Disclaimer: *Big sigh* Same as all the other chapters before.

FINALLY! The last chapter!! And I dedicate this chapter to sweetdaeth. I hope that I've… umm… made you pleasantly happy? I hope that all you others out there that have been sooooooo patiently waiting for this chapter that you enjoy it.

Don't know whether I should tell you to get a glass of ice cubes before you read this or not. Maybe it's not that hot after you do read it. It might be anti-climatic. Some of you that was expecting something a little more, might be a little disappointed. I took a long time thinking about how this 'one-shot turned six-chapters' would go and it was just never meant to go 'that particular way' -- even though I got carried away and wrote one up that way. Still I do hope you enjoy what is contained within.


Pulling Her Down

by: aishiteru_inu

Part 6: The Kiss

Previous Chapter:

"InuYasha," she murmured, and her only response was of him saying, "Ummmm?"

"I--I didn't know that I… had so many places for you to take care of."


His hand pressed upon her back a bit more, afraid to answer her, afraid that any moment she was going to pull away.

That one statement sent so many thoughts racing through his mind at that moment, yet none of them made clear sense. He didn't care. He didn't want to have to make sense to any of it. The only thing he wanted was to concentrate on what he was doing right then.

He moved his lips upward against the beating pulse of her throat, until they came to the line of her jaw. He nuzzled her gently until she tilted her head enough that he could follow her jaw line from underneath, to her chin. From there, he lifted his head and placed a light lingering kiss at the corner of her mouth, and then he drew back from her.

InuYasha kept his gaze purposely upon her mouth for he knew that if he looked into her eyes, he wouldn't be able to hide it. He knew that it couldn't help but show in his gaze because his eyes were giving off an unfamiliar warmth. It, once again, made him afraid of what her reaction would be once she saw; once she knew.

He could feel her gentle breath upon his face as he continued to take in the petal softness of her skin, the blush of her lips, and the fragrance of sakura blossoms along with the enticing smell of sweet musk.

Slowly, guiding the hand that he still held captive by the wrist to his chest, he pressed it against him to let her feel the rapid rhythm of his heart beating against her palm. Releasing her wrist, he left it up to her to keep it there… or not.

Raising his hand the few inches that it took to reach her face, he soothed the skin across her cheek with the back of his curled fingers, then carefully threading them through her hair to cup the back side of her head. The two of them were already so close together that it wouldn't be much of an effort to completely bring his body in contact with hers. He knew he shouldn't. He knew it, yet he couldn't stop himself, and with a minimal of shifts, the front length of his body was against her.

The contact sent a searing jolt through him, which instantly caused his gaze to lift to hers. Through the hazy warmth of his eyes, InuYasha tried to search hers to see if there was any flicker of rejection from what he just did, and was further stunned when he found there wasn't. In fact, Kagome sat staring back at him with the same kind of dazed look that mirrored his own.

Deep golden eyes dropped from the rich darkness of hers, back to the soft roundness of her mouth, which InuYasha found himself being drawn to. Pressing his lips against hers, he lingered only mere seconds before he withdrew, trying to bring his gaze back to hers as he did so but found that the lids were too heavy to lift anymore than halfway. His lips moved to say her name, but his voice was so hushed that the sound barely even issued forth.

The girl in his arms did not try to move away, nor did she say a word to object; even if she had at that moment, he wouldn't have heard it, for the blood that surged through his body carried the heavy rhythmic pounding of his heart within it. A soft moaning growl managed to rise up and escape from his throat just before he captured her mouth with his; lips melting to mold perfectly against hers.

As hers parted, his tongue that had so lavished her cuts slipped in between and sought to caress all that was within. This time it wasn't the gentle tenderness as before. No, he kissed her with an ardency of a man fighting to cling to an illusion that he knew just couldn't be true and would disappear at any moment.


