instincts. Adrien did, however, learn how to adjust to this new world and once he calmed down an inquisitive nature came forth. When not in battle, or hunting, Adrien is quiet and often secludes himself, but if engaged, and whomever engaged him is not driven off by threats, a surly, but curious personality comes forth.

Likes: Hunting. Fresh meat. Gliding along the wind currents. Battling. Asking questions. Threatening others, but particularly enjoys those who don't back off and/or threaten him back. Being alone, but occasionally company is desired. Felix. Warm days. Sand. Horizon, both the concept and the individual.

Dislikes: Canned food. The cold. Weather he can't fly in. Water. Mountainous regions, especially cliffs. Being questioned. Being bothered.

First Person Comment: "No."

Diego (Growlithe to Arcanine): The life of Number Four wasn't a terrible one, but it was a difficult one. No matter how hard the young growlithe tried, he just couldn't understand the various, and many, tactical operations the other growlithe seemed to get with ease. He tried and learned, but never enough, never the right one. Things may have continued, arduous and complicated had the growlithe and his handler not met Felix. The young trainer had found himself foul of a pair of Team Rocket operatives who had already taken Keira, the Officer Jenny and her specialists-in-training growlithe came to his defence. But Number Four simply didn't understand the orders and the growlithe fell out of rhythm and were defeated. In desperation and refusal to lose his only pokémon, Felix took charge and gave the last remaining growlithe direct orders. This he could understand and they managed to defeat the pair and save the day.

Grateful, the Officer Jenny offered both of them the opportunity to go together, a chance the growlithe accepted and shed the number and took a name. Diego.

Personality: Diego was a silly growlithe and an even sillier arcanine. Even as he got bigger, he seemed to think he was still a puppy and would jump, and play, and prance and chase his tail all the more. Many have met the arcanine and thought the pokémon to be simple, slow and perhaps a little dumb. Diego enjoys taking things easy and doesn't over-complicate things, but he was still a police growlithe and hasn't forgotten those lessons, the ones he actually learned at least. A battler through and through, though, Diego was actually the pokémon who suggested forming the Titan Challenge, a specialised gauntlet to help keep their skills sharp while they were not on the active team. Diego also enjoys the fact that he was the first pokémon Felix intended to catch and hangs that over Adrien's head.

Likes: Chasing his tail. Playing. Running. Barking. Howling. Being set on fire. Battling. Shira, but only sometimes. Burnt food, even more burnt than Keira's enjoyment. Charcoal. Napping. Cuddling and being used as a place to sleep on.

Dislikes: His tail. Water. Shira, but only sometimes. Crooks. Anyone and anything that attacks a human. Being looked down on. Thunderstorms.

First Person Comment: "Ooh, ooh, ooh! Pick me! Me!"

Shira (Meowth to Persian): An alley-cat caught in Saffron City, in yet another attempt to beat Sabrina, Shira was caught due to a deal she and Keira made. Felix had no part in it until he found them battling and Keira demanded he catch her. Shira slid her way into the team with ease, irritating Diego at any chance and teasing Keira whenever she could. Despite her seemingly humble beginnings, there were a number of things she kept hidden from even Felix for many years.

Personality: Tricky and sly, Shira is a very persuasive speaker, preferring to fight with words more than her claws. She enjoys knowing people, but doesn't like others knowing her, playing up an ordinary, boring aspect of herself. She's very defensive, not liking questions. Shira is also protective of the teams and is one of the most likely of Felix's non-homicidal pokémon to resort to lethal measures if she feels it is necessary.

Likes: Naps. Warm days. Messing with Diego. Felix. Napping on Felix. Messing with Felix. The right kind of pat, and the good scratches. Scratching many, many, things.

Dislikes: Naps being interrupted. Nosy individuals. Evil Teams. Homicidal pokémon. BRVR. Diego messing with her. Getting wet.

First Person Comment: "No, no, no, don't mind me. Go ahead, please~"

Brian (Cubone to Marowak): Most cubone and marowak find themselves alone before long. Most due to intentional seclusion, for Brian it was due to being too weak. There was nothing but dreams in the young cubone's mind, dreams of a trainer that would see the potential in him and sweep him away to become strong. Such a fantasy was seen as nothing but. As a weak cubone, few trainers were interested in him, and as a shy pokémon fewer trainers even ever saw him. It was only through a surge of boldness did Felix ever meet Brian, and both were happier that they did.

Personality: Brian is a cocky, overconfident, brazen marowak who doesn't hold back his tongue nor thinks with his head in the best of times. Getting a trainer made him decide he was finally invincible, and no amount of humbling would ever truly stick. Nothing was quite as annoying as his tendency to flirt with anything female and with a heartbeat, a heartbeat which was optional in the case of Ghost pokémon, but he would always take the inevitable rejection well.

Likes: The girls: Keira, Shira, Emma, Tania, Sahara, Malissa, Isolde, Sarah, Chelsea, Phoebe, Clarisse, Alice, Minerva, Horizon, Monica. Battling. Chatting. Hanging with the guys. Trying to work the computer.

