![]() Author has written 18 stories for Mass Effect, League of Legends, Marvel, and RuneScape. When I have some time during vacation, I write, and I'd like to improve my writing style. Plus, there have been some good samples of creative writing here. Check out my follows if you don't believe me :) Name: V-rcingetorix, but you can call me Chuck Occupation: Full time professor, musical mercenary, lover of good books, amateur photographer, beta reader (on occasion), Lab worker, liberator of tasty snacks and barbecue aficionado. Hobbies: Games, books and hiking. I love Mass Effect (even if I consider the ME3 ending to be terribly written), Dragon Age, the Batman Arkham series, XCOM, SWTOR, Planetside 2, and most recently, League of Legends. Look me up as Chucktheelf if you want a match :) Favorite books: I read pretty widely, but love the classics. Robinson Crusoe, Swiss Family Robinson, The Counte of Monte Cristo, Rangers Apprentice series, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, His Majesty's Dragon series and more. Reason for writing: Whatever doesn't kill you makes you ... stranger. I enjoy writing, and am trying to improve my literary skills. My collegiate career requires me to have at least a modicum of analytical writing, and I'd like to improve that with some constructive criticism. Destructive criticism is acceptable as well, but more than likely ignored. Interesting Facts: Biology and history are my studies. If you have any recommendations on things to read -- fanfiction or otherwise -- let me know! I've also been interested in writing some DC/Marvel works, but haven't really gotten the gumption to publish what I have. If interested, also let me know :) Updates June 4th, 2020; While a few stories have made it up, and my alt account has had a few more updates, I am still here and alive! Getting the next chapter of my Discovery series out. Only 5-6 more chapters left? Seven years of work. Wow. It's been fun, and I hope to do many more! April 1, 2019; Thesis is written, and defense is set. Writing is progressing, albeit at a much slower rate than desired. Timing for setting up a post on April 1st is kinda sketchy I know, but I don't joke with my education. December 31, 2018; Another year has come and gone. I'm 75% done with my Master's, and got part of it submitted to publish. Life is good. Thanks everyone for the views and reviews, I'll be writing in the new year. What will yo be doing? May 23, 2018; Another chapter is out, Hurrah! Masters work is going very well, albeit with an excessive amount of work. I teach, do research, and full time class work, which tends to drain my time, sadly. Plus, I will be on the road most of summer ... yay? Research and visiting some relatives I haven't seen in a while. I'll be making some short stories in the meantime, and have published some with the Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches Wiki group. Just look up their omakes, and see those written by Chuck. That's me. Cy'all down the lane! March 30, 2018; Happy Easter! Still writing, going a bit AU with my main work, which means fact checking. Lots and lots of fact checking. Sorry about the delay! February 10, 2018; Alive and well, learning the accelerated Molecular Genetics route along with my classes. Also, writing up a storm, but frustratingly, not much that is worthy of publication. But, here's a little something from me to you, with my compliments. Enjoy! December 25, 2017, Merry Christmas! I'd hoped to have the next chapter available, but it's still about 90% complete. Should have it done this week, if all goes well! November 9, 2017; Grad school is busy. Busybusybusy. So much so that I've been forced to curtail a lot of writing ... but not all! A chapter of Unwelcome Discover was released this week, and I'm still on an adrenaline high from that; thanks guys! I'm writing another chapter even as I speak -- write ... whatever -- and I like how it's going. I've also gone over my previous stories; I like them, but I think I can do better now. So, I will. Good quality for my readers, eh? Oh, and Jotun? Definitely 1138 was a reference to Lucas :) July 22, 2017; Accepted into grad school, woohoo! Also, teaching and research. Yay? Still writing, got a few stories on the table; hope to release them soon! May 10, 2017; Graduation day. I post this chapter in Heretic to the Hegemony in celebration. My good fortune is your good fortune :) April 29, 2017; Way longer than intended, but the chapter is done, and the longest chapter I've ever written. Going through review process right now. Also, finals. Undergraduate Degree is almost mine, muahahahaha! April 15, 2017; Happy Easter! Almost. Progress has been slow on some fronts, due to classes, graduating, seeking grad schools, taxes, and the single longest chapter I have ever written. Not a good excuse, I know, but the only reason I have. I'm working on cutting it down to size, but Feros has always been a game changer in my plans, which means ... *drumroll* ... it will be a game changer in the AU. Also, I've been playing the new Mass Effect Andromeda. Not impressed, but I have had fun. Hopefully, I'll have the next chapter ready this week, but if not ... now you know why. C'ya down the lane! February 11, 2017; Gotten a few more chapters up, and hitting the classes harder than ever. Fortunately, the writing is coming more easily now, so I hope to be posting the next chapter within the next two weeks. Sorry for not posting up