Thank you all that has given reviews and have read this. It's been a ride, hasn't it? A special thank you to all who have made it this far and to those who have been with it since I started writing.

We partied all afternoon, which was quite the experience. Booze was broken out and there was a continuous supply of food from Sanji. Franky changed hairstyles ever five minutes, much to the delight of Chopper, Luffy, and Usopp, while Brook played his fingers to the bone (Ha, skull joke!) as he played song after song.

I danced with all the members of the crew and sang to my heart's delight. My lack of time with them was instantly forgotten as I enjoyed what little time I had left.

I didn't drink any sake, thank goodness. I wouldn't want to get drunk with all my friends around me. Not cool. I ordered milk especially from Sanji and also delivered a glass to Brook to help heal the cracked bones he gained during the fight.

The afternoon hours flew by, turning into evening. I sat by Zoro laughing as Usopp and Franky hooked arms and danced across the deck.

"Hey, have you thought about it?"

I froze, coldness instantly dampening my spirits. I turn to Zoro, who was watching his crew. I sighed. Gosh darn it Zoro, let it be.

"Yes, but not enough to answer."

Zoro leaned his head back against the wood.

"You know, you fit in well here. And all that weak bull crap is stupid."

I raised my eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

Zoro glanced at me, frustration flashing in his eyes.

"You saw yourself. You held your own against Z and those other Neo Marines."

I snorted.

"And had to be saved by you and Luffy."

I shrugged, looking up at the colorful sunset.

"Besides, what kind of special quality do I have to help the crew?"

Zoro sighed.

"You have a lot of qualities Rose. You lied better then Usopp on that ship, you showed us knowledge that even Robin didn't have, you were stealthier then Nami when you helped Luffy escape, your loyalty to Luffy was even better then mine because you protected him, you have showed musician skills like Brook, you protected Luffy just like he would protect us, you have shown doctoring skills like Chopper, given Luffy food like Sanji, and are powerful like Franky. You are like the perfect mixture of all us."

I was overwhelmed by this sudden praise. I wasn't really that good. Besides, the Straw-hats already have those. They don't need another one with those skills.

"But if you want original, you have skill that we don't."

I raised my eyebrows sky high. Really? I'm curious to know this one.

"What is it?"

Zoro smirked.


I deflated. That was nothing special. The Straw-hats had that as well. They needed courage to go up against Arlong, Crocodile, challenge the world at Enies Lobby, deck that Celestial Dragon in the face at Saobody. No, bravery is nothing special.

"But you all are brave too."

"You know, it takes more courage for someone that is weak then someone that is strong to tackle something seemingly impossible."

I bit back a retort. He did have a point.

"Sure, we have courage, but as you said, we have gotten stronger through those experiences. You said you had no fighting experience, yet you stood up to Z, who you said could beat Luffy. That takes more guts then Luffy standing up to him."

Zoro clapped me on the back.

"So don't ever say you are weak or have no special skills Rose, because you have the most important one of all."

He stood up and walked off, probably to get more sake. I sat there for a while, thinking about his words. My hours were dwindling. I sighed, trying not to focus on my internal clock when Chopper, with chopsticks up his cute little blue nose, walked over.

"Rose, you wanna play chopstick tag?"

I laugh.

"As much as I would love to, I don't think that will work."

So I ignore my internal clock and sink into bliss.

The celebration slowly ground to a halt, due to the Straw-hats finally tipping over and passing out from the food, fighting, booze, and exhaustion. One by one, they fell to the deck or dropped off slowly, snoring loudly or softly depending on the person.

Robin and Nami had curled up next to each other. Chopper was snoring gently on Usopp's lap. Zoro was in his usual napping position with Luffy a good three feet away, sprawled out in his usual fashion. Sanji was sitting with his legs sticking straight out, a dead cigarette in between his lips. Brook had a hand on his bow and his violin, lying near the mast. Franky had mug of half finished sake in his hand and was rocking a blue afro.

Yes, quite adorable indeed. Here they actually look tame.

I alone stayed awake, looking up at the quiet star filled night.

I live in the city, so stars are a rare occurrence there, but stargazing is one of my pastimes. If I'm out in the country, I will look at the stars and try to find constellations. Too bad this is a different sky.