Dislikes: Lilith (Too crazy, even for him), Ruby (Too young) Willow (Way too young). Being defeated. The very idea of giving up. Being called small, short, little-one, kiddo, short-stuff, short-stack, stout, junior, widdle-one, tiny, teeny, wheeny and George.

First Person Comment: "Helllloo beautiful."

Emma (Lapras): A vast majority of pokémon enjoy battling. Even just as a pastime, there are few pokémon who don't like to release some stress in a battle. Emma is one of those few. Pacifistic, gentle, calm and quiet, this lapras prefers to sing rather then fight, swim, rather then race, and cheer rather than participate.

Her reluctance towards battling left multiple trainers frustrated and she had been traded around and sold several times before a more understanding trainer realised the problem and chose to release her into the ocean. The gesture meant a lot to her, as Emma had been hatched by a breeder and had never been in the ocean. Unfortunately, she had never been in the ocean, never been in the wild, and the lapras did not know how, or would regardless, to hunt for food. She grew weak and malnourished, but was found by another kind trainer who helped her recover.

Felix had no intention to bring Emma along, he had learned she was not a pokémon that enjoyed battling and didn't wish to force her to, but the lapras came after him and asked, pleaded, if she could come anyway. She still didn't want to battle, so he never asked her to, but Emma came to be just as important in his teams of pokémon for her ability to defuse anger, calm down pokémon at each others throats, and find better solutions than one beating the other until they relented a point or issue.

Personality: A calm and gentle rock in the middle of a raging storm that is many of Felix's pokémon, Emma is exceptionally composed and confident in herself. A motherly pokémon, despite being quite young, she seeks out the pokémon that need someone to listen to, to scream with, to cry on or just speak to in their times where even Felix cannot help. Emma is a cheerful and pleasant figure to be around, always singing a tune off key and causing an odd reversal effect of the move Sing's usual effect. Emma's Sing heightens energy rather than sends one to sleep. A leader when she needs to be, Emma was also one of the founding members of another group among Felix's pokémon, the NFL (Non Fighters League) in opposition to the Titans.

Likes: Singing, even if she's not very good at it. Swimming. Canned food. Relaxing. Pokemon Contests, although not a fan of the battle segment. Pokemon Showcases, loving this one. Giving others rides. Spending time with others, outside of water she floats with a Psychic placed on herself. Spending time with those who especially need someone. Talking down fights. Muffins.

Dislikes: Battling, but will if there is no other option. Particularly aggressive pokémon. Particularly aggressive humans. Those who don't listen. Those who don't want help. Deserts. Shadow Pokemon, a special level of dislike here as they cannot be reasoned with. Breeding Centres.

First Person Comment: "Now that we've settled down, why don't you tell me all about it?"

Johto-Caught Pokemon

Nathan (Cyndaquil to Typhlosion): The first pokémon Felix received as a gift, from Professor Elm. After failing at Kanto, and the recovery during a small holiday, Felix was ready to continue his journey. With Keira by his side and the five other pokémon he had obtained, Johto would surely fall to their might. However, the time had come to properly meet a deal he had made with Professor Rowan, and Felix sent five of his pokémon to the good professor. Rowan put a good word in with him with Professor Elm, and after giving some help to the frazzled professor, he gave him a cyndaquil.

For a young pokémon, the cyndaquil was very wise and Felix named him Nathan. Nathan was a curiosity, being quiet, deliberate, almost zen in his actions. Unless battle was up, in which the stoic cyndaquil would become a boisterous blazing beast.

Each evolution would bring Nathan further out of his shell, but the Fire type never lost his deliberateness, or his dream to read a book.

Personality: Composed and studious, Nathan is rarely the first to speak, preferring to watch and decide upon his words and actions once enough information has been given to him. Surprisingly wise for a young pokémon, Nathan has a good ear to listen to woes and a few choice words to try and help. The exception to his calm reserved personality is in battles, the typhlosion showing that he still is a Fire pokémon through and through and excels in delivering quick, decisive blows of fire to lay down opponents.

Fascinated with fire; Nathan also does his best to learn the human written language so he can learn what they know of the world.

Likes: Fire. Books. Computers. The squiggles human's call writing. Phoebe. Battling. Staring into flames. Dispensing wisdom. Philosophical talks, especially with Water and Grass pokémon. Unown, wants to meet one to figure out language.

Dislikes: Stupidity. His difficulty in learning the human writing language. Being ill. Sneezing, it causes explosions. Brian, but only when he is around Phoebe. Willful ignorance.

First Person Comment: "Perhaps look at it this way?"

Tania (Sneasel to Weavile): The life of a Dark pokémon is not an easy one. Mistrusted on principal, suspicious in behaviour and difficult in personality, most Dark pokémon are loners. Tania, was one of these pokémon. A scavenger in a hotter area she was accustomed to, Tania found her niche of targets in confident trainers who believed their belongings to be safe. Like a bandit she would dart into an encampment, snatch the trainers bag, and dart off. Over time, the sneasel grew more confident and began to raid the nearby town. This would cause the town-members to put out a bounty for the sneasel.

