![]() Author has written 10 stories for Code Geass, Soul Eater, Haruhi Suzumiya series, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, X-Com, Vandread, Seitokai Yakuindomo/生徒会役員共, Rosario + Vampire, and Payday: The Heist. About me: My name is Johnny. I am in college to become an electrical engineer. This takes up all my time. I use a time machine I managed to invent to give me thirty hour days and it's still not quite enough. As an electrical engineer, I have a great appreciation for math, science, coding, robotics, and Ethics of AI If these topics come up (If they don't, you might be reading someone else's fic) expect them to be as accurate as I can make them with my understanding of science. I'll also put a disclaimer here in case someone decides to take fiction!science as real!science. Sure, I make it as accurate as I can, but sometimes EMPs just don't work the way I wish they did for narrative purposes. I have a steam account, and like to play games. Lots of games. Currently Johnny Wycliffe - FFS. I really like payday 2, and I need to people to play the game with me for story purposes. As far as American media goes, I have a passing familiarity with quite a few shows and movies, but I haven't seen too many. If you're curious as to whether I know a story or not, hit me up. I'll discuss it with you. If you asked me what I wanted to see more fics for, I'd have to say Black Lagoon and possibly Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun. I love both of those, but they don't have the support I wish they had. I have this thing against asking for reviews and favorites on my stories. I happen to know it works, psychologically, but I don't like the feeling I'm begging for fame. If someone like my story enough to leave a review, fantastic! That makes me really glad! But I'm never going to ask for them. I wish I could write linking books. That would be the most awesome power imaginable. About my stories: For those of you who've come from SAO:CV be warned of my other things. Breaking Communication and CG:SoD were an experiment in forcing myself with a deadline. Those were also written before I had any experience. The War of Suzumiya Haruhi was an experiment is real time uploads. It stopped working after I stopped uploading it. Last Days is a concept I worked on and then discarded. Not sure if I'm planning on finishing it or not. Now that XCOM 2 completely took my idea and made it better... Seeing as CG:SoD seems to be my second most popular fic, I'm considering some sort of rewrite, but I'm not sure how that would work. Attack on Titanic is still... kinda... going. I haven't been in the mood to write for it in forever, but I technically want to finish it. I also think this one is worth reading, such that it is. I write as a way to let off steam, to let these thoughts that build up out. Thus my stories are slightly less than cohesive. I also write stories as woven by the music I listen to, which mean if I'm listening to "Sugar" by Maroon 5 and "How to start a war" by Simon Curtis you get... well, those would work well for a Freezing fic, no? I have very questionable tastes in Anime (I did say 'Freezing' up there, didn't I?). I keep an updated list on Myanimelist. Same username, Johnnywycliffe. Friend me if you care to do so. I don't update the light novels I read on there though. My tastes in reading fanfiction is a bit odd. I like stories written well, written long, and with a good amount of cerebus syndrome. I like a lot of Naruto fics as a consequence due to the absolutely massive amount of fics. It's as Sturgeon's law states: only ten percent of any given sample is "good." Ten percent of all Naruto fics has more entries than some light novels have words. Other: Go watch Code MENT and SAO Abridged. Both are very good. Then go watch Time of Eve. It is the best anime movie I've seen, period. If you've made it this far, congratulations. I hope anything you read is entertaining, whether it's my works or the works of the other authors on this site! |