Author has written 10 stories for One Piece, Ranger's Apprentice, Harry Potter, Hobbit, Frozen, Terminator, Pokémon, Minecraft, and Sherlock. "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." (Maya Angelou) Hey guys, what's up? I hope you enjoyed whatever story you came from. I'll be updating infrequently, as it is the busiest time of the year for me just now. If I post anything, it'll be a nice surprise, both for you and me. I'll try to check back in when I can. I'd like to say thank you to all my followers, favoriters, reviewers, and hey, even my just plain old readers. Thanks a lot, guys. I have a thank you list down at the bottom of my profile for all of you who supported my oneshots, and also for those to whom I could not reply to at all. It isn't quite up to date, but rest assured that if you are not mentioned as of yet, you still have my heartfelt thanks. A quick note about my oneshots: if it says it's complete, it means I didn't feel like it needed any additional chapters. However, if I am requested to add on to it, I will add one chapter for every such request. (I realize that my policy used to be two new chapters for every request, but that was before I was getting so many requests.) It may take some time, but the new chapter will come out eventually. Feel free to check out my works and works in progress! And as always, thanks for stopping by, and stay awesome. -D.Runes As of 8/28/2014, I am putting myself on hiatus for the following stories: Friends of the Hat: First and Second Impressions (Collection of One Piece oneshots; starring Luffy; #infrequentupdates) Will and the Enderman (Minecraft/Ranger's Apprentice series of oneshots; mainly starring Will, but Horace guest-stars.) Ten Years (Pokemon fanfic, currently a oneshot but in development; starring OCs inspired by, and pokemon from, Gen IV games.) I have written: The World According to Zoro (One Piece oneshot; starring Zoro) Adventure (One Piece oneshot; starring Nami; #needswork) Sentry (Harry Potter oneshot; starring Neville) Blue (One Piece oneshot; starring Zoro) Stranger (Hobbit x Sherlock oneshot; starring Smaug and Bilbo) Frozen Pizza (Frozen series of oneshots; starring Elsa) The Grey (Terminator oneshot; starring Kyle) I plan on rewriting: Adventure (One Piece oneshot; starring Nami) Coming soon: A new chapter for Will and the Enderman! Yay! A follow up oneshot for Stranger. I hope to publish: Uso-ball, starring Usopp (One Piece fanfic; status: planning again, as the first draft was lost due to a mysterious technological phenomenon- my phone died and couldn't recharge.) Mugiwara, starring OC (One Piece fanfic; Friends of the Hat was a character study I began in order to prepare for this project. status: exposition in progress) Pizza for the (N)Ice Lady, starring OC (an epic tale based on my original oneshot, Frozen Pizza) Plot bunnies that may one day develop into stories: None at the moment. So, if you have any ideas, please suggest them! Things I might get an idea for: Game of Thrones Log Horizon Firefly The Gamer Redwall Heralds of Valdemar Minecraft So You Want to Be a Wizard Doctor Who Harry Potter One Piece Ranger's Apprentice Sherlock Hobbit Terminator Pokemon People I'd like to thank very much (organized alphabetically according to oneshot): Sorariru, for following Blue scatteredPhilosopher, for favoriting Blue XXRawwrXX, for favoriting Sentry Yukina Koorime, for following The World According to Zoro dragonwriter88, for following, reviewing, and favoriting The World According to Zoro DragonBox94, for favoriting The World According to Zoro HAREOO3, for favoriting The World According to Zoro Slvr0107, for favoriting The World According to Zoro Style1234, for favoriting The World According to Zoro alittlebitlate, for favoriting The World According to Zoro chrystable, for favoriting The World According to Zoro mythologyfreakgirl, for favoriting The World According to Zoro Guest, for reviewing The World According to Zoro DrWhovianist, for following and favoriting Will and the Enderman gokuchiefkarkat, for following Will and the Enderman DogTrainer139, for following and favoriting Will and the Enderman |
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