Personality: Proud, defiant and difficult. Felix did not anticipate the struggle Tania would inflict on him and his team; as his first Dark type pokémon, Tania did her best to put him through the wringer. A kleptomaniac, a thief, a bully, a troublemaker and an escalator, Tania got Felix thrown out of several towns, damaged friendships, nearly bankrupted him and called his credibility and capability as a trainer into question. Abusing her trainers ability to understand pokémon, she guilts him whenever she could to get away with little more than a slap-on-the-wrist for her crimes.

Likes: The things she does not have. Word games. Stealing. Causing trouble. Taking that which is not hers. Escalating conflicts. Thievery. Getting others into trouble. Larceny. Testing the patience of others, particularly Felix. Mugging. Battling weaker opponents. And good old fashioned robbery.

Dislikes: Feeling guilty for the many things she pulls everyone else through. Being punished. Feeling hungry. Being alone. Having to give things back. Pushing Felix too far.

First Person Comment: "I'll take that."

Tyson (Scyther to Scizor): The scyther and beedrill north of Goldenrod City do not like each other. Constant warfare between these two Bug species rips the forest apart. Losing drones was common and relatively uncared for. It was only the timely intervention of a trainer that had wandered a little too far from the path that saved the life of one particular drone.

The scyther was brought to a Pokémon Centre and his life was saved. Having been saved by Felix it followed him and accepted a pokéball to be captured in. The scyther was dubbed Tyson and he was the easiest pokémon Felix had ever dealt with. Tyson was quiet, compliant, trained when he was asked, did what he was told. For a while this behaviour was brushed off, and then valued in the light of the troubles Tania was causing, but eventually Felix grew worried. The scyther was a drone, he had never had an opinion or a thought he was not told to think. Something had to be done.

Personality: Devoted. Single-minded. Curious. Somewhat of a jerk at times. Easily led. Proud.

Likes: Hats, especially his fedora. Battling. Talking. Sharing opinions. Making choices. Andrew. Learning new things.

Dislikes: Fire. Dismissive people. Being reminded of his relatively mindless past.

First Person Comment: "What can I do for you?"

Andrew (Arbok): Possibly the most difficult pokémon Felix has ever had to deal with, topping the difficulties presented by a rampaging aerodactyl, thieving weavile, psychotic absol and many more pokémon Felix would capture, Andrew was a terror. Furious at being captured, as an evolved arbok, by a trainer, Andrew made it his life mission to make Felix's life hell. The fact that the human could understand him only made his work all the sweeter. Monstrously vicious, Andrew would push everything to the very edge to cause as much hell as he could. Attacking other pokémon in towns, causing property damage, intentionally messing up battles, attacking wild pokémon for the purpose of wounding or killing them without the need to eat, the only step Andrew wouldn't take was attacking a human. Knowing that doing such a thing would likely get him killed. Andrew vindictiveness made him a deeply unpopular teammate.

Personality: Passionate. Maniacal. A petty, vindictive, bully. Wistful and angry. Regretful. Andrew enjoys making things difficult for others, especially Felix. Being impulsive and dangerous has led to several near misses, with Andrew only barely holding himself back from doing something that would put himself in serious trouble. Devoted to himself above all else, Andrew seems to enjoy his status as Felix's least liked pokémon, initially with only Tyson being able to stand him for extended periods of time.

Likes: Food, all of it. Heat. Company. Bothering others. Tyson. Dominating weaker foes. Winning a battle against a stronger opponent.

Dislikes: The cold. Canned food. Other Poison type pokémon. Himself.

First Person Comment: "Leave me alone."

Sahara (Flygon): One of the biggest surprises Felix and his pokémon faced was a fully-fledged, fully-evolved, flygon appearing out of nowhere and one that began to eat their food. Offence was quickly taken and a battle ensued, afterwards the flygon surprised them again by sitting down, getting comfortable, and asking to join the team.

Personality: Spontaneous. Excitable. Erratic. Sahara is in a constant good mood, finding mundane things to be worth making a fuss over, and extraordinary things perfect to gasp dramatically at. She's difficult to offend, happy to treat most things like a joke between friends. Unwise to steal from her, however.

Likes: Battling. Flying. Sand. Taking Felix for a fly and listening to him scream. Calling Felix "Boss". Racing in the air, even if all the other flyers on the team are faster than her. Food.

Dislikes: Spoilsports. Stick-in-the-muds. Others stealing her stuff, especially food. Tania. Ice. Really doesn't get along with Tania. Or Malissa. Or Kura. Really anyone who tries to steal her stuff. Which the others take as a challenge. Things with giant mouths (They freak her out). Being reminded she was a trapinch once.

First Person Comment: "Let's go!"

Hoenn-Caught Pokemon

Tristan (Mudkip to Swampert): A solid and dependable rock amongst the crashing rapids of Felix's journey, Tristan was the first pokémon who joined the team in Hoenn and holds a distinction of holding Felix steady while Keira was recovering from a severe injury. Easy-going but firm when he needs to be, Tristan is widely considered by Felix's many pokémon to be one of the better Team Leaders around.

