![]() Author has written 16 stories for Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Chronicles of Narnia, Fantastic 4, and Harry Potter. Name: Allora Aliases: Luthien Anaclime, Lady Luthien, Lady Elora, Elessar Lover Gender: Female Age: 22 Homeland: USA Academics: MA in Creative Writing FANFICTION PREFERENCES Type of Fanfics I Read: I enjoy a good Action/Adventure fanfiction with a dash of romance mixed in. I enjoy mainly Merlin, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, anything related to my favorite superheros, and a smidgen of random stories after I watch a good movie and/or tv show. Type of Fanfics I Write: I enjoy making OC's alot, I actually have a fondness for it. My stories normally include Action/Adventure/Angst/Violence. As I said above I love reading canon, but thus far I have not been able to write it well enough myself. WORKS IN PROGRESS NONE. I'm being realistic, though I would love to finish all of my stories one day. It would certainly give me closure. :) I just don't have the time for it right now... NOTES ON COMPLETED NOVELS A Loss of Memory: This was my very first fanfiction written two or more years could be classified as a Mary-Sue I suppose and was, possibly is still, my dream of ending up in Middle-earth. It is a load of crap and is currently under revision under a new title: WHEN YOU WISH. LotR. This was my first ever fanfiction and is being butchered up to make it a fresh story. It really does suck, and I suppose we all have to start somewhere but unless you really want a Mary-Sue, then don't read it or it's sequel. I'm even seriously considering taking them both down. HAS BEEN TAKEN OFF ! If you wish to read this work, you can contact me. THIS STORY WILL NOT BE POSTED AGAIN When I Return The Stars Shall Dance: A crazy sequel to A Loss of Memory and ended up being a very choppy story that I lost interest in half-way through and forced myself to finish. I will be revising this story as well as soon as I'm done with When You Wish. (Again, this was loosely basedon me in Middle-earth. LotR. Mary-Sue:) HAS BEEN TAKEN OFF ! If you wish to read this work, you can contact me. THIS STORY WILL NOT BE POSTED AGAIN The Spray Of The Sea: This is a PotC fic about a possible daughter of Jack Sparrow and her adventures under the alias of Jaqueline Summers. It was a definate improvement over my previous two fics and, I was proud to say, became rather popular by its end. It needs some rivising whichj I am currently in the process of. But I had alot of fun with this one, even though it did border on the Mary-Sue dangerously. That's ok. I got flamed for it once, but I survived and pushed through. The revising process is long and painful but it is still up for future generations to feast their eyes upon. Go ahead, feast. :) It is continued by: When The Tide Comes In. HAS BEEN TAKEN OFF ! If you wish to read this work, you can contact me. THIS STORY WILL Be posted again in due time. Right now it's under revision and won't be reposted until I've completed all the necessary changes. Safe In My Arms: SIMA, was a story that I started on the spur of the moment. And I've actually continued with it pretty well. After I see a good movie, a million fanfics pop into my head and less then one in twenty are ever written. This story was an exception because unlike many of my fics, I have a set story-line for it and it has been playing out very well. This story was, by far, the most popular I've ever written and I was thrilled that it received such attention! I am proud of it and don't cringe as much when I look back on it. It was one of my more well-written epics and I'm glad it ended so well. :) Star Flowers: This story is the long awaited alternate ending to, Safe in My Arms, and features a Faerlain/Victoria pairing. For new readers, you could probably manage Star-Flowers without much trouble since it is a stand-alone fiction. But Safe in My Arms was meant to be a much more in-depth novel... which it is. :) ORDER OF NOVELS (with sequels or revisions) 1. Elora Duology b. When I Return the Stars Shall Dance- No longer online 2.Jacqueline Duology a. The Spray of the Sea- Temporarily taken offline for revisions b. Wind on the Waves 3. Victoria Series a. Safe In My Arms (original story) b. Star-Flowers (alternate ending to the original) STAND ALONE FICTIONS Narnia Universe: Amid the Burning Plains (on temporary hiatus Harry Potter Universe: Beginning of the End, Diary of a Pre-Witch, Ramblings of a 'What If' Batman Begins Universe: One Dark Knight (on permanent hiatus) Lord of the Rings Universe: With Silent Charm (on permanent hiatus) UPDATES 12/26/12 Revamped Bio Story Links: http:///ever_eve/sima/sfsima.htm Website for Safe in My Arms. My other sites: http:///ever_eve-Personal Site http:///ever_eve/sima/sfsima.htm- Star-Flowers (Safe in My Arms Site http://www.fictionpress.info/lifeandtimesofallorac - Fiction press account featuring my original works. |