I left the last chapter just as it was getting interesting (sorry!). No more cliff-hangers now I promise :-)

"Have a look outside" Twelve replied with no emotion.

Clara nervously walked to the TARDIS doors and opened them, dreading what she would see.

"It's Bristol!" she exclaimed. "We made it back, but please tell me this is normal time, we're not stuck in some time loop or anything?"

"Well it's the exact time I originally set my TARDIS on that fateful collision path, which is good, and my TARDIS is working normally which is even better. I'm free to take you home, back to Coal Hill and your afternoon classes!"

Clara rushed over and hugged Twelve, in relief that they had made it out alive, for which he protested though not as much as normal.

"You're safe and well Clara, now time to take you back to school."

"Ah, yes, but what about everyone else, has everything else been reset, is Amy back, are the kittens back? I need to know."

"Well the timelines seem to be entirely back to normal."

"Can we go and see the kittens? School can wait."

"Of course." Twelve smiled. It was good to have Clara back to normal. "Look at this screen, this shows when the other Doctor visited Qargon, in the year 3,246. And this is the exact time when I previously collided with him."

"So they'll all be there if we go back?"

"Yes, but I'm not taking that risk again. Even being within their vicinity might cause dangerous consequences. Sorry"

"I guess so. I really hope Amy and Rory are back together again."

"So do I, and I will find out for sure. But first kittens! The year 3,250 should be safe. Ready?"

"Go for it!"

Twelve input the details, being careful to indicate the year to Clara as he didn't want her to think he might be lying again! After a short flight, the TARDIS landed.

"Here we are. The same spot we landed on beforehand, so hopefully it should look familiar outside."

Clara flung the doors open, and sprang outside. It was all very familiar, a lovely view of the lake and…

"Ouch! Get off you *******!"

Clara immediately jumped back into the TARDIS, slamming the door shut behind her.


"Some stupid insect bit me on the nose. Only been outside a second. And another one was trying to attack my…"

"Well that's a good sign" interrupted the Doctor. "It shows that all the wildlife has returned."

"I don't want that sort of wildlife, thank you very much. Not if it's going to bite me!"

"We can't be choosy Clara, not every living creature is cute and fluffy."

"Well you certainly aren't for a start!"

Clara then looked a bit concerned.

"These insect bites, they're not poisonous are they?"

"No, though the stings are quite painful for humans. I guess I should have given you some insect repellent first."

"Yes, you probably should" Clara sighed as Twelve rummaged around for a canister.

"One spray of this will do the trick. Not in here though, the TARDIS gets huffy if you start spraying nasty chemicals around inside."

Clara glared at the Doctor then quickly exited the TARDIS, immediately gave herself a generous spray and within seconds was back inside.

"You smell lovely Clara!" exclaimed Twelve.

"I smell disgusting! I think the children might just notice when I return."

"Don't worry, it'll help mask the other smells. Anyway, let's go and see the kittens."

The two exited and walked over to the forest, Clara getting more and more excited as they got near.

"Are they easy to spot, the kittens? They're not shy or camouflaged are they?"

"No, they're easy to spot, which also makes the kittens easy targets for the birds that prey on them. These birds have really large and powerful beaks, so that once the kittens have been grabbed, they…"

"That's quite enough information Doctor, thank you."

"I take it you only watch wildlife documentaries for the cute creatures?"


"I thought so. Anyway, we're here now."

The two continued walking into the forest while Twelve spoke.

The dutdut trees are found inside the forest, these trees on the outside of the forest are quamquam trees, if you're lucky you might find the giant flying gotynycky spider nesting in its branches."

"Giant flying spider!" Clara exclaimed.

"Oh completely harmless, nothing to worry about. They're well disguised, but I'll point one out to you if I see one."

"Please don't. And I really mean that."

"Ok boss. Anyway, here we are, a dutdut tree. Look, up in the branches, there's one!"

Clara looked up and saw this incredibly cute looking kitten like creature, flying around. Every now and then it would approach a flower and using its pink tongue, would lick some nectar from it, in the process getting its whiskers covered in pollen.

"That's gorgeous" she cooed.

"If we go deeper into the forest, we should see a lot more of them Clara."

The two continued and came to a section of the forest full of dutdut trees, and within their branches, large number of kittens, of all different colours, could be seen flying around. It was magical, watching them sipping nectar, and as Clara rested her head on the Doctor's shoulder she realised why she could never give this up. So many amazing things were out there, waiting to be discovered.

Twelve smiled back at Clara, it was good to see her happy after the strained atmosphere of the last couple of days. He loved showing Clara the wonders of the universes, nothing made him happier.

After spending the afternoon in the forest watching the kittens from various locations, it was time to return back to the TARDIS.

"I'm so happy I got to see the kittens Doctor" spoke Clara as they walked back. "I wonder what Amy and Rory thought of them?"

"Let's find out?"

"How?" Clara's face lit up.

"Sorry, not like that too risky. But I can send them a message, now that I've worked out how to send messages to myself from the TARDIS."

When they got back to the TARDIS, Twelve went to his console desk, and tapped in a message.

"I've asked them how they enjoyed Qargon and the kittens."

"Those kittens were great" exclaimed Amy as she entered the TARDIS, "but the Big Apple awaits. Time to go shopping!"

"I fear a lethal attack on my credit card" moaned Rory. "I think I'd prefer Daleks, at least it would be cheaper. Can't you accidentally send us somewhere else Doctor?"

"Sorry Rory, but I promised Amy. And New York is a cool city. Empire State building, Statue of Liberty, and of course M&M's World! I do love the red ones. Oh, that's strange."

"What's strange Doctor" replied Rory.

"There's a message on my console screen. From another version of me."

"That's exciting! Which one?"

"It doesn't say, could be any of my other selves. Strange question too. He's asking me if Amy and Rory liked the kittens here on Qargon."

"He's asking you about the flying kittens?" exclaimed Amy. "Were any of the other Doctors cat lovers?"

"I'm sure it can't be that" replied Eleven. "Maybe he's thinking of taking his current Companion here and wanted to know if other Companions had liked it."

"Well we did, so that was easy."

Clara and Twelve waited by the console desk for a response, both desperately hoping for the right answer. Suddenly a message came though.

"A reply, let's see what it says Clara" spoke Twelve before reading out aloud from the screen.

"Hello other version of me! Amy and Rory loved the kittens; they thought they were really cool."

Clara beamed a smile of joy and relief.

"Another bit has come through. I think Amy is looking forward to some shopping now, you know what women are like."

Clara pretended to look indignant.

"Off to New York, the Big Apple. Got a good book to read too! Geronimo."

Twelve's face dropped, and he and Clara looked at each other, not needing to say a word.

Clara rushed over and hugged Twelve and this time there would be no protest from him. Tears rolled down his cheeks as in his mind he ran though the terrible things that were about to happen in New York, a chain of events that couldn't be altered.

Eventually they broke apart, and after regaining his composure, Twelve spoke.

"Thank you Clara. I think I actually needed that hug. Now it's time to take you back to Coal Hill."

"I guess so, time for school again. I'm not doing anything this evening, if you have somewhere we could go."

"Yes, that would be good."

Twelve looked at Clara, his Clara. He would definitely be back for Clara that evening.

Clara smiled back. Yes he was the Doctor, and she would make sure he always stayed that way.

The End

Thanks for all the reviews and suggestions. A happy ending of sorts in that time and everything else were restored, but the Doctor's life is full of tragic events that not even he can change, and sometimes memories come back to haunt him.

I will be back with another story, once I have another 'Geronimo' moment :-)