Chapter 1
A New Love?

Saturday night . . . just before sundown
Serena was standing in the park, staring misty-eyed over the lake, thinking about her very long past and wondering, for the thousandth time, where she went wrong in 'this life' to make the man she loves walk away. No use thinking about him right now. I should be out doing things kids my age do instead of moping. The sun was just beginning to set as she sat down on the blanket she brought to wait for the friend from America to bring the picnic he promised. Serena sighed, glancing around. Oh well, here he comes.

Darien was watching Serena from the copse of trees behind her. She hadn't seen him, but that was the idea. He intentionally took great pains to avoid her. Because of his dream-imposed separation, he always did these days. Recently though, Darien had taken his duty to protect a little further. Now, after taking leave from work, he watched over her almost everywhere she went. Today's no different. Darien thought silently as he followed her gaze. Then he saw him . . . A man, perhaps a little older than himself, walked up and sat down on the blanket with her. He carried a picnic basket and a small bouquet of carnations which he handed to Serena.

Serena smiled as she saw him walking toward her. She really was glad to see him as he broke the monotony of the last lonely month. She had met him a week ago at the mall when she had one of her major clutz attacks. She smiled as she remembered:
It was Saturday and Serena had been mall trolling, alone, all day as the others were busy with other things. It was about time to go to Mika's to pick up Reenie and go home for dinner. She picked up her pace and didn't see the man walking her way as the fruits of her shopping spree were piled too high to see much of anything in front of her. —WHAM!—Serena started to fall as the packages went flying. Serena thought for sure she was going down, but a strong hand braced her and prevented the inevitable. She looked up to see who, at first glance looked like Darien, and she started to smile, then frowned and apologized profusely when she realized it wasn't he. "I'm sorry . . . I am so very sorry. I didn't mean to . . . " She managed to stumble out before the wail. "OOHHHH! WHAAAAAAH!"
The man looked at her and said in a calming tone, "It's all right, calm down, it's all right!" When she had sufficiently lowered the decibel, she apologized again as he said, "Here, let me help you with these." Still holding her arm, be leaned over and began picking up the packages that were scattered on the mall floor.
Serena took this opportunity to get a better look at her savior. He was tall, with black hair as dark or even darker (if it could be possible) than Darien's. He resembled the latter in facial structure, although he was more muscular than Darien. The only true difference was the startling emerald green of this man's eyes. Serena had never seen eyes so green! It was then she glanced at her watch and almost began to wail again. "OOOHHH NOOOOO! I am going to be soooo late!"
"What for?" he asked, because, to him, it had to be something dramatic to cause this type of reaction.
She looked at him with tear-filled eyes and replied, "I gotta get my cousin and get home for dinner."
He smiled and said, "My name's Bryce and I'd be glad to give you a ride."
"I don't know . . . ," Serena began. Bryce laughed. "I'm harmless. I swear!"
Serena looked closely at the man who held her packages piled in his arms and said, "Sure, OK, but we have to hurry . . . " She grabbed him by the belt loop and began pulling him toward the doors to the parking lot.

Unbeknownst to Serena, Darien, who shadowed her quite a bit lately, was watching the entire incident. He frowned when he saw her run into the stranger and stepped out to aid her when she wailed. He smiled. Same old Serena. Then frowned again when he saw her being held firmly in the man's grasp. Darien stopped short because the next thing he saw was Serena pulling him along by the . . . belt loop? What is that little fool doing? He followed the couple outside to the man's car and discreetly tailed them to their destinations. He watched as Reenie came running out of a house to give Serena a hug and leave with them in the car, all the while swearing profusely to himself about Serena's (and now Reenie's) lack of common sense, among other things.

In the car, Serena introduced herself and gave directions. She learned that Bryce was from America but very little else as she really wasn't in a talkative mood. I should be ecstatic . . . Here I am with this great looking guy and all I can think of is that I am somehow betraying Darien.
Bryce held his silence as he studied the pensive teen next to him. He took her to pick up her cousin, and the pink haired girl made up for the lack of conversation from Serena as she jabbered on vivaciously about her day at her friend's house. He drove them home and helped Serena bring the packages inside.
For her part, Serena was glad her dad wasn't home as she didn't want to explain what she was doing ride in a strange man's car (especially a man obviously so much older than her). She thanked him for his help and for saving her from a grounding. He smiled and asked her if he could see her again. Serena, ever trusting, agreed and gave him her phone number.

That was a week ago and she hadn't heard a word from him until today.

Bryce sat down and looked at Serena, "What are you smiling at?"

"I was just thinking about how we met," she replied. "How come you didn't call me until today? Then you wanted to meet? Here? At sundown? What's the deal, Bryce?"

"Well, I've been out of town, I like the lake and sunsets, and there is no deal. Does that sufficiently answer all your questions, Princess?"

"Yes," she blushed in embarrassment and then queried, "what did you call me?"

"Princess– Why, don't you like it?"

She told him yes but questioned him further, "Why did you call me that? My name is Serena."

