![]() Author has written 16 stories for Pokémon, League of Legends, Date A Live/デート・ア・ライブ, Soccer Spirits, Fruit of Grisaia/グリザイアの果実, and Fire Emblem. Hello. This is a page. That means there should be words on this page. But unfortunately, I seem to be lacking in the necessary creative points to write something useful on this page. But I suppose I should say something so here I am writing. I know, this might be a little boring but what else can I do? I got to fill this page with words. Despite having no idea what I was going to write here, I'm already on the 4th paragraph. Yes. I noticed my first two combined for only 5 words, but it's at least something, right? Looking back, these paragraphs I'm writing aren't really entertaining, but what did you expect? I'm not exactly known for entertainment. At least, not usually. Who knows, maybe time will go on and inspiration will hit and I'll delete these paragraphs and change them into something amazing. Maybe I won't. But for now, these words are good enough for me. Well, it appears that my little creativity has run out, and I am out of things to say. If you read this far, then I would like to congratulate you on your ability to read and your tolerance of random writing. I would also like to wish you a very good day, for that is a very nice thing to wish someone. Take care, folks. Hello. This is a page. You know that already, because I wrote it up there. This is the second entry for my profile thingamabob. I decided not to delete the first one for, you know, nostalgia. Anyway, I've looked at a few other pages to figure out what I should put on mine. And that's when it hit me: Since this is a fanfiction sight, shouldn't I put stuff I'm a fan of? And so it begins. I'm going to talk about Pokemon. I was going to do a list, but then I realized that would take way too much time So...I really like Pokemon. I have Platinum, Soul Silver, and White 2 on the DS. I don't have a 3DS yet so I don't have X and Y. I also watch the show quite a bit too. I'm not ashamed. Why should I be? What else.. my favorite Pokemon is Articuno. I also like Crobat, and I had one in pretty much every game I've ever played. My favorite type is ice, because of Articuno. That brings up a point of mine. Ice is so bad in the game like geez, it's only resistance is to itself. I was hoping fairy would be weak to ice for it to get some power, but oh well. At least that makes it strong in inverse battles. Talking about the show, if I am ever going to write fanfics about Pokemon, it'll probably be about the show. I watched the OS and then got bored of it so kinda didn't watch any until AG where where I only checked in here and there. But then I watched all of Diamond and Pearl and Black and White, because I convinced myself that I was fan enough to do so and even though some parts got extremely stale I stuck with it. IMO Diamond and Pearl wins the award for most awkward moment in the anime when Piplup and Pikachu became "attracted" to each other. I mean that was just a bit odd, considering they're both male. I mean, I have no real issues with it, but seeing it in a kids show? X and Y looks promising. Feels like the characters are more developed than they have been in a Mawile (Yeah, I did), and although I wasn't exactly sold on Mega Evolutions when I first heard them, I'll admit it's not too bad. Though, they should have called it something else more creative. As for shipping, I feel that Pokemon should have been doing it since season one. I don't know, maybe it's just me but the whole concept has this shippy feel to it. I believe that it has been done very rarely though, which is unfortunate. In X and Y it appears as if Serena might have a thing for Ash, but I don't think it has been confirmed yet. Interested in seeing how that turns out. My favorite ships are very unconventional ones, I usually like the ones that aren't canon because...I don't know that's just how I roll. That being said, I have nothing against Serena and Ash, and if It's done right in the show, I'll jump on that bandwagon. I really like it right now as a matter of fact. An example of a canon ship I don't like is Pikachu and Buneary. I have nothing against it, really, I just didn't like how Buneary was so forward and yet still shy. I really wished Team Rocket was still serious like they were in Unova because their blasting off gag is really stale right now. It's funny because they still play an essential part in almost every filler episode and even some important ones. But can they stop blasting off please? I really liked the jet packs (admittedly that would have gotten stale quicker than the blasting off). One of these days I want to do a list of my favorite characters and least favorite characters, but that's too much work right now. So I'm done for now. See Ya. I've been writing a lot of Soccer Spirit Fanfics recently. For those who know what it is, great! Read it! Please? For those who don't know what it is, it is a mobile game you can find on Google Play and App store. It is the only mobile game that I've really played heavily. I'm not going to advertise it here though. All I'll say is that it's pretty easy to get the best cards, so that helps me out. One thing about Soccer Spirits is that the story is pretty vague. I don't think they are ever going to change that, so it allows me to do a bunch of crazy things with it, which is fun. Xiao Lang best character in the game. She is a sheep. Call me sheepish, but I like her even though she is baa. OCs. Original characters. I'm not really into them. My opinion is that too many OCs are too hard to follow. In a Fanfic universe, most characters are already developed, but OCs have to be developed on their own. So while having one OC can be effective if you have what you want in mind, too many can just be too hard to do. I might get flack for it, but having OCs just make a fanfic much more difficult to read. If I ever do a story centered around OCs, I don't think it will be very good. |