I wanted to say goodbye to the crew, but they wouldn't understand and I don't think I could handle it either. This was the best way. But I couldn't just leave them like this. They would freak out like I got kidnapped or something. I know I'll leave a note or something. But now, I need to say my individual goodbyes. I have ten minutes left here.

I walk over quietly to stand over Robin and Nami, who are both sleeping soundly. I address the archeologist first.

"Thank you Robin. On the Neo Marine ship, you were the only contact with my true friends and made me feel like I wasn't alone. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me, and the history lessons. I truly appreciated it."

I turned slightly, looking down at Nami, focusing on the tattoo on her shoulder.

"Thank you Nami for your friendship and teaching me how to use lock picks and your guidance and your staff and letting me see your maps."

Flashbacks over the past few days ran reruns in my head. I tried hard to keep from crying. I walked over stealthily to Brook slumbering by the mast. He has a snot bubble coming out of his mouth, which I cannot understand since he has no bodily fluids.

"Thank you Brook for your music, which has gotten me through my stupid moping. I shouldn't have wasted time with it, but I did. Thanks also for the skull jokes. They might not like them, but I do."

I shook my heads sadly, but moved on to Franky.

"Thank you for your shipwrighting skills and helping me in anyway possible. I enjoyed our cola breaks."

I strolled over to Usopp and Chopper.

"Thank you Chopper for teaching me medicine. I hope I can show off to my dad when I get back. Try not to fall into the ocean again."

Chopper shifted in his sleep, making me smile.

"Usopp, thank you for being such a great friend. You are braver then you think. Thank you for teaching me to shoot and having my back."

Usopp rolled his head to one side, murmuring in his sleep.

"Oh look at the Usopp pirates, strong brave warriors all."

I giggled quietly as he started to snore again. I grabbed a bone of meat leftover by the kitchen and munched on it as I talked to Sanji.

"Thank you Sanji for the delicious food and promising to protect me. Even your romanticness wasn't annoying. Thank you."

I smiled as he snored on, completely oblivious to what was happening. That I was leaving.

Lastly, I came to my favorite Straw-hats, within feet of each other.

"Thank you Zoro for everything you have done. Saving me, helping me when Luffy was trying to drown, saying just the right things, supporting me even though I wasn't worth it. Thank you for helping me find my true self."

No answer from the passed out swordsman. I turned my eyes to Luffy, who was snoring rapidly on the deck quite contentedly.

"Thank you Luffy for asking me to join your crew, even though I couldn't say yes. Thank you for stealing my meat, and playing with me. If it wasn't for you, I would have never found the strength I dind't know I had. Try not to fall into the ocean or eat drugged meat though."

Luffy just rolled over. I walked over to climb up the mast to the top of the observation tower, so I could look down on all of my good friends. I patted the roof.

"Thank you Sunny, for everything you do for the crew."

The ship didn't answer, but I imagined it did. I sighed, hugging my knees to chest. Eight minutes.

"Rose? Are you all right?"

I tense and almost fall off the roof. I turn to see Zoro standing beside me. I relax, but curse inwardly. I must have been too loud and woken him. I didn't want to say goodbye. It was hard enough as it was. I smile sadly at him.

"Sorry Zoro, did I wake you?"

He sat beside me.

"I tend to be a light sleeper."

I thought back to Whiskey Peak.

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

I stared out to the horizon and watched the starlight twinkle happily over the water.

"You sounded like you were leaving."

Well, what could I say? I didn't want to just talk with Zoro and then be whisked away or abducted by aliens and he didn't know what was going on. That was just mean.

"I am leaving Zoro."

The swordsman didn't react at first, but then he stood.

"Let me go get the others."


I stopped him. I didn't want the others awake. I had already said goodbye to them and I don't like long goodbyes.

Besides, I didn't want him to leave me.

"Stay Zoro."

He seemed to understand and sat back down. We sat there in silence. Most of our conversations were silence I realized.


I answered truthfully to his question.

"No idea."

Another short silence before he sighed.

"There never was a merchant ship, was there."