Between his hands and his mouth, Kagome was fused against him without a chance to escape even had she wanted to. It was a heady sensation as she reveled in the demanding, yet buttery softness of his lips -- a sharp contrast to the hard strength that was InuYasha. The touch of his tongue against hers went beyond anything she could ever imagine as he stroked and swirled about it. The taste of him in her mouth, the smell of his skin and breath, made her senses skyrocket. Her hands grasped at the material beneath them, then relaxed to be able to slid them upward, finding their way around his neck to hold herself against him, or perhaps to hold him closer.


The movement of her arms gliding across his shoulders made him aware that the illusion was not going to disappear any time soon, and InuYasha relaxed the assault of her mouth and changed to a more sensual exploration of it instead. In doing so, he gained the added pleasure of feeling Kagome mimicking the caresses upon him, bestowing subtle strokes of her own over the inner flesh and teeth of his mouth.

InuYasha broke contact, only to recapture her mouth in a different way as he teased her bottom lip, nipping at it, before drawing it gently into his mouth where he licked and sucked the soft fleshy skin. Yet that only satisfied him for a short bit as he grew hungry for the taste of her from within, and he released the ravished lip to lay claim to her mouth in another achingly sweet kiss.

His hand wandered over the back of her body. Unable to find the hem of her shirt because of his haori that she still wore, he moved his hand around the side of her until he found the opening between their clothing. Sliding his hand back around her, he quickly found the bottom edge of her shirt, which easily gave him access to the bare skin he had been searching for. Careful that he did not do anymore damage with his claws, he touched her with arched fingertips.

As she trembled in response, he released a heavy breath, which fanned against her face in heated unsteady waves, and a gentle vibrating growl was drawn from deep within his throat.

With heady confidence, Kagome reasoned that he wasn't the only one able to tease, and she began to emulated his actions with those of her own. But the first time she drew away, intent on capturing his lip as he had done to her, InuYasha held onto her. A small whimper was drawn out of him as he thought he would have to let go.

"No," he murmured in a husky plea pressing his lips against her mouth, "Not yet."

His hand became bolder, gliding up her side, over her ribs, only to return against her back to rub teasing strokes across her shoulders blades.

Kagome felt entitled to do as much, and her own hands became more than willingly mobile. Up over his neck, she threaded her fingers into the wildness of his snowy white hair, gripping handfuls of it, yet she did not settle long with that. Her purpose was set upon another destination. One that she had, for a long time, yearned for.

The hanyou, which feasted himself upon her mouth, was too intoxicated with her to be aware of anything she might do, until he felt her fingers clasp him at the base of both ears. Her fingers curled against the soft outer part, as her thumbs pressed against the silky inner part.


Kagome knew that he was easily upset about having them touched, but she did not realize just why he had always been so objectingly reluctant to have them bothered with… until now. Until, with a gasp, his body slightly jerked and he drew away from her mouth; he kept his eyes close, but he did not shake her away to avoid her touch. In fact, he lowered his head just a bit.

Upward her fingers moved, in whispering circular motion, and within the heavy breaths, a choked whimper issued forth, which caused him to bite into his bottom lip. He kept his golden eyes hidden beneath the splay of lashes against his cheeks, oblivious of the liquid chocolate eyes that drank in the emotional response he had to her touch.

Sooo… this was why he wouldn't let anyone bother with his ears! They were a sensitive spot for him, which had him melting into a persons hands! A warm smile graced her lips as she gazed at the exquisite, yet wanton, angelic face marred only by the tips of his fangs.


Lowering his head more, InuYasha touched his forehead to hers. He was still for a moment, taking in the blissfulness of her touch, then he gently rubbed against her there; his nose brushing along over hers.

Nuzzling her face, he splayed light kisses against wherever his lips found to touch, be it her eyes, or cheeks, or the top of her nose. And as she continued the assault, working her magic across the width of the triangular appendages and all the way to the tips, he issued another small whimper. Was this heaven? And if it wasn't, he didn't care.