Personality: Pleasant and engaging along with the other pokémon he calls his teammates, Tristan has long been looked-up to by many of Felix's younger pokémon as a sort of big brother or friendly unclue. Happy to play with the more excitable members of the teams but capable of reigning them in as well, Tristan delights in spending time with others.

Likes: Swimming. Laying in water rapids. Combat with the others. Isolde. Salty foods. Being moist.

Dislikes: Being dry. The desert. Artemis. Lilith when she is being difficult (Which is most of the time).

First Person Comment: "I think you need to de-stress."

Malissa (Sableye): A clever pokémon that holds the distinction of being Felix's first Ghost pokémon, his favourite type. Malissa was hatched and raised in the dark caves close to Dewford Town, not that she knew much about what existed out of the cave. Still, the sableye dreamed of what did exist past her dark, damp and dim little world. Different from the rest of the sableye she knew, Malissa was never a fan of eating rocks and gems. She would, she still needed to eat after all, but after leaving her cave under the cover of darkness and tasting an Oran Berry, the hard, dry minerals simply couldn't compare to the soft, succulent, berry's of the outside world. The only thing stopping her from leaving, however, was her own inexperience, not knowing if she could survive outside and alone. Then a human wandered a little too far into the cave, and Malissa took her shot.

Personality: Sassy to her trainer and sly with others, Malissa enjoys messing with others. Unlike some prior, and future, members of Felix's teams, Malissa is generally non-malicious and only wants to have fun. A thrill seeker, Malissa values any time she can manage that gives her the chance to test boundaries, hers and others, and after meeting Tania she decided to take on the art of robbery. Where Tania was a kleptomaniac, however, Malissa only eyed the greatest of treasures and spent more time planning to steal than actually stealing. She doesn't work alone though, after defending and later further impressing the next member of the Hoenn Team, Malissa gained a partner-in-crime in Joey the castform. While on the surface she seems to put up with him out of necessity, the castform refusing to leave her alone and bringing power she cannot manage herself, deep down she has grown to care for the annoying thing.

Likes: The greatest treasures to be found. Shiny things. Oran Berries. Roseli Berries. Playing a few harmless pranks, even if a Ghost's definition of harmless may be different. Tag-teaming with Joey, either in adventure, thievery, or battles.

Dislikes: Eating gems, would much prefer to keep them. Caves. Boulders and rock slides (triggers something in her she cannot discern).

First Person Comment: "Go on then, trust me."

Joey (Castform): Cheerful as a warm spring day, Joey the castform found it easy to grow accustomed to the lifestyle of a trainer. Having been created in the Hoenn Weather Institute, Joey had never seen more than a mid-sized building. It being his whole world. When that world was invaded by Team Aqua, he found himself thrust in front of the scientists who he called parents as a shield. Not particularly appreciating that, after Felix managed to hold off the invaders for them to leave, the scientists found themselves falling over themselves in gratefulness and offered the castform as a reward. Felix wasn't sure about accepting this pokémon until it begged him to take him away. From there on Joey would become the bratty child of the team.

Personality: Bratty and childish, Joey enjoys nothing more than causing trouble. Being overexcited to see the world, he floats about loudly changing the weather to suit his current whim, although never to the rain. It wasn't difficult for some of the more unscrupulous of Felix's pokémon to convince him to assist them in their devilish acts, most commonly being found helping Malissa steal some item she covets. Joey happily assists, knowing that what he's doing is probably wrong but being too happy about spending time with someone interesting to care. A pokémon that has difficulty listening to authority, nonetheless he'll listen to some members of the team when told to stop. Most of the time.

Likes: Sunny days. Hailstorms. Changing the weather between blistering heat and freezing blizzards. Getting into trouble. Begging for snacks. Shiny things. Playing pranks.

Dislikes: The rain. Being told off. Being put into his pokéball as punishment. Hurting others outside a battle.

First Person Comment: "What if I changed the weather to... THIS?"

Zephyr (Taillow to Swellow): Puffed up in his own feathers, no one is more confident than Zephyr. Or, at least, no one acts more self-assured as this particular bird pokémon does. Proud to a fault, Zephyr holds a somewhat unique status among Felix's many pokémon as one who had build no connection with him at all before capture. Challenging a oblivious Felix with the rest of his flock, as a taillow, Zephyr was the only one who continued trying to fight, spilling forth grandiose accomplishments and glories that he alone could do. Felix ultimately caught the strange little bird after his words turned from bragging to a little desperate, upon capture he was right back to self-glorifying and happy as all could be.

Personality: Bemused smiles often follow Zephyr as he struts around. The swellow fashions himself as a wise and modest king, happy to give any amount of unasked-for advice on how to become as great and powerful as he is. His bombastic boasts do drag on the nerves of some of Felix's pokémon, however, and more than once has a fight broken out because Zephyr refused to shut his beak or back down. Despite that all he is well-liked, the sheer confidence rolling off him hard to ignore and many younger pokémon or newer entries find themselves bedazzled by Zephyr on a first meeting.

Likes: Himself. Mirrors. Clean pools of water. Shiny metal. Anything he can see his reflection in really. Preening. Bragging. Helping. Cheer-leading. Battles. Tyson and Andrew as his 'Best bros'.

