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![]() Author has written 11 stories for Pokémon, and Seto no Hanayome. If you love Demi Lovato, copy and paste this in to your profile. People ask me... why do you love Demi Lovato? I tell them... D - Delightful E - Energetic M - Magnificent I - Inspirational L - Lovely O - Original V - Very awesome! (I couldn't think of a V, okay?) A - Amazing T - Talented O - Outstanding DEMI LOVATO... Repost this if you are a true LOVATIC!!! Have you ever heard the saying "Music speaks volumes"? Well, for Demi Lovato her music really does speak volumes to me. I have been bullied before so her songs skyscraper and believe in me and warrior are super close to my heart and when I listen to them, it may remind of the way I was treated every day from fifth through seventh grade, and though I feel insecure about myself at times and listening to those songs can be troubling for me, it also helps me get through my pain that I've dealt with even after I switched schools in eighth grade and am safe from being bullied, it still pains me to think about my past, but listening tothese two songs really helps. Also, I have a best friend who is like my sister and she was the one person I knew I could always turn to for help at my old school, now it's been over 3 years since I've seen her, and yes I miss her each day and when I listen to the songs two worlds collide and gift a friend by Demi Lovato it reminds me of all the great times I had with my friend and how much she means to me. I really love Demi's sone what to do, and I can relate to this song as well because I have an older sister who bosses me around pretty much every minute of every day and even thogh at times I wish she'd just back off from me and let me be, I love her nonetheless and she may not be perfect, but neither am I, I'm very childish at times and I act like a little kid which causes my sister to become angry and that's mostly why she gets on me, but sometimes she starts it as well, it's back and forth with us but at the end of the day, even if we don't really say it, we love each other and wouldn't trade each other for anything. Copy and post the first few sentences onto your profile if this is true for you as well and talk about the songs of hers you can relate to and why. there is a song by Demi I actually don't like For the love of a daughter It's just too sad and I only listened to it fully twice the other 3 or 2 times I got to the second verse and just couldn't listen to anymore after that. Today I listened to warrior a lot today at school, and it made me think about my past, and when I read comments by people who were bullied I realized that the song may have more than one meaning. In fifth grade I loved going on the swings at recess, but kids would always hold them away from me never letting me on them, always making me scream and yell angrily and throw a tantrum, which was the absolute worst way to handle it, but I was only 11 at the time, so I didn't know the proper way to react. Then, in sixth grade when I'd be using the bathroom in between classes, girls would throw my bag in the trash, and I'd always be late to my nex class, and I'd always get a detention because of being late when it wasn't my fault. Seventh grade is a blur, but it wasn't good for me either. Now, it may seem like only little things that I went through, especially compared to kids who get threatened every day at school, but those things happened all the time to me.I was born 3 months earlier than I supposed to be, and I have brain issues and cebral palsy along with ADHD. Those people who picked on me probably only saw me for the disabilities I had and didn't even bother looking at my personality. I'm a lover not a fighter, and I always try my best to be kind to people, so why this happened to me I just wish I knew. It just doesn't make any sense to me, and I never did anything wrong to those people, so why were they so cruel and mean to me? I just don't understand. Shows I will write stories on Pokèmon Pokèmon pairings I support 1. HatThiefShipping (Ash/Aipom) (obviously) 2. LagomorphShipping (Buneary/Pikachu) 3. PenguinShipping (Dawn/Kenny) 4. AppealShipping (Dawn/Zoey) 5. Dawn/Nando (no official Ship for them) 6. KitchenMaidShipping (Brock/Autumn) 7. FourthWheelShipping (Max/Bonnie) 8. AmourShipping (Ash/Serena) Why I support those pairings 1. I support HatThiefShipping because to me, it's obvious how much Aipom loves Ash, and that, while Ash may get annoyed by Aipom's antic he obviously cares about her a lot. 2. I support LagomorphShipping because I believe that Pikachu and Buneary are just meant to be together. 