She stressed the name to make a point, but it obviously wasn't taken and she could tell that when he smiled. "I know your name, but seeing you sitting here, watching you as I walked up, I couldn't help but think you looked ethereal." At her questioning look, he added, "Otherworldly . . . princess-like?"

Her only reply was the dark stain of the blush that had returned to her cheeks.

"Do you mind if I call you that?"

"No . . . , I mean yes . . . Oooohh, I don't know!" She sighed in frustration, knowing that no one had ever cared whether she wanted to be called some thing or not. At least it isn't Meatball Head . . . still . . . She continued aloud, "Not yet, at least. I really don't know you enough."

"Does that mean I dare hope you want to get to know me better?"

"Well, yeah, maybe . . . " she said with a mysterious smile.

Darien watched them from his position behind the two. He refused to admit to himself that he could be even slightly jealous of the dark-haired man sitting so near to Serena. He sat down to observe them and started thinking: Reenie fell into our lives, literally, a little over a month ago. She's always bubbly, kinda like Serena . . . , maybe that's why I feel so strongly about protecting her like I do Serena. He shook his head as if to rid himself of the thought. The dreams began shortly thereafter. Dreams, ha . . . Nightmares is more the word for them. They started out gradually and now occur almost every night and are always the same thing . . . If I stay with Serena, something will happen to her. I rarely get a good night's sleep these days . . . Ever since the night Luna came to get me to wake Serena from the droid-induced sleep she was in, I've tried to watch over her. In my late night prowls, I'll go to her house and watch her from the tree by her window, just to assure myself she's still all right. Why the dreams?... If I told her about them maybe we could work things out . . . No, I can't. He clenched his fist in frustration at the well-argued self debate. No, I can't. I have to stay away . . . Find out what the dreams mean . . . And not risk her getting hurt in any way because of me. He was brought out of his thoughts by Serena's laugh. He smiled when she stood up and stretched, but fumed when the man tugged on her hand and, as Queen of the Clutzes, she fell right on top of him. He watched as she laughingly apologized and testily he wondered, Who is that man? And what does he want with Serena?

Serena was having a good time. She was actually laughing. She hadn't truly felt like laughing in a long time. "Bryce," she asked, "What do you do? Do you go to college or work?"

"Both actually. I'm studying research and development of weaponry and work at Cosmos Laboratories downtown."

"Cosmos Lab? Isn't that the new weapons place that just opened a few months ago?" At his nod, she continued, "You must be really smart."

"I get by," he said with a smile. "What about you?"

With an embarrassed giggle she whispered, "Uh . . . Well . . . I . . . I'm not very good in school."

"Really? You strike me as a very bright young lady."

He sounded very surprised at her revelation so she attempted to elaborate, "I have problems, you see, I don't understand what I'm supposed to do and no one really expects me to, so I don't. It's not that I don't want to learn. It's just that I have fun doing other things and I only sometimes mind when I . . . "

"... live down to others' opinions of you?" She nodded as he finished her thought for her. He watched the pain in her eyes as she was telling him these things and knew she was only telling him a partial truth when she said 'sometimes'. Change the subject, don't let her get upset now. "How old are you, Serena?"

She started a little at the unexpected question. "Fourteen. Why? Too young for ya? Huh?" she laughed.

"No, I was just curious . . . " Serena stood up as he answered her and stretched which reminded Bryce of a content cat. By watching her, he reasoned out that the only way to keep her smiling was to throw her slightly off guard. Smiling at the picture in front of him, he grabbed her hand and gave a good tug. The results were a little unexpected. She teetered then fell right on top of him!

Serena laughed apologetically, but as is her way of never letting anything get her down for long, she bounced off of him took off at run to the lake.

Darien watched, astounded, as she pulled off her shirt to reveal (to his eternal relief) her swimsuit. Next, the shorts came off. He watched her cleave the water and glanced surly at the man left behind, then looked back at Serena. What in the hell does she think she's doing? She doesn't even know this guy.

Bryce sat up laughing. As he viewed the sight Serena made, his eyes darkened to almost a forest green in appreciation. And, perhaps, something a little more . . . Well . . . If you can't beat 'em. He stood up and stripped to the jogging shorts he still had on from the morning at the pool. He ran for the lake, deciding to sneak up on the mermaid in the middle.

Darien walked to the recently vacated blanket and imagined he could still smell the light perfume Serena always wore. He watched Serena get pulled under water by the smiling fool she was with and angrily admitted to himself, it should be me out there, not that idiot. He stepped back to the shadows when he saw the two coming toward shore.

Bryce carried Serena to the shore (much to Darien's continued annoyance).

When he put her down, she smiled her thanks and giggled, slightly embarrassed at having been carried by some one other than Tuxedo Mask, as he was the only one to ever carry her anywhere . . . and usually only out of harm's way during battles. As she began to dress, her communicator went off. Speak of the devil.

"What's that?" Bryce asked.

"My beeper. I'm sorry," she replied as she hurriedly finished dressing. "I forgot . . . I . . . uh . . . have to be somewhere." She smiled brilliantly up at him, "Can you please take my blanket home with you? I can get it soon . . . " At his nod she turned and began to run.