Dislikes: Having his confidence challenged. Others outdoing him in one-on-one contests. Getting plucked. Being embarrassed.

First Person Comment: "And of course I brought down Zapdos with that last blindingly-fast strike!"

Isolde (Kirlia to Gardevoir): An oddly large number of pokémon have joined Felix in ways that didn't include him in the decision. Shira was challenged by Keira, Zephyr appeared out of nowhere and wouldn't give up, Lilith effectively threatened them into bringing her along. Many of the Hoenn Team came aboard not considering the trainers input. No one came on quite as fluidly as Isolde though. Stepping out to speak only to Tristan, it didn't take more than a few minutes for the marshtomp to come over, hand in hand, to politely tell Felix they had a new member of the team. Few pokémon remained as distant to Felix as Isolde would in the beginning, keeping her feelings and her secrets close to herself and behind charming smiles and empty platitudes.

Personality: No one had an issue with Isolde when she joined. After the customary call to Rowan to alert the rest of Felix's pokémon that they had a new member, they immediately continued on. As time went on, however, certain problems began to arise. Isolde was antisocial, distant, and cold to anyone who went out of their way to try and get to know her. Only Tristan seemed able to speak with her without receiving a blithe comment or indifferent remark that would send them away. Felix himself received little more than a distant politeness, the kirlia being uninterested in battles, training, or socialising at all. When she became manipulative, it was only a matter of time before an incident would flare up.

Likes: Fruit. Pokéblock's of the sour variety. Politeness. Being alone. Pokémon Contests and Showcases.

Dislikes: Bitter foods and drinks. Being intruded upon. Questions. Battles.

First Person Comment: "It must be admirable for you to stand so straight after each and every loss you have suffered."

Athreos (Duskull to Dusknoir): Felix had encountered pokémon not particular happy to see him before. Ones that wanted to kill him. He even caught one of them in Kanto. When a graveyard excursion needed to be had and a duskull was met along the way, Felix was already thinking of names in his head. He'd done the dance before with a friendly pokémon. Even when the duskull happened to be leading him to his death came up, Felix still had an inkling. And when the duskull reappeared to continue bothering him, he was tired and wanting to sleep. So Athreos was captured with nary a twitch on the pokéball.

Personality: Morbidly cheerful, nothing is quite like beginning ones day with a cheerful reminder that your new friend is interested in eating the marrow in your bones. Athreos seemed to make it his mission in this life to creep as many humans and pokémon out as possible. Quipping his most recent homicidal thought to the latest victim of his presence, Athreos is nothing if not sociable. Pushy at the best of times, Athreos enjoys sitting and sleeping on any warm-bodied being, especially Felix. No one could tell if it was because he enjoyed stealing body heat to drag the other to death, or if he simply enjoyed touching others. Evolving didn't help matters, now he had hands and could hug others! Athreos wouldn't evolve into Sinnoh, not being completely trusted by Felix until a situation arose to prove despite his nature, he valued them as companions.

Likes: Bone marrow. Touching warm-bodied beings. Hugs, all of them. Felix. Spooky things.

Dislikes: Murder, common to Ghost types. Malicious Ghost types. Fantasising, as it generally leads to him imagining eating the bones of the others (not that he'd admit that bothers him).

First Person Comment: "How about a cuddle?"

Lilith (Absol): Lilith was the seventh pokémon Felix caught in Hoenn and the first time he had ever added more than six pokémon to a regions team, although certainly not the last time. Little could be said of the first time Felix saw Lilith, as he along with the rest of his pokémon blocked the sight from memory. Finding her somehow still alive amongst the carnage, he physically carried the thin absol to a Pokémon Centre. After being assaulted by a chansey for the state of the absol before the local Nurse Joy's words reducing him to tears, Felix was set to leave her in care and try and forget it ever happened. Even if he was covered in blood. Leaving ended up not being an option, however, as the absol dragged itself out of the recovery room to chase him down before he got away. Informing Felix that he was now responsible for her, Felix was not prepared for what was to follow.

Personality: Of all the pokémon Felix ever captures. From Adrien to Tania to Andrew to Kura and beyond, none were worse than Lilith. Possessing a temperament similar to the serial killer pikachu BRVR, Lilith proved herself to be a being most deserving of the term 'Pocket Monster' being kept hidden away in her pokéball at nearly all times. All early attempts to get to know Lilith and bond with her were met with her savaging anything in her path, even mauling Felix on several occasions. Getting a taste for blood, Felix had no idea what to do. He felt obligated to the sadistic absol, knew he couldn't release her, and couldn't stand sending her away. He knew that a pokémon of Lilith's behaviour would almost certainly be euthanized. Despite believing that may even be for the best, he refused to do it. Being unable to bring himself to kill her, even indirectly. Pushing ever forward, Lilith did everything she could to punish her new trainer for forcing her to live. Eventually, however, a ceasefire was found. Whether it was due to the dedication, sadistic enjoyment, or simply something relaxing about it, Lilith could be calmed by being given blood. Felix's blood in particular. Many scars would come to follow.

Likes: Blood, especially Felix's. Battles, the gorier the better. Inflicting pain. The moon. Singing.

