Author has written 16 stories for Harry Potter, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Wing/AC, Fruits Basket, and Hunger Games. Hey everyone! It’s been a long time. I’m still slowly working on the project noted below, though I haven’t had the chance in quite awhile. I just wanted to note that I’m turning off anonymous reviewing for a time. Lately most of the anonymous reviews seem to be trolls, though not all of you. On that note, for the sanity of everyone, if you don’t like a story, please don’t read it. If you keep reading it and then call the author stupid for not producing the story you wanted, you’re going to make people angry. I’m mostly disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, constructive criticism is welcomed. But there is a difference between constructive criticism and being just plain rude. Thank you to my many readers. I am always grateful for you. -shinchansgirl To ALL of my readers, Most of my fics are going to be removed soon except for the most recent of the Stargate, Sentinel, and Dresden Files fics. This INCLUDES everything from the lemons to the small drabbles. Eventually, the group “writersfunk” will be deleted, along with any remaining posts. If you have posted a fic within the comm, please save it, as I will not be doing so. If you've made a post, you may also delete your own post before it is wiped when the comm is deleted. These fics will also be deleted from ff (dot) net. Once I have edited these fics until I am satisfied with them again, they will be reposted at AO3. Please note that NOT ALL FICS WILL BE REPOSTED. Some of these I have been so dissatisfied with that I will not be showing them again. Please save any fics you'd like to keep ASAP. Once it's deleted I will make no guarantees that I still have it, and I most likely won't send it out. If you have any questions, feel free to email me or comment on my LJ. Please note that for quite some time ff (dot) net was not sending me notifications of reviews and PMs, so if you asked a question or sent me a message and I did not respond you have my sincerest apologies. I did not know the message was there, and it's been so long I'm not certain if people are still looking for responses. I think I've turned this back on, but I can't be 100% certain. For those of you looking for the "full" version of The News, please be aware that I no longer have it. I am searching through some of my old back-ups to see if the files meandered over there at some point, but I have lost at least one computer since the fic was posted, and the full version was on it. I can't find where I have mailed it out from any of my accounts, either. -shichan PS. This message will be copy-pasted and modified in several places. |