"Hey! Wait! I'll drive you!" He called to her retreating back.

"No time . . . Gotta book it!"

"Wait, I . . . " but she was already gone.

Darien watched Serena leave and, after a few minutes, stepped out from the trees to approach the guy who had his lady's attention. Then he felt it . . . The same feeling that he always gets when Serena transforms. He stepped back into the trees and in a flash of roses, Tuxedo Mask ran off in the direction Serena had. He let his instincts for her guide him to her.

Bryce stood where Serena left him. He thought about the girl that had grabbed his fascination. I need to find out what it is about her.

As Tuxedo Mask reached the battle scene, he couldn't help but think, one more time, as he looked down at Sailor Moon, Who is that man . . . ? And what does he want with Serena?

Rubeus was furious. He had not conquered any Crystal Points and had, in fact, lost the four sisters, his best warriors, as well. Combine that with the lack of success in locating the rabbit or the Silver Crystal and furious was an understatement to how he feels. Wise man had come and told him there was only one chance left for him to redeem himself . . . Rubeus was to travel to the past . . . But first, I must do something about Sailor Moon and her Scouts in this' time. But what . . . ? Suddenly, malevolently, he smiled.

Sailor Moon arrived to see Venus entangled in what looked to be a giant octopus. "Took ya long enough!" Mars shouted.

She had no time to reply as Jupiter ran up and yelled, "Get Down!"

Jupiter Thunderclap . . . Zap!

Octoram reared back in anger as the lightning struck him. He dropped Venus to the ground and Mercury pulled her to the side to check her out.

Mars Celestial Fire . . . Surround!

Octoram stood his ground as the fire came at him. "Now, Sailor Moon!" Mars told her.

"Right," she replied, but as she started to pull out her scepter, Octoram jumped forward, seized her, and began to back away with his prize. A rose flashed by and hit Octoram on the arm that held Sailor Moon. Octoram shrieked, but did not release her. As Sailor Moon began to lose consciousness, she called out softly, "Help me . . . Scouts . . . "

They would not, however, attack the monster in fear of hitting her as she was being used to shield its escape.

Tuxedo Mask screamed, "Mars, we have to get her free, before it escapes . . . ! Venus! Use your chain, hold the creature!"

"I don't want to hit Sailor Moon!" she replied.

"Concentrate!" was all he said as he jumped to the next building to get behind the creature.

Venus watched him and got the idea. As the Scouts looked to her for orders, she told them, "Spread out! Let it think its getting away!"

While they took positions, Venus saw Sailor Moon's limp, unconscious body and turned livid . . .

Venus Love Chain . . . Encircle!

The chain grabbed one of Octoram's lower legs and she pulled with a strength born of desperation. It fell on its back and Tuxedo Mask hit the leg holding Sailor Moon with his cane. The arm loosened slightly.

"Mercury! What's its weakness!" Venus called out over the roars of anger from the captured creature.

"I can't get a reading! Oh hell . . . "

Mercury Ice Storm . . . Blast!

Three of the creature's arms broke off as it tried to get up to move away, pulling Venus with it. "I can't hold him much longer!" she panted.

Octoram shifted Sailor Moon enough for Jupiter to get another shot in.

Jupiter Thunderclap . . . Zap!

It let Sailor Moon fall and Tuxedo Mask caught her before she impacted with the ground and pulled her to safety in a nearby alley.

"I have the reading!" Mercury told the others, "Since Sailor Moon is out, we must combine attacks!"

Venus Love Chain . . .
Mercury Ice Storm . . .
Jupiter Thunder Clap . . .
Mars Celestial Fire . . .

Encircle, Blast, Zap, Surround!

The light from the allied attack was so blinding that even the Scouts had to shield their eyes. When they could see once more, Octoram was no more. "Dusted!" they cheered. That done, they walked into the alley that Tuxedo Mask had taken Sailor Moon. They were surprised to see her still unconscious and held tightly in his arms.

Mercury checked Sailor Moon with her computer and assured everyone that she would be fine.

"I can't take her home like this, so I'll take her to my apartment until she comes around." Tuxedo Mask told them.

"Are you sure?" Mars asked, "She looks like she may need a doctor."

"She'll be ok in a couple of hours," Mercury answered for him. "She was given some sort of ink from that creature, sort of like a real octopus sprays when defending itself. After it works its way out of her system, she'll come around, as it isn't toxic."

"Tuxedo Mask," Venus queried as he prepared to leave, "Did you find any thing unusual about this creature?"

"Like it was after her?"

She nodded and continued thoughtfully, "I don't feel any thing strange from the time when it had me . . . ," she shook her head. "Also, if you'd rather take her somewhere else, you could bring her to my house . . . "

"No, it's all right. I'll be fine and so will she." He replied so strongly that he didn't know who he was trying to convince, the Scouts or himself. As he walked away carrying Sailor Moon, the girls detransformed and began to talk among themselves. The last thing he heard was Raye's comments that this was the first battle in almost two weeks and one of the most difficult yet. Tuxedo Mask silently agreed with her, thinking that Sailor Moon hadn't been taken down in a battle in a long time, and never for this long, usually she was up and bubbly by now. He looked down at the slight form he carried and sighed. I have missed her. At least, right now, she can't get any ideas about our relationship and I can still be close for a while. He smiled.

