![]() Author has written 10 stories for Naruto, Legend of Korra, High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, Maken-Ki!/マケン姫っ!, Mass Effect, and RWBY. Stuff Death Status: (9/4/19) Still not dead. Working on a few ideas, but nothing too significant at the moment. Updates: I write fanfiction for my own amusement. I share some of my works here in hopes that it provides a bit of entertainment to others. I don't have a set writing schedule nor do I force myself to ever only work on one story. Don't expect timely or regular updates for any of my published works. Tips for Aspiring Writers When writing dialogue, don't have your characters address each other by name frequently. If you think back on your typical conversations, names are rarely said unless one person is specifically trying to grab the attention of another. When trying to convey which character is speaking to provide clarity for the reader - especially in an environment with more than two characters - try to describe their facial expression or have them perform an action of some description so that you can include their name in narration rather than dialogue. Mixing this idea with the standard "said x, exclaimed x, questioned x, etc..." usually makes for a much smoother reading experience. The description of a character's appearance and attire doesn't all have to be done within one or two paragraphs that are dedicated solely to that purpose; I personally find them quite jarring to the flow of a story if it is done that way. Break up the description of a character's appearance into dialogue and actions they perform to make it flow better. Try to be consistent with the language you use. Using a Japanese term throughout an English story is relatively common on this website, but it can be quite jarring if the formatting isn't consistent throughout the work. If you name an ability in Japanese, then name all abilities in Japanese; if the opposite is true, then translate all abilities into English. Keep the perspective you tell the story in consistent. If you start a story in first-person, then keep it first-person and switch to different characters if needed. If you start in a story third-person omniscient, then keep it that way. Don't start a chapter in first-person perspective for character X and include thoughts from character Y without some sort of break indicating a change in perspective. Answers to Common Questions Can I use an idea or the general plot from one of your stories? Go for it. The only things I ask of in return is that you change at least something significant within it and that you credit my own work somewhere within the chapter or Author's Notes. Shameless self-promotion and whatnot, y'know? Why I write Super/God-like Naruto Stories/Crossovers: I've actually received several private messages regarding the stories I write asking exactly why I consistently write Naruto being what many would consider too strong. My answer to this is two-fold. First and foremost, I find it difficult to come up with a good "twist" that would lead to Naruto being just moderately above his normal level of strength while also being interesting enough to draw in readers. Many people might write a story where he discovers a bloodline in Wave or starts taking things seriously after it, but I find that I'm simply not skilled enough to come up with captivating ideas around those fundamental twists to keep readers interested. Secondly, and more importantly, is that I find it very boring to write a version of Naruto that is only slightly tweaked up in terms of strength. Yes, it can make the story and challenges seem more realistic and dramatic, but that doesn't mean anything if I lose the motivation to write the story in the first place. Due to this, I usually "beef up" Naruto enough to keep me invested while trying to keep his strength down just enough to keep readers invested so you don't feel like he's just swatting away every enemy as if they're a complete non-issue. It's probably something that isn't balanced well, especially with stories I've recently published, but I still try nonetheless. Why I write multi-pairings and/or harem fiction: Any harem or multi-pairing story I write is either primarily due to the source material or is just my own indecisiveness in choosing just one person to pair the main character(s) with. I don't live vicariously through the characters I write nor do I have the stereotypical fantasy of having a group of attractive people wanting to be in a relationship with me. There are many good pairings out there and I simply find it difficult to choose at times, so I bundle them together. |