Author has written 10 stories for Animorphs, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Buffy X-overs. Hey, it's new profile timeName: Steve-0. Note: Not the same Steve-0 from MTV's Jackass, and no I'm not a fan. "No! That dirty little bastard stole my name! Damnit, I'm a fanfic writer, not a guy who inhales worms up his nose!" The Cliche 7 Part 2 Age:23 Sex: Male Eyes: Blue Hair: Light Brown. Occupation or Real Job: Theatre/Speech Comm Major at FSC Fandom: Animorphs, Buffy and Buffy Crossovers, and maybe Ranma 1/2 if I ever get around to it. Genre: Humor, or fic so bad they can be mistaken for such. Fanfic Cliche Most Guilty of: Self-Insertion. Beating a dead series...erm I mean Horse. Greatest Accomplishment: Single-handedly causing an outbreak of self- insertion humor fics that out numbered the serious fics in the Animorph section back in '00. Parting thoughts: Read my fics! Check out my plays on! Thank-you! |
HonorH (39) Orla (29) | polgara-5 (42) T.C. Vincent (2) |