Tuxedo Mask brought her in through the balcony window, walked into the bedroom and lay her on the bed. He detransformed and Darien went in the kitchen for something to drink. When he returned, he sat on the bed and watched Sailor Moon. Her breathing was shallow and her coloring, opaque, but flushed. He put a wet towel on her forehead to keep down the fever he could feel her getting. Damn, she is so beautiful. His thoughts turned sour as he recalled the events he'd witnessed earlier in the evening in the park. No . . . damn her beautiful face . . . She wasted no time finding someone new . . . Darien was pulled out of thought when Sailor Moon stirred. "Sailor Moon, please, detransform . . . I've got to get you home."

"Darien . . . " she smiled slightly and touched her locket. In a flash of ribbons and light, Serena looked up to see him frowning fiercely at her. She wanted to ask him why he looked so angry, but found herself falling back to oblivion.

Darien picked up the phone, "Raye? It's Darien. Serena's in no condition to go home or anywhere else. She's really sick and I'm going to keep her here until she's better. She was conscious long enough to detransform, but I think it was a mistake. Now she looks worse than before."

"Do you want me to come and sit with her?"

"No, I took some vacation from work and school's out, so I'll watch over her."

"Are you sure, Darien? I know you two weren't on the best of terms . . . "

"I'll take care of her," he interjected forcefully.

"Sure, Darien . . . What else do you need?"

"Just call her mom and tell her Serena's staying with you for a couple of days and have Lita bring Reenie to the temple. With Sailor Moon out, I want her under guard at all times. She has a tendency to get herself in no end of trouble with Serena around. I can't imagine what would happen now that she's not." He laughed a little.

Raye laughed, too, "Sure, no problem. Do you want me to send Amy over?"

"No, I'll call her if I need her. Serena probably just needs rest."

"Yeah, well, that Meat Ball Head is always getting into some sort of trouble we have to bail her out of."

Darien smiled at her words. "Thanks, Raye."

"Any time, Darien."

Serena's eyes were open but very glossy. She looked at the person next to her. He looks so familiar . . . Where have I seen him before?

He asked, "Can I get you any thing?"

"Who are you? I think I know . . . Can't remember . . . " she said softly.


"Sorry, so tired . . . " and closed her eyes.

"Oh, Serena." Darien lifted and cradled her in his arms.

When she began to shake violently, he wrapped her in blankets, but still did not release her. Serena was so cold. What's wrong with me . . . ? Mother, help me, please . . . Darien was beginning to worry. She was cold, clammy, and unresponsive. He pulled down the sheets and lay her down. When he went to move, she screamed in, what sounded like, terror. Her eyes were open but there was no recognition in them as she clung to him fiercely. Damn! He lay down next to her and pulled her nearer. Serena instinctively curled herself against him and seemed to calm. Darien sighed, pulled the blankets around both of them, and thought sourly, It's going to be a very long night.

Serena felt as if she were floating. Where am I?

"You are with me, Serena." A voice answered her unspoken words.


"Yes, Serena, and you are not well."

"But why are you here?"

"Because you need me. Right now you are closer to death than anyone realizes, as you are slowly being poisoned."

"Why, Mother?"

"I cannot answer that, but you must fight this! Do you hear me, Serena?"

"Yes, I will try, but I am so tired."

"I know, but you cannot give up."

"I do not have a reason to go on . . . Darien will not love me."

"Patience, child. It will all work out. You must live in order for that to happen."

"But, Mother, I wish to be with you!" she whined.

"It is not your time! Now listen to me!" Queen Serenity was losing patience.

"Yes, Mother." Serena answered contritely.

"Right now you are ill and in Prince Darien's care . . . "

"What do you mean?" she interrupted. "Where am I?"

"In his home. He will care for you until you are well." She hugged Serena, then, tightly. "You must fight to come back to him, please."

"But he does not WANT me!" she whispered harshly and began to cry.

"I love you, my daughter. I must go now, but remember . . . He takes care of you now and will see that no other harm comes to you. Fight to be well . . . " were that last words Serena heard as she watched her mother begin to fade.

"I will try, Mother . . . And, I love you, too . . . " Serena called out to the diminishing figure.

Darien held Serena close when she was cold. When she began to sweat, he took her clothes off, leaving on the swim suit for modesty's sake, and bathed her with cool, damp towels. To prevent dehydration, he gave her liquids. In one of the quieter moments, he held her hand, pondering the nights' events. I thought Mercury said you were going to be ok in a couple of hours. It's been six and you're no closer to better than before. Honestly, Serena, you look like hell and worse with each passing hour. Geez . . . if you wanted to get my attention you could have picked a better way. He smiled at his own thoughts.

And so the hours passed . . .

Darien was aroused from his bedside vigil at 3:30 in the morning, when the phone rang. "Yes?" he answered groggily.