The sensations didn't stop any time soon either, as she opened her fingers and laid them full length down over the backside of his ears. Lightly she began to scratch him there as well, raking her fingernails against the base and the surrounding area of his head as well. She drew her nails up over the furry cartilage side as her thumb slide upward on the inside. He choked out a coarse groan, as his lips became more feverish, capturing her mouth once more in a brief branding, before he made a trail across her cheek and down the other side of her neck that he had not given any attention to before. His move did not accommodate her to continue the play with his ears, but that was beyond caring at the moment.

With the hand at the back of her head, InuYasha tilted her head to the side, exposing the length of her throat to his demanding lips. Every breath he took, only caused him to draw in more of her heated scent, which was driving him even more. His mouth found the juncture of her neck and he kissed and licked her there. He even opened his mouth against her allowing his fangs to tease her skin. It would only take a moment and she would be his forever, just a bite, just a mark; that's all it would take to brand her as his.

"You can't do that to her."

"Oh, yes, I can!"

"She doesn't know. She hasn't agreed."

"Kagome," his voice was muffled as his mouth had moved against the beating pulse of her throat, but whatever it was that he was about to say, was quickly forgotten as he felt her lips -- still mimicking his -- upon the beating pulse of his own throat. The newer sudden sensation caused him to lift his mouth away from her in surprise. His mouth stayed partially open, as his eyes flew open wide.

What was this? This was… This was… Gods, is this what it felt like when he had been doing it to her? It was… beyond words to describe as the tiny little shock waves rushed from the touch of her lips, or nip of her teeth, downward, making his entire body temperature rise even higher. It didn't help when she ran her own tongue down the length of his throat to end in a kiss right in the center dip of his collar bone.

A muffled gasp escaped him, and he felt a warmth that radiated down through his body. He felt so hot! He felt like he was burning up and the clothes he had on were a nuisance. Leaning himself away from her, as hands worked furiously on the white undershirt to quickly jerk the offending piece of clothing from his body. Once freed from it, he gave a soften growl and came up against her so hard, he nearly toppled them over. But with quick shifts of his legs, he managed to continue the downward descent to the ground. With another low growl, he captured her mouth once more with his as his hands found hers; entwining their fingers together as he held them against the earth.

Several moment later InuYasha broke free of their kiss. His face was melting with the heady feeling as he gazed down into the chocolate rich irises of hers glinting with sparks of silver from the moon's light. Kami, she was so beautiful. She was the reason that he felt so alive. She was the reason that he was truly alive. Somehow, she came through the darkness that had engulfed him and guided him into the light, away from the emptiness, away from the pain. There were times when he had rushed back to throw himself into that darkness again, but Kagome… she saved him in more ways than one.


As the moon happened to be behind him just over his shoulder, Kagome could not see his face quite as clearly as he did hers, yet the light illuminated his white mane and ears, giving him a silvery halo about him.

InuYasha. He was… beautiful, even in his rough, sort-of-wild way. There was so much to him that was amazing. She didn't care if he wasn't full demon. She didn't care if he wasn't all human either. She didn't fault him for it, nor did she think him less in either. Being a hanyou made him unique both in character and looks, encompassing strengths of two worlds not just one. She fell in love him. InuYasha. As he was. Who he was.


Once again, InuYasha leaned down against her lips, kissing them lightly a couple times before deepening the kiss. She responded in kind allowing him to slip his tongue within her mouth where hers was waiting to caress it again. It was a languid gentle kiss, all roughness of doubt gone.

Relaxing the grip he had upon her fingers, he slid his hands to cup either side of her head.

"Kagome," he murmured once more against her lips just before pulling up to gaze down into her face, giving her a sleepy drugged-like smile. His body shook as slight tremors coursing through him. She felt so good beneath him, his body pressed down upon her, the heat their bodies mingling together. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt why it bothered him to see her hurt, to see her cry. He knew the answer, which he had toyed with earlier, as to what she meant to him.

"Kagome," his voice was softly deep. "ai shi…."

Then it happened. Both of them felt it.