The way he said it made me want to crawl in a hole and die. I didn't want to lie. Surely he understood that. I tried to explain.

"I'm sorry Zoro. I was only allowed three days to spend with you all."

I could see he was trying hard to understand what was going on. Then his face relaxed.

"Ok, I get it. You don't have to explain. I have seen some pretty crazy things on these seas. I get it."

I relaxed. Why does this man understand me more then I even know?

"You knew you were leaving?"

I nodded into my knees.

"Is that why you didn't join?"

I nodded again.

"I couldn't join and leave the next day. That is just stupid."

I heard the smile in his voice.

"Yeah, I guess it is."

I smiled a little.

"I wish I didn't have to go Zoro."

"If you don't want to then don't."

I laugh at his logic.

"Sorry, it's not that simple."

I turn to look at him. His eyes glinted dangerously and his thumb raised Wado Ichimonji out of its sheath.

"Is someone taking you against your will?"

I chuckle. It's nice that he automatically assumes that and leaps to protect me.

"No, it's not like that. I'm not even sure if someone is coming to get me."

I turn back to look at the sea and the freedom that comes with it.

"Its just I don't want to leave. These past few days have been the best of my life and I don't want to leave. I want to go on adventures with you all."

I teared up a little and wiped my eyes discreetly on my knees.

"But I have to go back to my friends and family. As much as I want to stay, I have to go back. But I don't want to go."

I know I am acting like a spoiled brat. I got to spend three days with the Straw-hat crew, which any One Piece fan would want. I at least got that.

Here though, I got to be my true self with no judging eyes. I actually felt like I had friends that would listen to me and do fun activities with. Back in my world, not so much.

Zoro said nothing. I didn't expect him too. Zoro speaks more in his silences then in his words.

I suddenly felt two arms wrap around me carefully, like I was delicate and he didn't want to crush me in his strong grip. I tense but relax into Zoro's embrace. It held no love, just comfort. He seemed to feel the mood I was in. I was forever grateful to the swordsman because I know he wasn't a huggy person. After a few seconds, I say quietly.

"Thank you Zoro."

Zoro released me but didn't move away. He was looking at me carefully, like he was sizing me up.

"Would you have joined if you didn't have to leave?"

I smiled.

"In a heartbeat."

Zoro smiled genuinely at that.

"Good. It would have been nice to have a girl besides that debt witch on this boat."

I laughed.

"You still got Robin."

He shrugged.

"Ok true."

The countdown said I had a minute left.

"You heard what I said to the others right?"

He nodded.

"I'll tell them."

I sighed.

"Good, and can you tell them that the merchant ship came and took my while they were asleep?"

"Sure thing."

I grinned at him.

"Thank you Zoro. For everything."

He nods at me.

Suddenly, my feet started to dissolve into golden, glowing dust. Both of us jumped in shock. My feet started to disappear and it felt like nothing was at the end of my legs. It was so weird.

I looked up at Zoro. I had one more thing to tell him.

"And tell the others I said for them to achieve their dreams."

Zoro smiled warmly at me.

"You would have made a great Straw-hat pirate Rose."

I closed my eyes as the feeling crept up my body.

"Goodbye Zoro. I'm happy I got to meet you."

The last feeling I felt in the One Piece was a cool breeze blowing the starlight through my hair, and Zoro's hand on my shoulder.

"Wake up Rose. Time for school."

Life returned to normal. I checked the One Piece episodes to see if I was in there. Unfortunately I wasn't. That would have been cool though.

I was almost convinced that it was just a dream, all my adventures were just the craziness my mind produced. Only two things convinced me otherwise.

One was that I remembered every detail of the dream, which doesn't happen very often.

The other was the piece of paper I found in my bed when I was making it up.

It was the note that the Straw-hats gave me on the Neo Marine ship; only there was an added signature in very untidy writing. Good thing I'm a sloppy writer myself.

'You will always be my Nakama~Luffy.'

I don't know how it got there, but I am glad it is. I would hate not to have his name when I have the others.

I keep that note in my room, and whenever I am having a particularly bad day, or I'm feeling left out from my friends, or feeling down, I take it out. I read it over and over, and every time I read it, I feel a little better.

I feel a little braver.

The End