"Darien, it's Amy. I couldn't sleep. How's Serena?"

"I don't know. I just don't know . . . " As he was talking, Serena began to tremble violently again.

"I can't talk right now. She needs me . . . Call tomorrow sometime." He hung up, got back in the bed, and pulled her close. Almost immediately, the shaking stopped. He, too, fell asleep . . . and the nightmare didn't come.

When he awoke, some four hours later, the first thing he felt was refreshed. Then, how cold he was. It took only a moment for him to realize that the cold' came from the girl he held so close to his heart. He noticed her breathing was erratic and pulse, low. Oh God . . . Nooo! He ran to the bathroom and began to fill the bathtub with the warmest water he could stand. Returning to her, he demanded, "Serena! Serena! Wake up! Serena, damn you, don't you leave me!" He carried her into the bathroom when . . .

"Oh God . . . ," Darien turned sharply at the voice that mirrored his own thoughts of just moments before.

"Luna, what are you doing here? Get out . . . !"

"Darien, she has to go to the hospital."

"No. Something's killing her and she's safest here."

"How can you be so sure?" Luna almost screeched. "Doctors–or–Amy can save her!"

"No." He said fiercely to the almost hysterical cat and turned away.

"Just go. I'll call when there's a change."

"Wait, I . . . "

"What, I don't have the time for this . . . " at this point he was totally exasperated.

"Can I, please, stay with her for just a few minutes?" At his quick nod, Luna followed him into the bathroom.

Darien set Serena in the warm water and began talking to her, calling her name, telling her that he was there for her. Luna watched him with eyes filled with unspoken sympathy for the man who so obviously loved her charge.

Serena mumbled weakly, "hot . . . "

"Yes, hot. " He whispered soothingly.

She opened her glossy eyes to see a man smiling at her. "Who . . . ?"

"No questions, just get better."


"Hush, Serena."

"I..." And then his world stopped. Serena's eyes closed and she began to slide from his arms.

"Oh no," He roared as he pulled her from the water, "You will NOT do this!" and began CPR.

Luna started to cry.

After almost five minutes, Darien's world started again. Serena was breathing. It was shallow, but there, nonetheless. "Serena," he vowed viciously, "when you're better, I will personally kill you myself!"

After he had laid her back in the bath, he turned to Luna, still crying, when she spoke softly, "You saved her."

"Yes, well, she certainly isn't out of the woods yet." He ran a weary hand through his hair and sighed. "Go see Raye, tell her . . . "

"I will, Darien. Do you want me to tell them to come yet?"

"No, it's too soon. I almost lost her and don't want to take the chance of it happening again. Besides, something tells me that only I can help her past this. But she has to fight, too. Do you hear me Serena? Fight!"

"Take care, Darien. We'll be waiting for your call." He nodded absently as she left.

When the water began to cool, he brought her back in the bedroom, took her swim suit off, and dressed her in one of his t-shirts. He was on his way to the shower when he heard it . . .

Serena faintly whispering, "Darien, don't go . . . Don't leave me . . . Why do you hate me so much?"

He turned around, surprised, thinking she was awake. "Serena, I . . . " and stopped when he saw her open eyes filled with fear but, again, without recognition. He walked back to the bed and gathered her close once more. As she calmed, her breathing became regular, and her body temperature rose to normal. She was no longer cold, just chilled. He wrapped her in a blanket and laid her back on the bed.

By ten a.m., she was sleeping peacefully in his arms, not that Darien minded. She seemed to rest more peacefully that way, then alone. It's like, she somehow knows I'm here. By noon, the phone was ringing off the hook. He opted to ignore the first dozen calls, but had had enough.

"Who is it?" he demanded.

"Mina. What happened?"

"Not now . . . And tell the others to stop calling as well. Just cover for Serena until tomorrow. I'll talk then."

"But Darien, I have to know . . . Is she . . . ? It's all my fault."

"It's not your fault and she'll be fine."

"You mean . . . "

Darien interrupted her, "I don't mean anything except that it's been a very long night and will be a long day as well."

Quietly Mina stated, "Luna said she died." It was meant as a question but came out as a statement.


"Darien . . . Oh my God . . . ," she cried out in distress.

Again, silence, then, "She's alive, but it's going to be awhile until she's conscious. Look, I know you're worried, but don't, I won't let anything happen to her. Tell everyone she will be fine. And ask Amy to come over at about ten tonight, ok?"

"Can the rest of us come? Please, Darien, we need to see her. Assure ourselves that she's ok." She waited as he was silent once more.

Darien knew that the girls must be deeply upset by the news Luna had given them. He also knew that, if someone told him he couldn't see Serena when she was this sick, he would either go crazy worrying or, even more likely, tear down the very gates of hell to be with her. He sighed in defeat, "Sure, all right. Bring the others."

"Thank you, Darien. See you tonight."

"Bye, Mina." His only thought when he hung up the phone was, It looks like it will be another very long night.

