I'm not entirely caught up on the series. If I went OOC or anything, let me know!

"Thanks again for helping me with the chores today, Yoshino." Shidou said gently to the small blue-haired girl, lightly petting her head. Yoshino, the girl in question, closed her eyes and let out a satisfied purr, enjoying the feeling of getting petted.

"Muu~ Shidou-kun! Yoshinon worked hard too!" announced a voice from the girl's left hand. Yoshinon, Yoshino's rabbit puppet, was something that appeared to have a mind of its own. Although to be more accurate it represented a different part of Yoshino, a personality that greatly differed from its master's normal demeanor, but undoubtedly still represented her as a person.

That being said, Yoshinon seemed insistent on the fact that it was its own being, and the things it said and did were not always of Yoshino's will.

"Right, right." Shidou gave a chuckle in acknowledgment to the puppet as he patted the top of its head between the ears. "You did well too, Yoshinon."

"Ooh! Shidou-kun! That's the spot!" Yoshinon cried out, waving its arms wildly.

Shidou laughed and look back at his house. Compared to how it was before, the place looked fantastic. Ever since his parents left and he was put in charge, he had begun to experience the horror of modern-day housekeepers. Specks of dust and litter from his little sister Kotori's candy wrappers haunted his visions. Indeed, a dirty corner of the room, a spot that would likely go unnoticed in a house party, stood out to him as if it had a giant glowing neon sign pointed to it.

It didn't help that his little sister was actually the leader of a top-secret organization that made him a pawn to her every whim either.

Shidou sighed at the brief memory. He still didn't quite grasp the entire concept, no matter how long he's been at it. One moment he was just an ordinary high school boy, trying to get by this difficult time of life filled with abnormal dangers such as the spacequakes-

The next he was being shot at, caught in explosions, braving blizzards, trying to avoid getting eaten, preventing worldly catastrophic events by making girls fall for him, and on top of all that- he still had high school to deal with

No, it wasn't something he asked for. He had his cute imouto to thank for that.

So it really wasn't his fault that he never had time to clean. Kotori, incidentally, never quite seemed to be in a cleaning mood.

Last night was the worst. He had to stay after school to take a test he could not take due to a spacequake warning going off, and on Kotori's assurance that it was "nothing serious", he took shelter with the civilians but could not help but think what was going on. Then the test itself was harder than he thought, because of his inadequate studying. When all was said and done it was pretty late and he was mentally exhausted, but upon arriving home-

"Oh, sorry." The evil smirk of his red-headed sibling greeted him. "Their seemed to be an issue with the girls today. Yoshino woke up while I was play…er…um…Reine was…using…Yoshinon and well, things happened and we almost caused her to go inverse. In any case," She continued casually looking at the sky. "She made quite the rainstorm. The rain fell on Tohka's ice cream too, and that caused us some trouble as well, so I just led her to our house and promised her that she could eat everything in our refrigerator.

But…I guess that must her made a little bit too excited…" Kotori trailed of uneasily, as she stepped away to let Shidou look inside.

The sight of muddy footprints, furniture that looked as if it had been blown by a tornado, and a tall pile of dishes in the sink that precariously looked like at any moment it would topple over and break was all Shidou could remember before he blacked out.

The next morning was thankfully a Saturday. When he woke up, however Kotori gave him the task of cleaning the place out.

"Oh I'd love to help out too Onii-Chan." She said. "But, um, I have to be on the ship today, you know! Right! What would the people on the Fraxinus do without me? Hey, cut me some slack." She added when she saw Shidou's pitiful face. "I had to deal with two spirits yesterday!"

Spirits. They were the girls causing the spacequakes. And there were only two known ways of dealing with them. Eliminate them-

Or make them fall in love with him. It was unclear to him as to how exactly it would work, but some way or another getting the spirits to fall in love with him and kissing them would seal their powers, turning them into normal girls.

He didn't quite like it, but the spirits were normal girls. In fact he felt that they were just as human as anyone. He wanted to save theses spirits and let them live the joys of everyday life. Even if it meant having every one of them falling in love with him, which would surely lead to problems in the future…

Well, he hadn't quite figured out that part yet. Better to leave that for later, he thought.

"…Shidou-…san?" The small blue-haired girl spoke up to him, snapping him out of his brooding. Hastily, he put on a smile and patted her head.

"Don't worry about it. I was just amazed and how well we cleaned the place up." He told her.

It was true. The dirty footprints, the litter, the dishes, the furniture, and even that annoying spot in the corner had all been cleaned to perfection. He was grateful Yoshino decided to stop by and help him, because she really helped out. Originally he had heard Tohka was going to help out as well, but according to Yoshino, the dark-haired girl responsible for the empty refrigerator in his house had collapsed of hunger.

"Muhu~ That's right, Shidou-Kun!" Yoshinon answered him. "As expected of Yoshino! Hey, hey, don't you think Yoshino would make a good wife one day?"

"Y-Yoshinon!" Yoshino hastily covered the puppet's mouth with her right hand, blushing furiously. Shidou gave a start to the unexpected question, but gave the pair a relaxed smile. He was used to questions like these.

"Of course, Yoshino would make a great wife! She cleaned so well!"