3. I support PenguinShipping because Dawn and Kenny have been best friends since they were little, and also, it's totally obvious how much Kenny loves Dawn. He might've teased Dawn a lot by calling her "Dee-dee" but honestly, he was just playing around when he called her that, he wasn't trying to be mean to her at all. There are plenty of episodes that give strong hints about PenguinShipping, and the hints often come from Kenny such as in "Getting the Pre-Contest Titters" when Kenny blushed at Dawn showing off her dress to him, "Journey to the Unown" when, after the gnag got out of the Solaceon Ruins Kenny told Ash, in regards to helping Turtwig learn a new Move, "As soon as we get to the Pokèmon Center I'll teach you Energy Ball," he then leaned towards Ash and whispered, "If you won't tell Dee-dee how freaked out I was back there, promise?" Ash and Dawn glanced at each other before Ash looked back at Kenny, and Kenny was seen blushing and heard laughing nervously, and also in "Four Roads Diverged in a Pokèmon Port" Kenny challenged Ash to a battle and requested that if he won Dawn would go on a journey with him. 4. I support AppealShipping because Zoey and Dawn are very close friends and they always try their hardest to help the other out when in a tough situation such as in "Mounting a Coordinator Assault" when Zoey found the lost choker to Dawn's dress that her mom sent her and then later helped Dawn fix her hair and when leaving said "See you in the finals." Dawn was so surprised when she heard Zoey say this and she thought to herself, "Whoa! She already thinks I'm going to the final round and this is only my first Contest!" An episode that is an example of Dawn trying to help out Zoey is "A Stand-Up Sit Down" when Zoey sprained her ankle and Dawn searched through her backpack for something that would help Zoey, but Dawn only had some chocolate and juice in her backpack, and this made Dawn feel bad because she really wanted to help Zoey. 5. I don't really have evidence to explain why I support Dawn and Nando being together, they just seem like they'd make a sweet couple. 6. I support KitchenMaidShipping because Autumn is the ONLY girl to fall in love with Brock and not go overboard about her crush on him. Now, I know that in "The Heartbreak of Brock" Temacu also had a MAJOR crush on Brock, but she went WAY too overboard at first and really freaked Brock out. Autumn, however, wasn't extremely clingy or overbearing like Temacu was, although it is obvious just how much she loves Brock because after he saved her from falling off the bridge and gave her words of encouragement she said, "Oh,Brock," in a loving voice. Also, at the end of the episode Autumn spoke up to Brock and mentioned, "As your student I have to tell you something..." She was probably going to thank Brock for his help and possibly confess her feelings, but that's just my guess. 7. FourthWheelShipping is a Nevermet Ship from the anime, but despite the fact they haven't met each other, Max and Bonnie have lots in common with each other. They are both very young, Max is seven, and Bonnie is six, (well, okay, actually Bonnie's age wasn't stated in the anime yet, although it could be some time in the future, and with her appearance and attitude, she seems a lot like a six year old to me). They both love taking care of Pokèmon and are very skillful at the task, they both have gotten emotional with a certain situation that involved a Pokèmon, (This happened with Max in the episode "Do I Hear a Ralts?" when he was trying to take care of a sick Ralts he had befriended, and he got so stressed out and overwhelmed he ended up crying several times during the episode. This happened with Bonnie in the episode "A Jolting Switcheroo" when the group was searching for Dedenne because Bonnie and another little girl, named Lynn, accidentally took each other's purses, so Lynn had Dedenne while Bonnie had a Pichu that Lynn was taking of for her older sister. During the search Bonnie was sad about losing Dedenne and that's why she cried. She also cried again once she and Dedenne were reunited. Lynn was reunited with her sister's Pchu as well, and Lynn began crying as she hugged her sister and said, "I'm sorry." Bonnie looked at Lynn for a second and then she started crying as she shouted, "DEDENNE I'M SO SORRY!"). 8. I support AmourShipping because Serena is the only one of Ash's female traveling companions to have a crush on him so it's easy to see those two being a couple, especially since, SPOILER ALERT, IN THE FINAL EPISODE OF POKEMON XYZ SERENA ACTUALLY KISSES ASH! |