Throughout the day, guided only by his instincts, Darien tended Serena. Three times he used warm damp towels when her temperature dropped and twice he used cool ones when it went up. Over and over, until Darien thought his hands might prune and fall off. He talked to her as well, about how they met, their first kiss, the friends they shared, and repeatedly he told her, "fight, Serena, for me, for you, for us."

At 5:30, Darien was just this side of physically exhausted. Serena had not waken up, but had been fairly stable over the last hour. All he could think of was getting some sleep. He changed the linens on the bed, then laid her on it. He watched her sleep, thinking, you're so pale, so small, I just wish you'd wake up and give me the famous "Serena Whine." He laughed suddenly. Your dad would certainly keel over if he knew where you've REALLY spent the last twenty-four hours. Pensively, he took her hair down and gently brushed out the mess of tangles. That done, he tiredly climbed in the bed, pulled her close, and drifted off to sleep. His last thought was how right it felt, her being so near him.

Darien was rudely awakened by furious beating on the door. He looked at the clock. "10:15... oh shit!" He quickly pulled a shirt on and ran to the door. He opened it to find four anxious girls and two bedraggled cats. "Where's Reenie?" he demanded.

"At the temple with Chad, asleep. She'll be fine. Can we come in?" Raye answered.

"Sure, uh . . . , sorry," he added, slightly embarrassed.

When he stood aside, to allow passage, the girls froze as they heard a bloodcurdling scream from the bedroom. Darien simply turned on his heel and walked away, leaving the others to find their own way in.

When he returned a short time later, he was carrying a well-bundled, still sleeping Serena. The grin he wore was slightly wilted. By way of an explanation he said, "I think she senses when I'm not there." His grin wilted even more and he shrugged. "I don't know, but she's ok now."

Darien sat on the couch, adjusting Serena comfortably on his lap. Luna jumped up on his shoulder to stare at the slumbering form in his arms as the girls sat down. They listened patiently as he relayed what had happened since the battle. Each girl took a turn at holding Serena's hand while Darien answered their rapid-fire questions. After a while, he stood, motioned for the others to follow, and carried her into the bedroom. He laid her on the bed then leaned against the wall near the door, choosing to watch her from there so the others could be with her awhile. A companionable silence filled the room. Raye chose to break it when she saw the strain of the days' events plainly written on Darien's face. "You still love her don't you?"

"I can't." He answered simply.

"Why not?" Mina asked. "You've cared for her and saved her life at least once in the last twenty-four hours." She paused and looked at him. His eyes were closed, as if blocking the words, she continued gently, "You knew . . . Somehow, you knew . . . "

"I just can't. And she needed me . . . I never would or could have left her, knowing that."

"We know that, Darien," Amy said softly.

But Lita was none too sweet when she demanded, "Can't or won't?"

"Drop it all right? I don't want to talk about it."

"Why?" Luna asked. She had stayed awake many nights with Serena as the girl cried her heart out because Darien had rejected her. She was as curious as the rest to know his reasons.

Darien knew he couldn't tell them the truth, so he told them the first thing that came to mind, "She's found someone else." It wasn't necessarily a lie, or the truth either. In truth, he didn't know if the man she'd been with meant something to her or not.

"Huh?" Raye asked wonderingly.

Luna was shocked. "I've heard her talk of no other except you Darien. Surely you must be mistaken." He just shook his head.

"So that's who that was . . . " Raye mumbled. She didn't realize that she had spoken aloud until she heard, "Do what?" echoed around the room. She looked at the others and forcefully replied, "That's a story for later," glancing toward where Darien stood.

As if reading Raye's thoughts, he walked over, sat next to Serena, and said sadly, "I already saw him."

When everyone looked at her, Raye repeated fiercely, "LATER!" She refused to hurt Darien any more than he obviously was already, regardless of what the others wanted.

Serena stirred slightly and her eyes fluttered open. "What . . . ?" At the unexpected sound of her voice, Darien turned to see her looking around vaguely, "Where am I? Who...?" When she saw his face, her eyes widened as they lost their vacant look, "Prince Darien?" she whispered.

"Serena?" Darien asked a little surprised to hear his formal title. "How do you feel?"

The girls listened quietly as she answered, "I feel fine. Well, besides this awful headache."

Everyone, including the cats, breathed an inaudible sigh of relief.

"What are you doing here? Where am I, anyway?" She asked.

Darien glanced at the girls across from him worriedly. Unconsciously slipping into a formal tone, he replied, "I live here, you are in my apartment."

"What? What apartment'? Where is my mother?" She sat up quickly. Too fast . . . She clutched her head in pain and fell back onto the pillows.

Amy stood up to go to her aid, but Darien waved her back. He leaned over and set a cool towel over her tightly clenched eyes. "Rest now. You are safe."


"No buts. Just do. We will talk later, I promise."

"Are you . . . "

"Quiet now, you need to rest." He motioned the girls to leave and, reluctantly, they did.

"Oh, all right." She mumbled sullenly.