Dislikes: Mightyena. Ven. Being restrained.

First Person Comment: "I'm what you'd call a 'demon'."

Sinnoh-Caught Pokemon

Sarah (Turtwig to Torterra): The starter pokémon Felix had taken years to receive. As a native to Sinnoh, it would have made sense for Felix to travel to Professor Rowan and receive one of the three starters. But he already had a pokémon, Keira, and was heading to Kanto to start his journey instead. After making contact with Professor Rowan over his journey, and receiving a place to leave his pokémon at the cost of them taking part in the professors studies, Felix slowly struck up a friendship with him. When Felix's travels finally led him back to Sinnoh, Rowan was waiting for him with a surprise. A Sinnoh starter would be a gift, he simply had to choose. Only, on the day, another young trainer was starting out and chaos had ensued, with a rowdy piplup and chimchar disappearing. Only a tame turtwig remained. It didn't take long for the wayward pokémon to be discovered and brought back, but Felix conferred with his pokémon and his choice was clear. The turtwig was invited along and she accepted, taking the name Sarah.

Personality: Calm, deliberate, and frankly rather motherly, Sarah quickly found a role in the growing teams that was dearly needed. Emma was the only one that came close, but she was always too passive to really fill this need. Sarah is a protective creature, putting the others needs first but unafraid to knock some sense into particularly belligerent pokémon. She would later come to grow a pair of berry bushes within her shell, a Sitrus Berry bushel that is always maintained and a rotating crop. Whenever a pokémon, or Felix, needs some time to relax, they come to Sarah and help tend to the plants she grows on her shell. She's happy to listen to anything they may say, or just provide a solid presence.

Likes: Berries. Calm time. Giving advice. Listening. Providing a safe space. Feeding others. Mud baths. Napping.

Dislikes: Freezing ice. Fire. Seeing her friends upset. Overgrowing the plants on her shell.

First Person Comment: "Sit down dear and have something to eat."

Chelsea (Shellos to Gastrodon): There aren't many pokémon that don't like to battle, but Felix seems to have a habit of finding them. Perhaps it has more to do with the fact that as having an understanding of the words pokémon speak, he finds himself befriending them in different ways. Chelsea was found as just a shy little shellos in a river when Felix found himself coming down with an infection from a scratch he had received a few days earlier. His pokémon searched for a way to help him, even another human, but they were too far from civilisation and Felix was not waking up. In fear and panic, Keira appealed to all the pokémon she could find for help. Few had anything to say, fewer had any way to help. One shellos, however, was too meek to speak up at first and Keira left. She found herself overcome with guilt and left the river, until she was able to track down another terrified trainer-owned pokémon. This shellos did have a way to help and soon Felix's life was saved. He spent some more time recovering in the marshland and came to befriend the shellos that had saved him. Ultimately, Felix asked her to come along but not to battle, if she did not want to. She accepted and the newly named Chelsea joined the group, a testament to friendship.

Personality: Quiet is the most common word to describe Chelsea. Meek and shy, this gastrodon avoids the limelight however she can. She is overwhelmed easily and found the gratefulness of Felix's pokémon hard to manage at first. In time, however, Isolde and Emma would come to her side and Emma was thankful for their calmer, quieter, presence, quickly joining the newly formed NFL when asked. Chelsea enjoys time with her friends, which includes Felix, and enjoys the simpler things.

Likes: Quiet. Small gatherings. The NFL. Helping others train for contests.

Dislikes: Crowds. Loud noises. Battling. Too much attention on herself.

First Person Comment: "U-um, it's nice to meet you."

Phoebe (Mareep to Ampharos): In sharp, blinding, contrast to the first two members of Sinnoh, Phoebe is the disco ball that shines the fluorescent light on the battlefield, the stage, and the social time. Hatched and raised on a mareep farm, for their fluffy wool, Phoebe didn't have much to do in life. The others were happy to fuff about and eat grass and listen to the elder ampharos, but not Phoebe. She wanted excitement, she wanted passion, she wanted fire and electricity. Her chance came when a trainer arrived, curious about the workings of the farm. One of the other mareep had gotten sick and the owner had nothing to cure it with, so the trainer offered to retrieve the berries needed. Phoebe volunteered to come along and quickly found this human could understand her. She was able to lead him to the right place, pure luck actually, and fought off the guardians that attacked them. The owner was thankful and Phoebe made it clear she liked the human, leading to him offering the trainer to take her. He accepted and Phoebe was taken into her new life of vigour and action. She found this was one of her better choices in life.

Personality: Phoebe is a bouncy sheep, brimming with energy and cheer. Easily among the most sociable and blindingly friendly of Felix's pokémon, Phoebe occupies a most unique function. She knows everyone, she counts everyone as a friend of at least friendly with her and she makes a point of talking to everyone when they are rotated off or onto the team along with interacting throughout the times in-between. Phoebe also is the gossip-queen running an info-brokering ring. She had her first taste of knowing a secret early on and made it her mission to find out everything about the others and more. Phoebe also ended up joining the Titans and even founded The Bitches, another group of pokémon in Felix's growing armada. She knows many things, and can sell them at the right price.