InuYasha froze, not even finishing what he was about to say. Kagome's reactions was pretty much the same. Their eyes grew a bit wider as they stared at each other; the euphoric smiles that had tenderly graced their lips slightly waned. Neither one moved even to take a breath, and then it happened again. The stirring sensation of something hard surging between them down there against their lower extremities. The look of horrid desperation flooded InuYasha's face, as heat burned his cheeks, yet he couldn't seem to make himself get off her.

Closing his eyes tightly shut, he bit down upon his bottom lip, which showed most clearly his fanged canines against his chin. He looked as if he was in pain as another wave went though him and, unthinkingly to stop it, he pressed his hips against her with straining muscles. As soon as he did that, his reaction was nearly that of someone getting doused with cold water. His eyes sprang open, even wider than before and a gasp escaped his now parted lips. All he could do was stare down at the girl beneath him; waiting in desperate fear for her to recoil from him at any moment.

"I-Inu-Yasha," she murmured quietly and slowly as if to insure he understood what she was going to say. "W-We need to stop. We need to get u-up now. I-If we don't…"

She didn't need to finish as InuYasha drew himself up and sat himself back on his butt. He, as well, already knew the direction their actions were taking them.

He looked down toward the ground and off to the side, not able to meet her eyes right then. He had let things get a little too carried away…

'A little?' his subconscious chimed in. 'Seems like getting laid out on the ground is a far cry away from hoping she'd even have anything to do with you again, let alone look at you!'

By the shifting sound of her clothes and the scrapes upon the ground, he could tell she was also getting herself up.

Kagome sat there upon her legs, taking in InuYasha's uncomfortable pose. His head was bowed as he kept his face away from her sight, his ears had a bit of a droop to them, and he sat there as if embarrassingly whipped in defeat. There were no heated accusations, no fumbled excuses for himself, just silence.

"InuYasha," His ears flicked when he heard her say his name quietly again, but he still couldn't bring himself to face her. "It's not… It's not that I…" Kagome stopped, not knowing what exactly to say.

"You don't have to say anything, Kagome," he cut in softly, still keeping his gaze away from her. "I… understand…"

She had let him kiss her and touch her and… his face blushed secretly in the remembrance of those stolen moments; his chest constricting until he thought his heart was going to be crushed. Stolen moments was right. He stole them from her with his unworthy desire of her.

'You just go from one bad situation into one equally as bad," he berated himself silently.

Those 'moments' were something that she should have shared with someone worthy to stand by her side, not some half demon. She had seen him kill, had seen the ferocity that was within him. She had seen him covered in blood and gore of his slaughters. And even though there were consequences at times for it, she usually was always the one to take the brunt of his ill-temper and foul mouth. Something of which he had been in earlier just before… just before he pulled her down.

She did not blame him, and he knew he had not done it on purpose, but still…

Kagome watched as he flexed his clawed hand that rested against the ground, making small furrows as he pulled his fingers back across the earth. She could sense a coiled tenseness eluding from him, something that he was fighting within himself.

After several moments of tense silence between them, she scooted closer until she was directly in front of him. Sitting back upon her legs again, she reached out, taking his face within her hands and lifted his head. Surprisingly he made little effort to resist, and other than closing his eyes, he could do nothing else but look into hers. Slowly and gently, she shook her head.

With every bit of feeling within her shining out of her eyes, Kagome's next words were soft and unhurried.

"It isn't that I don't want to be with you that way," Hoping that the moonlight wasn't bright enough for him to see the deep blush that rose to her cheeks as she admitted, "because I do. But there are some things that are unresolved, and I just… I don't want us to get caught up in the moment of doing something that will led to… doubts or regrets later."


InuYasha was very much a statue; still trying to gather himself together from her straight forward admittance that she wanted to be with him when she mentioned something about… doubts and regrets?

"Doubts and regrets?" he echoed, his stunned elation already dropping rapidly.