Darien waited until her breathing was even in sleep, before leaving to join the others in the living room. They were talking quietly among themselves when he finally came out. Luna looked at him closely. To her, he seemed worse now than before, when Serena had been near death. She watched him sit down and run his hand through his hair almost impatiently. Or was it nervously? "Ladies," he said, sounding very old and very tired, "I think we have a problem."

Rubeus smiled to himself as he thought about what the Scouts must being going through. Knowing that Sailor Moon is going to die and there isn't anything they could do to prevent it must be a bitter thing for them. That was an incredible plan. Now on to the next phase . . . He waited, somewhat impatiently, for the portal Wise Man was preparing. As it opened, he walked through, believing, that the only reason Wise Man had agreed to this, was because of Octoram's success in administering the poison. He stepped out of the portal a year in the past. He hoped he was not too late. His very life depended on his ability to locate and retrieve the items, and fast.

While Darien was still in the bedroom with Serena, Luna asked Raye who he had been talking about. "I don't think I should say anything." As the looks of protest appeared on their faces, she finished hurriedly, "Not yet anyway."

"Why not?" Mina demanded harshly. When Raye frowned at her, she changed her tone and continued quickly as she rambled through her tormented thoughts. "We have a right to know what's happening in our princess' life, good or bad. She hasn't said anything to me about another guy. And she would've, I know it. Besides, our job is to protect her right? How are we supposed to do that if we don't know everything that's going on, including a new guy, or even a new friend?"

"Easy, Girl." Lita told Mina when she had stopped to catch her breath from the tirade. Lita also agreed with her, "Look Raye, Serena is our friend, and we all know how she feels about Darien." Everyone nodded in agreement, even Raye, and she continued, "she is vulnerable, even more so now that she's been so sick. So, even if we don't have the 'right', we 'need' to know everything, in order to better protect her from anything that may bring her farther down. Even another broken heart."

"Didn't you guys ever hear of the word PRIVACY?" Raye asked snidely.

Lita and Mina just smiled slightly and shook their heads.

Amy was looking, rather forlornly, toward the bedroom door. She knew that the girl in on that bed was, not her only friend, but was her first and best friend. She thought back to the times when the only things in her life had been school and the library. Serena befriended her even before she knew that Amy was a Sailor Scout. At this point, Amy couldn't think of a time when she was happier, tears came unbidden to her eyes. But only since Serena. "I agree with Lita." She said suddenly. "However, Mina, this 'new guy' is probably harmless. We may not need to worry about him at all. Then again . . . I have been wrong before."

Raye sighed in resignation. "Artemis, you haven't said any thin –not a word–since Luna told us about Serena this morning. Are you all right? What do you think about this?"

He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, then replied, "I'm fine. I've just been thinking about the pain I felt when Queen Serenity died and was trying to consider how I, we, could handle another loss of that magnitude. In my mind, it's incomprehensible." He shook his head and jumped to Mina's lap. She began to stroke him absently as they all thought about the impact Serena's loss would be. Artemis continued slowly, as if testing each word before speaking, "For that reason, I do believe we should take extra care at this point."

"I agree." Luna added matter-of-factly. "She's all we have left and has a purpose here, as do you girls, to protect this world . . . "

"We know that, Luna." Raye interrupted impatiently. She was thoroughly frustrated with this lecture already!

"Hush up and let me finish!" Luna snapped back. "I don't know what the future holds, but Serena made a promise to Reenie to help her save her mother . . . , in that future. So, not only does she have a duty to the present, but a 'promise' to the future as well."

Lita, Mina, and Amy nodded their silent agreement. Raye thought about what the cats said and came to a decision. "I don't know much really . . . This man came to the temple today looking for Serena. Reenie was taking a nap and I was sitting on the steps outside." And so she remembered:
What went wrong, Serena? The Fire tells me nothing. Nothing at all. Raye sighed. She'd be the last to admit it, even to herself, but she was worried. Luna was with Reenie now, but earlier had been crying when she told them about what happened at Darien's. Reflectively, Raye closed her eyes and laid her head on her arms. Who is that? She wondered as she heard a car pull up. Without moving, she announced, "I'm sorry, but we're closed for the day."
A male voice asked, "Are you Raye Hino?"
Oh God, what's happened now? Aloud she muttered, "Uh . . . yes, I am." Raye opened her eyes, looked up and into the most startling emerald green eyes she had ever seen. Her next coherent thought was, in her mind, as ridiculous as the last. He is so tall! When next she found her voice, she asked, "Who are you?"
The man broke into a wide grin and put out his hand, which she automatically shook. "My name's Bryce and I'm looking for Serena."
Raye smiled back. "How do you know Serena?"
"Well, I called her house to remind her about the blanket I have. She left it last night after the picnic. I wanted to return it, but her mother said she's staying here for a few days."
"She is, but actually, right now, she's in town with friends. But I can take it for her, if that's all right."
"Sure, let me get it." When he came back, he asked, "Do you know when she'll be back?"
"No, I'm sorry. I don't. I'll tell her you came by though."
"Yeah, thanks. Tell her also that I'll be back tomorrow to see her."
"We're leaving early in the morning." Raye lied quickly. "We have plans for the day."
"Yes, ok. Well . . . , but wait, don't you girls have school?"
"No, it's summer vacation. We don't go back until September." Raye knew she was rambling. She wasn't really listening to the conversation anyway, her mind being on Serena. Then he said the one word that always strikes a soft spot in her. "What did you say? I'm afraid my mind is elsewhere and I didn't hear you."
"I said, 'it tells you how much I know about the princess'."
"Why did you call her that?" She demanded forcefully, almost wildly. Then she apologized, saying, "It's been a very long day."
"Well, Raye," he looked at her oddly, "I really don't know, but she asked me exactly the same thing when I called her that. And when you do see Serena, tell her I'll call soon." Then he was gone.
Raye frowned. Something is wrong here. It was then she realized that he hadn't even answered her original question about how he knew Serena.

