Author has written 4 stories for Final Fantasy VII. Hey there! Well I guess im supposed to tell ya a little about myself even though I don't think anybody in this world cares. I'm basicly your average anime freak who watches, reads and so on about anime. I've always read Fanfic's but never found a decent site until I came across this one (which I fell in love with instantly).About me Hobbies Out of all a listed though, I love Animes and games the most. My favorite vidio games are Final Fantasy 7, 8, 10, Wild arms 3,anySonic games, Halo 2, Metal Gear solid(thats where I got my name), and anything with robots beating the crap out of eachother such as Gundam. As for animes its Trigun, Rouroni Kenshin, Gundam, Inuyasha, Chrono Crusade, Dragonball Z, and Cowboy Bebop and Teen Titans but thats a cartoon. Most of what I listed is also my fav fanfics too so don't make me write that again. Storys A restless soul: It used to be called "A coffin full of pain" But that was a corny title. This is about Vincent and what he thinks about in his coffin all day and night. The lonely moon: A very sad poem about how Tifa feels for Cloud. If you wanna cry or feel sad RR. Ode to Avalanche: Yes another poem this time about An Angel named Aeris: Another tear jerker, how Cloud deals with Aeris's death when he visits the church. Conclusion Tristin: HEY! What about me! Email address: ShadowOfIce2@ (Feel free to talk or email me I love new people!) |