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![]() Author has written 2 stories for Dragon Ball Z. Welcome to my profile! I'm Chase'N'Dream better known as Chase. My dream is to be a a great author of alot of stories with tons of readers and friends. People who hate on stories just cause they don't like something the author wrote, PLEASE leave me alone and go hate on a wall or something cause I don't tolerate flames! Just be a pal and go :) I no like Trolling! My Stories: Can't See Love-In Progress Forgotten Fears- In Progress Favorite Couples: 1:Serena& Darien*Sailor Moon* (That should be me with Serena!) 2: Pan&Trunks *DBZ* 3: Sakura&Sasuke *Naruto* 4: Orhime& Ichigo *Bleach* 5:Christine&Erik *POTO* 6: Katara&Zuko *A:TLA* 7: Videl&Gohan *DBZ* 8: Korra&Mako *LOK* 9: Maka&Soul *Soul Eater* What do you I'm cooking I think I loving you I don't know how to My sister thinks people are rude But I can read better than her But I saw these alot People can find things in their heart Go back and read the forth word of every sentence and try not make a face
1:Find a moment 2:Live it 4: Find the song 5:SING IT OUT LOUD 6:Stop to realize that you didn't see number 3 7:Go to look back and make sure your not crazy 8:You think I did a typo..you are wrong 9: You're shaiking your head... 10:Bye! What stories you should watch out for by me: Another Trunks and Pan Another Gohan and Videl A DBZ and SM crossover maybe..Current Animes I'm watching and favorite couples: Naruto=SakuraSasuke,NarutoHinita Sword Art KiritoAsuna, Godanner= GohAnna Severing Crime Egde=IwaiKiri Leviathan=None AKB0048=None Another=None (This Anime scared the hell out of me and my siblings)Well That's my profile. Later my friends! |