"And that's what happened." Raye completed her story, again thinking that something was not quite right.

Mina immediately began her interrogation. "What did he look like? What kind of car did he drive?" And on and on.

As Raye described Bryce, Lita sighed dreamily and said, "He sounds like . . . "

"...Your old boyfriend!" The others, in unison, finished for her. They all broke into giggles at this, effectively breaking the high level of tension in the room.

It was then that Darien came out, looking for all the world like the proverbial cat dragged him in. The girls quieted after he spoke and Luna jumped to his lap in concern. Now there was silence as they waited for him to continue. "Look, maybe you should just all go home for the night. I can't tell you anything yet, as I have no proof." He put his hand up to forestall the inevitable questions, and shook his head. "Your job is to take care of Reenie, let me deal with Serena. When I get my answers, I'll tell you what I know. Please."

"Sure, Darien." Amy answered for the group.

When Darien leaned his head back and closed his eyes, Artemis asked, "What is it, Darien?" He had been watching the man closely since he had arrived.

Artemis saw the way he had held the princess when she cried out and how he had calmed her when she finally woke up. He had seen Darien's gentle hand and knew, instinctively, that he lied when he claimed he couldn't love Serena and the reasons for it. The question is . . . Why? He was brought out of his reverie when Darien answered.

"I don't know. It's probably my overactive imagination any way." I hope. "After all, it's been a tiring two days."

"Indeed," Luna agreed solemnly. "And our presence here is only making it longer still. However, Darien, we need to know one thing before we go."

"Sure, anything."

"You said you already saw 'him'." At his nod, she asked, "will you tell us what you know?"

"I'll tell you what I can, but it's not much." Darien told his avid audience about Serena's first "run in" with the new man in her life. He left out the fact that he'd been following Serena. He didn't want them to know that and just let them assume that he and she were just in the same place at the same time. In truth, it wasn't necessarily an infrequent occurrence. It happened all the time. He then told them about what he had seen at the lake last evening . . . Was it only last night? Feels like a lifetime ago. He thought tiredly when he finished.

Raye gave Darien a name to the face and repeated the story of Bryce's visit to the temple earlier. For a while, the room was silent. Everyone was thinking about what they'd seen and heard over the last couple of days, trying to make sense of it all.

Luna broke the silence. "I think that covers everything that's happened, so we'd better go." Amy picked up Luna and Mina picked up Artemis. Darien led them to the door and as each walked by him, gave him a reassuring smile.

Except Raye. "Tell the empty Meatball Head that she owes us all a day at the arcade after this."

She remarked flippantly, causing a round of laughter from everyone as Darien shut the door.

Monday 2:00 A.M.
Darien sagged wearily against the door, glad to be alone. Glancing at the clock when he walked by it, he was rather astounded to find that several hours had passed . . . Almost two, Christ, the girls were here longer than I realized. He went into the bedroom and found Serena still sleeping peacefully. He smiled as he pondered his current situation: Bed or Couch? He pulled off his shirt and shrugged. A little too late to worry about propriety, I suppose. He lay down and pulled Serena close. Once again, the night mares didn't come.

Tuesday . . . about 7:30 A.M.
The first thing she sensed as she slowly came out of the black void that held her, was that she was not alone. This cannot be right. No one is allowed in my rooms. She opened her eyes, but had to close them again quickly as the bright sunlight burned into her brain. It was then she felt the body that was flush against her and the arm that held her tightly at the waist. She froze. Oh no . . . What . . . have . . . I . . . done . . . ? Tears began to creep out from under her tightly clenched eyes. How did I get here? What happened last night? Oooohh, why can I not remember? ...Darien will never have me now. The thoughts were running through her head so fast she couldn't keep up with them. Amid all the chaos in her mind, one thought stood out. I feel like I belong here. Trying to hold onto that feeling, she drew a calming breath which turned into a tearful shudder.

Darien woke immediately when he felt Serena shake. Thinking she was cold again, he almost reached for the blankets, when he noticed the tears on her face. He released her waist to wipe them away.

When he touched her face, she turned her head away and whispered, "Do not . . . Please, do not touch me." Darien froze as he listened. "Oh . . . Prince Darien," she sobbed softly, "What have I done!"

It was at that precise moment that Darien realized his assumption was right. Serena wasn't just Serena anymore.