At his response, Yoshino turned even redder and made a soft squeak, hastily looking away from Shidou. Although she was originally a spirit and still didn't quite grasp the entire concept of marriage, she had learned enough from the soap operas that she watched to feel embarrassed at his words.

"That's why," Shidou continued. "If there is anything I could do to repay you-"

Yoshino quickly shook her head. "No, it's okay…because…the mess I heard is…partly my fault." She muttered ashamedly, bowing her head.

"Oh don't worry about that." Shidou reassured her. "I heard about what happened, and it's not your fault at all. And besides, Yoshino worked so hard to clean up the mess that I feel as if I just have to repay her." He said kindly.

"Shidou-…san…" Yoshino's little body trembled with emotion at his kindness.

"Hey, Yoshino! It's all right, isn't it?" Chirped in the perky voice of Yoshinon. "Shidou-kun already said it was okay, so it's okay, right?"

Yoshino glanced at the rabbit. "Um…"

"It's fine." Shidou repeated. "You worked hard, so I'll give you a reward."

Yoshino looked up at him. Or more precisely, looked somewhere in his direction, trying to avoid eye contact because she felt she would melt if she saw him eye to eye.

"O-Okay then…Th-thank you, Shidou-san."

"Now that won't do," Shidou replied with a laugh. "I should be thanking you. So come on, just tell me something you would like me to do. I'm free the rest of the day and as long as it's something I can do..."

"Ooh! Yoshino! What about that?!" Interpreted a suddenly excited Yoshinon. Yoshino, however, merely looked at the puppet in confusion.


"You know...that!" Yoshinon leaned into Yoshino's ear to whisper something. Or maybe it just moved its mouth open and shut, Shidou couldn't tell the difference. Yoshino, however, must have picked up on what "that" was because she instantly turned beet red.

"Ehh?! That?! I can't do that!" She cried out suddenly in dismay, causing Shidou to jump. Noticing him, Yoshino instantly covered her mouth and being to apologize.

"Hmm~? No good? Well, then what about…?" Yoshinon once again leaned into Yoshino's ear to say something that only she could hear, only to get more or less the same reaction.

"That's not any better!" She cried and moaned in humiliation.

"Ehh?! I thought that was pretty cool though!" protested Yoshinon.

Yoshinon and Yoshino continued to converse in front of the increasingly uncomfortable Shidou. Nervously, he tried to laugh it off.

"Then…what about that?"

This time Yoshino appeared to consider what Yoshinon said.

"Y-yeah…I think I can do…that…" She said to the puppet. She faced Shidou. "Um…Shidou-san…?"

Shidou, deciding it would be for the best if he pretended to forget the conversation between the two conspirers, replied. "Yes, Yoshino?"


Yoshino suddenly sat on the ground and covered her face.

"I can't do it after all!" She quietly squeaked at Yoshinon.

"Ehh?! Come on Yoshino! Fight!" cheered the puppet.

"Um…" Shidou started to say uncertainly.

"See? If you don't say anything, Shidou-kun will think you're weird! Come on, Yoshino!"


"I'd like to hear Yoshinon's idea!" Shidou interrupted, causing the girl on the floor to jump. He didn't mean to startle her, but he didn't want to sit through another one of those awkward conversations.

"Ooh see!" Yoshinon said to Yoshino. "Shidou-kun is interested! That's right, how will you know how he'll react if you don't tell him the idea?"

"Yeah!" Shidou played along with the puppet. "I'm very interested. I just want to hear what Yoshino has to say!"

The girl in question, however, still looked uncertain. "B-but…"

"If you don't tell him, I'll tell him my first idea."


"Shidou-kun! We're going to need some whips and ropes…hmm on second thought maybe ropes wouldn't be strong enough…chains maybe?"

"S-Shidou-san! W-won't you play house with me?"

"…House?" Shidou responded to the panicked outburst, deciding for better or for worse to pretend to not hear whatever the puppet just said.

"Y-yes!" Yoshino squeaked. As she unsteadily got to her feet, looking as if she was struggling hard not to cry. "I…I saw it on…on the television. It's a game where people pretend to be…be a…a family."

Shidou stared blankly "Huh?"

Yoshino bowed her head in depression. "No good?"

"Well, it's not that it's no good..." Shidou trailed uncertainly. Wasn't house a game for little kids? He wanted to ask her. But seeing the pitiful figure of the petite little girl in such a sad mood felt like he would be a terrible person to ask such a question. "I'll do it."

Yoshino lifted her head with wide eyes. "R-Really?!"

Shidou couldn't help but to beam at the excited girl. Her eagerness and cuteness were on par with puppies, and although he could tell she was trying to contain her excitement, her obvious hopeful expression warmed his heart.

"If it's what Yoshino wants to do, I will gladly do it."

Yoshino's face erupted into a wide smile and tears of gratitude started to pour down her face. "T…Thank you!" She ran and gave Shidou a big hug.

"W-wait a second! It wasn't that big of a deal!" Shidou tried to object, but in the end he simply wrapped his own arms around her and patted her back.

"Ooh! Shidou-kun is such a nice person isn't he?!" A close voice behind Shidou exclaimed approvingly. "But…I still wonder what was so wrong with my first idea…" finished the puppet in a disgruntled voice.