![]() Author has written 10 stories for Doctor Who. I've enjoyed reading and commenting on the stories here (generally the Doctor Who related ones), so thought I'd have a go myself, just for fun and the challenge. My stories tend to be a mixture of angst and silliness, with the odd monster and fluffy bit thrown in. And shippiness. Quite Claracentric too... Twice Upon a Clara is my latest work, a 2 parter covering Twelve and Clara after the mind wipe. M rated (but more tender than smutty!) Chinny, Eyebrows, Clara and The Ponds is a multi Doctor/Companion story featuring Twelve and Clara with Eleven and the Ponds The Doctor and The Claras is the ultimate Clara and story, as it's rather long and features lots of Claras, both the original plus her fragments! It also eventually features a long list of other Doctor Who characters as well, too numerous to mention... Please Don't Change is a Matt/Jenna Menna Whouffle fic, a proper romance/anguish story... The Doctor and The Doctor was inspired by jokey comments from Matt and David that they wanted a joint Doctor Who series, and follows on (vaguely) from The Day of the Doctor (except that it was written beforehand, and was based on incorrect guesses about that episode and when it was set!) The Doctor and The Doctor Reunited is a follow up story, this adds Donna to the mix. As for Dark Clara, well that's a bit of M rated filth. A very naughty version of the 'Bad Clara' scene in Dark Water. You know you want to :-) Other stories I've written include... The Eleventh Doctor's final Christmas was my first story on here, a regeneration story, featuring the Maitland children at their most annoying! Short Stories are Cool! is where I stuck down random Eleven one shots, the best thing about it is probably the title :-) Take a deep breath Clara which was a one shot story I wrote before Deep Breath was aired |