Dark lashes swept down to veil her dark eyes for a few seconds as her hands dropped away. God, she was an idiot! She was going to ruin the best moment of her life!

Glancing back up into his shaded golden warmth, she quietly said, "Kikyo."

She watched with an avid mixture of feelings, waiting for it all to crumble, waiting for him to push her away realizing just what he had been on the brink of doing.

InuYasha sat unmoving, his expression not revealing a hint of what he was thinking, until she heard him say, "Kikyo who?"

There was a second,… no… two seconds after his answer before she realized that she had been holding her breath. Even when she started to breath again, all she could do was stare at him.

After several more seconds, she managed to say, "Don't joke, InuYasha."

"I'm not." He said quite seriously.

Kagome folded her arms, giving him raised eyebrows. "Oh? So you wouldn't go running off at first sniff of her?"

Wasn't this around the same kind of conversation they were having right before… umm… right before he… yeah… it was. He had gotten a good dose of what could happen losing his temper and then reaching out in a argumentative fit, only to lock onto her just as she said the magic word.

"Listen, Kagome," he started, hoping that she would understand. "The time I spent thinking about how much I hurt you… I… I couldn't bare it. I couldn't bare what I had done to the one person that just accepted me as I was, the one person that has always had faith in me, believed in me. It made me realize how much I didn't want to lose you. Kikyo wasn't even a thought."

"When Kikyo is around, I do search her out. I'll probably keep doing that until… until… she's gone from this world. I want to know what she's doing, what she's up to."

He could sense her withdrawing herself from him even though she hadn't moved.

"I want to know to keep you safe."

Her expression never changed, but he could still tell she was doubtful.

"I know she's tried to hurt you in the past, and I don't think I could bare it if I lost you, Kagome… even to her." He paused for a moment thinking he had said it all wrong, had said too much. "I'm not going to follow her to hell."

Not enough?

"There's only one person I want to follow anywhere with. The one person that's given me the chance to live."

It was Kagome's turn to remain still, yet there was something in her scent that told him that she wasn't about to jump up and walk away. He raised his hand to caress the side of her face with his knuckles.

"It isn't Kikyo." Plowing on ahead, he asked, "What about you? There's that Ho-bo-jo guy?"

Kagome finally came out of her daze and gave a little smile with a soft laugh to go with it. "He's not even a questioning factor."

"What about Koga?"

Kagome's smile broadened as she glanced down to the ground. "He doesn't compare to the one I have in mind to be with."

InuYasha's demeanor began to soften even more, sitting up with a little more confidence.

"And just who is it that you have in mind?" He probed with a bit of silk to his voice.

"Well,… he has a fierce determination. He's strong and brave. He's taller than I am, with long white hair, beautiful golden eyes, and…"

"Oh my God!" he exclaimed in horror, causing Kagome's eyes to jump to his face in alarm. "Sesshoumaru?!"

Her mouth dropped all the way open this time as her eyes grew as big as saucers. She jerked around, prepared to see the image of the Western Lord behind her.


Then she heard InuYasha trying to stifle a snicker behind the shadows across his face. For giving her a fright and realizing that he teased about who she was describing, Kagome turned back around to face him and piqued, "That's not funny."

She heard him laugh under his breath once more before he leaned forward, bringing his face up close to hers.

"Who is it, Kagome?"

She grinned. "For that one, I think I'll leave you guessing."

She stood up, which deflated him a bit, knowing that their time there was coming to an end. Dusting herself off, she adjusted her clothing to it's more proper place. Even InuYasha's haori was gathered about her a little more securely. She began to feel a bit chilled now that their so-called passion was leveling out.

"Guess Miroku's going to have a big kick out of us being out here so late at night." InuYasha groan as he reached for his under tunic and put it back on.

"Is it going to bother you, InuYasha?" Kagome questioned without turning her face toward him.

"What do you mean?" he frowned as he stood up himself, not quite liking just how her query sounded. She took a moment, then looked up at him.