Likes: Gossip. Secrets. Chattering. Socialising. Battling. Flirting. Phoebe just likes having a good time. Mega Evolving, it brings some wool back.

Dislikes: Spoilsports. Female Ground-type pokémon (At least to battle. Otherwise she's fine with them). Being reminded of the loss of her wool.

First Person Comment: "Wotcha?"

Baku (Spiritomb): It's well known among Felix's pokémon that he adores Ghost-type's. What isn't known, however, is why. Keira knows, but she doesn't like the type and doesn't speak about it. The truth of the matter was that Felix would spend some days, before meeting Keira, playing at the Lost Tower. The Ghost-type's there loved him and he only found the best in them. One Ghost-type didn't like him so much, however, and the others kept it away from the young human. Eventually, however, Baku was able to catch Felix as he left to play with him. To his surprise the child didn't show fear, only ecstatic delight. A part of him, a nobler part, fought back the evil that made up the majority of his form and entertained the child before he left. As time would go on, Baku would subsume more and more of the eviler souls within him until he was safe enough to leave the Lost Tower and save Felix from the dread monster Sirius. He and Keira buried the hatchet due to his actions and the spiritomb joined the team. But there was still danger lurking under the surface...

Personality: Depends on who is in control. Baku, or Other. Baku is surly, bitterly sarcastic, and conniving. Other is so much worse and is a force of genuine malevolence. The two fight constantly for control, Baku is strong but Other has consumed many of the other 106 souls the same as Baku and the two wrestle for dominance.

Likes: Felix. Spooking others. Battling. Playing with others.

Dislikes: Murderers and other horrid entities. Bright sunshine.

First Person Comment: "It is nice (so nice) to see you again (you again)."

Elly (Glameow): Felix has met a lot of pokémon in his time. Many he has brought along with him, many he has defeated in battle, or been defeated by. Some have played with him in his youth, others punched him in the face in his youth. There is no pokémon that holds the same spot in his heart as Elly, not even Keira. Elly was first his caretaker's, Miss Norrie's, pokémon and he was the first pokémon he can remember seeing, besides the slightest flash of blue, white, and red. Elly was one half of his life growing up and he looked to the feline for comfort, since it wasn't Miss Norrie's way to do so. Near the end of his time in Sinnoh, Felix was given the glameow and he would always be thankful.

Personality: Elly is not dissimilar to Shira. Classy, refined, and always composed, she still strikes her own path among Felix's pokémon. Despite never evolving, and wearing an Everstone collar to prevent it, Elly is surprisingly dangerous in combat, if frailer than many other pokémon. Battling was never her role, however, and Elly is happy to simply lay in the sun, lay in a lap, lay and listen. She has advice for those who need it and wisdom for those struggling. As the pokémon to have known Felix the absolute longest, she also can see right through him. Better than the others besides maybe Keira. And she is quick to a comment.

Likes: Napping. Felix. Scratching posts. Gabriel's lap. Contests. Showcases. Dawn's Poffins. Angie's petting.

Dislikes: Excitable pokémon. Felix trying to hide things. Being reminded of pains in the past.

First Person Comment: "Come now darling, sit down and shut up."

Pokémon Naming Convention

In my pokémon stories I run with a small idea relating to names pokémon have. I don't mean the species name or the name they are given, (Such as the arcanine character I have that is called Diego) I run with an idea where each pokémon has another name that represents them.

Now, this is nothing new. Plenty of stories have pokémon have some inherent or super meaningful name, I know that, I've tried to do something a little different with it though.

I act with the idea of these True Names (as pokémon refer to them as) as something a pokémon earns sometime in their life, something meaningful or big to their overall personality and one that another pokémon, often family but not always, gives them.

To delve further into headcannon territory, pokémon do not share these names lightly. The only ones who know their True Name are those they trust absolutely. This is because pokémon view these names as a form of power, and another who knows their true name has a certain kind of power over them.

Whether this is true or not is up for debate. The many powers of pokémon, and the times outright magic comes into play, could lend credence to that view. Or it may be purely power one gives over to another. The fear that one could use your True Name to gain power over you gives it it's own power anyway. Either way, these names are a mystery to most and only the closest of friends or most cherished of mates ever learn such words.

For the names themselves, all pokémon follow a certain tradition that is absolute. For the majority of pokémon there are five words in their True Name and it describes something about them. For example, the persian in my story A Trainer's Epoch has the True Name of Sharpened Claw Along Hidden Red. These names are often the kind of thing that is up for interpretation, but certainly not always.

Pseudo-legendary pokémon have four words in their name. Minor legendary pokémon, for the most part any legendary that isn't a box art pokémon or has a base stat total less than 660, have three words in their names.

Major Legendary Pokemon have two words.

And Arceus has just the one word, which is Arceus.

This tradition is a way of pokémon representing how close they are to the divine. The majority have five words and are not close. Pseudo-legends are closer, but still not divine and have four. Most legends are powerful and mystical in ways other pokémon aren't, but still aren't so much and have three. The major legends are close and have just two. While Arceus IS the divine and has the one. Most pokémon may not necessarily know of Arceus, but the tradition is there.

