Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-yasha. Sobs
Hidden Truths
Chapter 16 - God Save The Queen
She felt firm arms pull her upright out of the water, gasping for air as she came up. Her clothes clung heavily off her shoulder, soaked thoroughly. She heard muttered curses to her left, and she turned towards them, and couldn't help the amused giggle that erupted from her. Sesshoumaru's eyes were narrowed, glaring off at nothing, his beautiful silver hair sticking to his cheeks. His button down, pressed white shirt was see through now, and his jacket hanging uncharacteristically off one shoulder. He was sitting waist deep in the water, as she embarrassedly noticed she was on his lap, looking very much like a sulky puppy whom just taken a unwanted bath. He turned his golden eyes on her, as the amusement radiated from her.
"Do you think this is funny?" He growled, as they both ignored the crowd of onlookers that had watched the incident happen.
"Of course not!" She claimed in a mock-serious voice, biting her lip as she forced down more stray bouts of laughter. "I don't think it's funny at all how your soaking wet, and look like a pouting puppy right now! This is not happy laughter, mister! Nope! In fact-- I am absolutely appalled by your indecency of clothing, or lack there of! For I shall now look away, and not shame myself with the horrible sight!"
His lips curled up in a beguiling grin as he spoke next, making her eyes widen to the size of saucers.
"I should be the one turning away, girl. Your indecency is a assault to all women's morality."
Kagome's eyes fell down word as she felt her cheeks enflame at the sight. Her dress had fallen lopsided somewhat, and a few of the buttons of her oversized T-shirt had become undone, revealing a decent amount of cleavage. Not to mention his arms were still held loosely around her waist, his warmth felt through her thin clothing in an arousing manner, making her swallow thickly in attempt to hide the fact it was sending indecent images flooding throughout her mind.
"Oh yeah, like you aren't enjoying this."
"I'm not."
"Then why is that happy grin on your face?"
"Grin? I know not of which you speak of. This is a frown of disgust."
"If that's a frown, then I'm the queen of England."
"God save the queen."
"Smart ass."
"Smart? indeed. Ass? a very good one." Her jaw dropped open at the last answer, jaw working uselessly for a moment before any coherent words came out, making him wonder himself what had sparred on the suggestive comment.
"I can't believe you just said that."
"I'm a very surprising person."
"That's enough out of you today, mister." She pressed two fingertips against his lips, smirking deviously, mind determining what those 'surprises' of his could very well be. And trying not to notice the firm texture of his mouth beneath her touch. "If I hear any more innuendo out of you, I'm not going to be able to sleep for a week. Then I'd have to kill you, because I'd be grumpy beyond belief."
His expression didn't change even as she pulled away, and started clamoring to her feet. Only when she started standing did a large hand wrap around her wrist and yank her back down, plummeting back in to his lap.
"Where do you think your going?"
She turned her face up, surprised indignation written all over her face. However, she noticed the smirk and the feel of his arms tightening and pulling her flush against him, a moment to late.
Those lips she was just pondering over came crashing down on hers, the breath leaving her in a moment at the unexpected action. However, the shocking gentleness of his mouth had her closing her eyes and returning the kiss with all the more passion, arms wrapping around the back of his neck.
She didn't know how long they were sitting there in that fountain, soaking wet, their beloved candy forgotten, lost in that mesmerizing, mind dulling kiss. However, the barely noticeable voice had her turning her head slightly, trying to listen to them.
"I can't believe it! Someone, call the police!"
"Oh my god, Eri! Isn't that the college guy Yura was gushing about yesterday?! Who's he kissing?"
"Ah, I remember those wild years..."
"Are they making out in the FOUNTAIN...?"
Sesshoumaru pulled back, watching in amusement as the girl's eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing glazed cobalt orbs. No sooner then that, her eyes widened as a red blush sprang from her cheeks, and she stuttered embarrassedly to those around her, trying her best to look anywhere but at him. He smirked victoriously, even ignoring the flames of desire enflaming his body. He had been planning that revenge since she started out on this pointless journey. He knew beneath that cool, stubborn, annoying exterior, Tennyou was nothing more then a shy, inexperienced girl. He received enough clues from previous encounters with the woman.
"I-I'm sorry--! W-we only um... were.... sorry! Sorry!" Sesshoumaru stood, pulling the flushed girl up with him. He took her hand, leading her out of view as he picked up the bags of sweets as he went.
"Uhm.. Sesshoumaru, what-- shouldn't we explain to them...?" She questioned softly biting her lip again, mind spinning. Why did he kiss her?
"Why? They should not be concerned with our matters."
"Still," She led off, eyes falling to her hand enclosed with his own. Shaking her head, she growled to herself. What was she thinking?! She was not some giddy schoolgirl! This was Sesshoumaru! Not some.. some... date, or boyfriend or.. or..!
She hadn't even realized they had come to a stop until she ran in to his back. She glanced up, see him looking over his shoulder snobbishly, sending waves of anger at his look of arrogance.
"It seems my theory was correct about you."
Kagome stared at him questioningly. He elaborated.
"You fall to pieces at a mere man's touch. Pitiful, even for a wench like you."
She glowered, fire sparking behind her eyes.
"What?!" She hissed. "You jerk! If you knew that, which is totally untrue mind you, then why the hell did you kiss me?!"
His answer was simple, sweet, and utterly-- infuriating.
Her angry shouts of insults and promises of death rang throughout the streets as he lead her back to his apartment, hand in hand.
Well, the end to another chapter. Head falls tiredly to desk I'd like to apologize fore the EXTREMELY late update. And I actually have a good reason!(For all those who read my profile over the summer, they know why) See, around Mid-May, my computer caught this nasty virus and about four days ago we finally got it fixed. Which included wiping the entire computer clean, until it was exactly like it was when we first bought it. Sobs Which means, all my fanfic files were... deleted. And I had absolutely no computer ALL SUMMER, except for the weekly visit to the local library. It was a sad, sad summer. Although the fact I had writer's block was a good point. I couldn't have written even if I had a computer! laughs Ah, anyways, thank you everyone for the support. Especially you, all the loyal fans whom have kept reading and reviewing even after the three month hiatus...! Thank you so much! And since, I'm still getting back in the flow of things, my updates aren't going to be very speedy. Sorry! bows repeatedly although I will update! That I can promise. holds up peace sign
Thank all of you, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Well, I have homework (school! WAH!) so, I have to go. Bye everyone!
Ja matte!
Miko Angel