"Is it going to bother you?" She asked again as if he really did completely understand what she meant. "Will this all be a secret between us when we go back?"

She didn't expect the wicked smile that etched upon his face.

"I don't think there's any use in hiding it. Besides, it's not going to be like they won't know anyway."

Not understanding as to why he would make such a statement, she asked, "Why's that?"

InuYasha didn't say anything right away, only brandished the same grin to her gaze. Kagome swore that he seemed a little bit smug on top of it. Smug? Cocky might fit better. Raising a hand up, he flicked his neck with one of his fingers.

The look of confusion crossed her face as she wondered what in the world he was trying to tell her.


When he did it again, her hand wondered up to her own throat, feeling the column for anything unusual. She didn't feel anything, but when his expression seemed to grow even more pleased, something dawned on her.



He frowned a bit. "Hic - key?"

"A bruise made with the mouth upon the skin."

"Feh! And what if I did? You don't like the marks I put there?"

"M-Marks?" Her other hand went up to her throat as well, helping to cover both sides.

Folding his arms across his chest, he looked away with a bit of indignation. If she was upset with those, he no doubt he would have been dead had he went ahead and really marked her!

"Just how many are there?"

He peered at her out the side of one eye. Instead of refusing her request, he held up a hand with the number of fingers matching the number of marks.

"Three?" She gasped. "Three?"

Well what in the world was she going to do about that now, she wondered staring at his offended profile? Then she remembered the look that he had given her when questioned about whether their developing relationship was a secret or not. He seemed to have been quite pleased with himself.

"Oh, well," she shrugged, dropping her hands away. After all, why should she mind? "Are you sure, InuYasha?"

Gracing her with another side glance, he said, "Of course, I am. There's three..…"

In a softer voice, she cut him off. "I mean you.… about this -- between us… I was wondering…"

"Whether what I said is about Kikyo is true or not?"

Dropping his arms to his side, he moved closer to stand in front of her.

"Baka," He said softly, a smile softly curving his mouth. "I have no doubts or regrets in the choice I've made. There is only one person that has given my existence life. There is only one I think about," Leaning down he gave her a brief kiss. "and that's Kagome. The only one I want to…" The smile faded from his lips as he grew gravely silent, staring seriously into the depths of her rich brown eyes. "The only one I want… to be with… is Kagome. Ai shiteru, Kagome. I love you."

Searching his eyes that now glittered from the moon's light, she said, "InuYasha."


"The person that I have in mind, the person that's in my heart, the one that I choose. His name… is InuYasha."

Doubts, worries, fear… They disappeared and there was only the relieved calmness of a person that had a great weight taken from them as an exquisite smile grew upon his face.

"I love you too, InuYasha." she whispered only because her voice wouldn't speak louder than that.

Their eyes remained locked, until he starting to bring his head back down toward her, and then hers slipped to his lips and she raised her face to his. Their lips touched and parted against the pressure of the other's, seeking the affectionate sweetness within. Arms found their way around the other to lock themselves together. It didn't take long for InuYasha to feel his body start to stir again, the heat quickly flooding over him.

Unsure whether to press further or not, he finally stepped back after deepening the kiss a moment or two longer.

He looked at his mate-to-be with renewed emotion coming into his eyes. For now he would be satisfied with what he had been given already. There would definitely be another night that the two of them would be together, just under different circumstances than now. It was something he had to look forward to.

All this… because he pulled her down.

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* THE END *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

I hope that you weren't too disappointed by the time that you came to this point. Sorry about the abruptness here; I totally had imagined other things happening, which included Sango and Miroku and a bit different but too many things in life is in the way still right now. Perhaps in the future I'll be so inclined to revise it, but for now I wanted and needed to get this finished for you since it's been so long. Would appreciate reviews on how you felt about it…… just don't be mean.

Again I want to THANK ALL the people that have read and supported this story. I've appreciated the reviews that you've so kindly given me. ^_^



Inu: Gee, I'd have pulled her down a lot sooner if I knew it'd come to this.