Author has written 5 stories for Inuyasha, Gravitation, and Ranma.
Upadated 7/27/09 - Yea, I'm still alive. It's very unlikely I'll update any of my stories, unless I get lots of free time or I get rich suddenly. I'm really sorry. :/
Stories with Underlined Titles mean that those stories are COMPLETE or DISCONTINUED and I WILL NOT make further updates on those stories unless stated otherwise.
Chapter Stories...(N/U means Next Update)
I'm sorry for not updating...I finally started college, and I honestly don't have time (or ideas) to keep all the sotries going...perhaps only the one-shot will continue. Though I will finish Karma for sure...(sigh) and from Love to Hate, well...let's just say unless I get some strong fleeting inspiration, then it will be discontinued. Sorries. =(
DISCONTINUED sorry...I had to give one story up!
FROM LOVE TO HATE (Inuyasha): (Scroll 17)
All is not right; Kikyou got her fortune told, and it seems she is destined to live in darkness, as Inuyasha; but just how much can one person do to change what is already "written?"
KARMA (Ranma 1/2): (Part 5)
Akane is very disturbed. Rai is an heir to the Anything-Goes-Martial Arts School. Gel is from an Chinese Amazon tribe. Ichiro is a childhood friend. Not much in common huh? Except they're ALL Akane's fiancees! Three fiancees in one day is not healthy. But what's Ranma got to say about them?
(It seems this is my most popular story (the number of hits I get for this one are INSANE!), though it's the one I ignore the most. O_o Why do you people like it so much~! I already have Part Six done, but I'm just not satisfied with it...I'll have to rewrite it...again...sigh...I need a beta reader... -_ -)
DRIVING LESSONS! (Gravitation):(Lesson 3)
Ok...I finally know what to write! XDD
One-Shot Stories...(meaning one-chapter only)
(Chapter 1): Rated PG. As the title implies, it's a random day in the life of Yuki and Shindou. Days like these are just normal to them...
(Chapter 2):Rated R for language and mature content. Well, as mature as Shuichi can get. How will Shuichi survive 24 hours without his beloved? Read it!
(Chapter 3): summary inside...
(Chapter 4): summary inside...
(Chapter 5): summary inside...
(Chapter 6): summary inside...
N/U: ??
THE BIG BRAG (Inuyasha):
(PG) Inuyasha and Kouga brag. Shippou gives them a (metamorphical) slap in the face. Brought to you by Dr. Seuss!
(Thank you for all your wonderful reviews! And keep 'em coming!)
Please note that 99 percent of the rhymes are NOT MINE! So STOP GIVING ME SO MUCH CREDIT!
Yup. That's pretty much it. I dunno if anyone reads my bio as often as I'd like 'em to but whatever. I just hope I don't disappoint you dudes, dudeds, aliens, elves, monkeys and/or any other magical creatures and hope you continue reading and reviewing my crazy stories.