Author has written 3 stories for Inuyasha. I'm 5'2", with dark brown eyes and dark brown hair down to my... hips, and I'm over 18.I LOVE INUYASHA!!! (Although I'm starting to fall in love with Sesshoumaru too...) I love to write stories, but always kept them private. Same Thing, Different Time is the first I've ever shared with others. I also love to draw, but cannot on demand. Love to dance, don't really know how, but let the music just move me how it wants to. I wish I had a huge room to be able to move around like I want to...but that's just one more thing I don't and can't have. Oh, did I say I LOVED InuYasha...ummm...yes, I guess I did, even my ID name says that too! (heehee) Oh, how I wish I was an IY anime character! But I guess I would still get heart broken, because because Kagome would still win his love! |