here in the last couple months, but hopefully you got the alerts from the stories themselves. Happy Valentine's day! November 10, 2016; A chapter is up, and my classes are going well. Sorry for the long delays, but it's senior year, and the classes come first. Still, I have half the next chapter written, and a few other writing projects on the back burner. Enjoy! October 12, 2016; And another entry for the encyclopedia is up! It's funny how making reference materials really helps the writing process. I'm setting them alphabetically, but I hope to have all the major/minor races of Mass Effect 1 set up by the end of the year. Updates to my AU a little more sporadic, but build a bit faster. September 13, 2016; More up, more writing, and more homework. Working in a lab for now as a part-time job. If you ever have the opportunity, do it! Also doing some clean-up on Early Discovery; if you see any holes, let me know! August 25, 2016; Can't believe it took me over 2 months to get the next chapter out. Sorry, been out of town a lot, over half of summer tbh. On the other hand, I've written a lot more than I anticipated; one-shots that won't get published, ideas, a few codices ... probably publish those. School has started, and times are good. See ya down the lane! June 14, 2016; Another chapter up before the month is! Love having time to write; it helps with so many things. There is another chapter in the works, and I hope it will be done in similar fashion, but I'm getting tired of posting so haphazardly. After the next chapter (no cliffie from me, if possible!), I will probably just start writing as fast as I can until I finish a decent number of chapters. Then, I'll release them in a more orderly fashion. In other news, I am doing some beta work for the illustrous F13D, and participating in the Aria's Afterlife Forum as often as possible. Stop on by, they're great! For non-literary pursuits, I have been given a position for lab work involving insects once more. Love being employed :) If there is no chapter in time, happy Fourth of July, or respective holiday! May 25, 2016; Two chapters in one day, I feel accomplished! Finals went alright-- not perfect, but not failure either. Got a research job going for this summer, and a lot of traveling to do as well. Life is good! On the literary front, I am writing a lot, and doing some beta work with F13D. Politics is a bear for me to write, but he has been a champ about it. I also figured out the next chapter has over 12k words, so I beat my previous estimate by over 2000 words, hoopla! Hopefully, I'll have another chapter done a lot sooner than last time, but I won't make promises I can't keep. Or at least I'll try not too ... see y'all down the road ;) April 24, 2016; Dead Week, as my college calls it. The week before Finals begin, which is also the timespan where no professor can assign tests/quizzes/hw, so that we can study. Well, I'm studying, and taking breaks to write the next chapter of Unwelcome Discovery (10k words in), so I hope it will be coming out soon. I also found out I am the subject of 198 Follows and 128 Favorites; a nice round number. I also have about 20,000 readers on Unwelcome Discovery, and over 200 follows for that particular story. Thank you, I really appreciate it! March 12, 2016; Classes are going well, and I am getting writing done! My beta has my next chapter for Unwelcome Discovery, but it will likely need another rewrite before I'm happy with it. In the meantime, I've taken to writing a few drabbles on League of Legends, and would appreciate any improvements you think they could use. Also of note, Dawn of Titans has reached its first stopping point. F13D has been fantastic in his attention to detail, and willingness to shoulder the majority of writing. Check out our collaboration here! Note: I changed the title of one story series from "A Fate That's Twisted" to "Tales of the League," and can be found here: here Here is a list of my published works, along with a brief description: Early Discovery COMPLETE. AU fiction. Humans discover the Ruins soon after landing on Mars, rather than waiting 40 years. Unwelcome Discovery IN-PROGRESS: AU continue; Shepard finds himself trapped by politics ... or is politics trapped by Shepard? Tales of the League A few short stories about the characters of one of my favorite games. Mindoir 2170 COMPLETE. My very first fanfic. Canon Shepard, Mindoir survivor. To the Nth Degree COMPLETE. Continuing Canon Shepard's journey as an N school operative, not my best, but entertaining in part at least :) Skyllian Blitz COMPLETE. The culmination of Canon Shepard's N school journey. An experiment on how far I could take Shepard without losing the Shepard feel. Akuze COMPLETE. Shepard on Akuze. How far can Shepard go without cracking? Needs some work, reviews helpful! Just Another Job COMPLETE. A story about one of my fave characters, Wrex! Unusual Hunt COMPLETE. Thane's meeting of Irikah. There aren't enough Thane fics on here, so I added my humble efforts to the fray. Worst Mother's Day COMPLETE. Entry for the Aria's Afterlife Contest, Canon Shepard's mother recounts her experiences to a descendant. Foreign Affairs COMPLETE. Shepard is required to train with members of the Asari Elite. Awkwardness abounds. Home Early COMPLETE. Thane makes it home in time to save his wife from being murdered. Logical progression from there. DYNA COMPLETE. A little story for publicizing a rare medical condition. |