There is another layer of names. Where the fewer words there are, the closer you are to the divine, the more than farther you go. Some pokémon obtain names that have six words in them. They very rarely give them to themselves, mostly are shouted in terror, fear and hatred by others. Shadow pokémon, and other sinister creatures may take on six words in their names in a representation of how they have fallen.

Lastly, as implied by the six-word deal above, names can change. People change, nothing different with pokémon. If a personality change is so severe that their name no longer applies to them, a pokémon will likely take a new name. Either self made or given by another.

And that is my thing with names. It isn't a big part of my story or headcannon or anything, but a lot of fun for me to do! If you think this is neat, feel free to use the idea, you don't even need to credit me, it's not like I own the idea or anything.

And here's something concerning 'REVIEWS', which I found from FluffySheepLion(again) who got it from 'Kyoka Suigetsu Totsuka'-

Writers- all of them, from famous authors to subtle FF writers- ALL depend on the feedback from our readers. Vision Dominican brought up an interesting albeit tragically true idea:

"Lack of reviews is the greatest killer of fan fic writers out there. We at the institute wish to let the public know of how they can pitch in to save our dying writers.

1) Drop a review every other chapter. It may not seem like much, but reviews are actually what many of us want to see. That, and hits. Hits do make us happy but we don't really know if people like our story or not.

2) Visit our author page. Those kind of hits really make us happy. It's where we showcase our entourage of friends, beta readers, and stories. Some of us even tidy up with set areas for upcoming story ideas and character bios.

3) Send an email. While normally I'd prefer a review, emails are just as good. Really, it warms my heart to communicate with another reader or writer."

What you call being "too lazy to review" is what we call "a flame to the pages" as the writers. That one minute or two that you felt "too lazy" to review is another minute of creeping discouragement that all writers feel as they begin to think...

"Why am I even here…?"

"What's even the point of continuing?"

"My skills must be terrible…no one cares for my story…"

"I'll never be a good writer...I quit."

These are only a few thoughts that go through every writer's head- that go through MY head- when we put out a chapter / story with all our heart and soul within, and we sit there…and sit…and wait…and not a single person says even a word.

If you're not a writer, you have NO IDEA how much that hurts…

If you ARE a writer, then I'm sure you know just how great it feels when someone is kind enough to leave a heartwarming and encouraging review, and you read it, smiling while thinking…"Wow…fuck...I did it…"

So, why not give fellow writers the same luxury here?

Too many times I've seen epic and utterly beautiful works of literary art fall to pieces before finally being abandoned due to the terrible discouragement that the lack of reviews can cause.

Sometimes, it is so severe that the very writer himself decides to quit, denying the world his skills of writing that I'm it would have deeply enjoyed.


Just one minute, that's all it takes. Just a few gentle taps of the fingers on your keyboard, a few seconds or so of your time, and your words can SAVE a writer from a dark demise.

Do me a favor: Go find a story, ANY story, anywhere here on Fanfic,net, and see if you can help it. If it has very little / no reviews at all, just check it out, and say whatever comes to mind.

And enjoy the thought in mind that you could have just SAVED that story, with just a few taps of the keyboard…

If you agree with what I have said then please copy and paste any part of this story you wish onto your profile. Modify it in any way you see fit; there is no need to use my exact words. You make it say what you want it to say.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

This Bites! by Xomniac reviews
Sea Kings, sea-sickness, sunburns, a 95% genocidal Navy and more than a million and one other assorted ways to die. It's official: Being inserted into an anime sucks ass... Buuut I guess it could be worse. I mean, look on the bright side: At least I'm sailing with the future king of the pirates. (Self-Insert)
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Denounce The Evils by MadiYasha reviews
With the loss of Team Rocket as an organization, Jessie, James, and Meowth set out to do something they never would have previously dreamed-backtracking across the regions, reuniting with old friend and foe alike, in an attempt to make up for their wrongs. Join the trio as they take off on a determined search to find their white tomorrow on the path of righteousness.
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A Tale of Two Tarkirs by Shorewall reviews
In one life, Khans ruled Tarkir. In the other, Dragons. One man is called to decide, which life will have a future.
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Inquisitor Carrow and the Bureaucracy of Failure by littlewhitecat reviews
Now he has been officialy declared an adult Inquisitor Carrow can start to implement his plans, turning Ancient Terra in to the God-Emperor fearing world he knows it should be, and what better place to start than with the Wizarding World? Be afraid, be very afraid...
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A Trainer's Epoch reviews
Telling the good times. The bad times. The fun times. The sad times. The scary times. The awesome times. The embarrassing times. Even the lax times. Felix has travelled the world and has many adventures to show. Story presented in third person and in a non-linear fashion.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 17 - Words: 95,643 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 20 - Updated: 8/27/2019 - Published: 6/30/2018 - Lucario, Absol, Umbreon/Blacky, OC
Geralf's Secret reviews
One Shot: Gisa interrupts Geralf during his very important 'alone time'.
Magic: The Gathering - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,263 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 1 - Published: 10/14/2014 - Geralf, Gisa - Complete
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Focus: Games Magic: The Gathering