One day the class goes on a field trip to the beach. Everyone now knows of Sun and Nagasumi's engagement, but they still don't know the circumstances, and they're all curious. Sun and Nagasumi keep trying to make up stories, but then everyone heads into the lake, and find out the truth. Sun becomes immensely popular afterwards, as does Nagasumi. Their foes are jealous and team up to try and end their popularity. Will they succeed? Rated T for language.

It's almost time for class to start at Issano Junior High and the students of Gōzaburō Seto are crowded around the desks of Sun Seto and Nagasumi Michishio, who the class recently learned are engaged.

"How did it happen?" A girl questions. This leads to clamoring because EVERYONE wants to learn this as well.

Sun and Nagasumi both know they can't tell everyone the truth because people aren't supposed to know about Merfolk.

Nagasumi thinks up a great story and whispers the story in Sun's ear. She nods and giggles at him while giving him a wink.

Sun states, "Well I was lost trying to find my way home and that's when I met Nagasumi and his parents. I was terrified because I was being chased by a psychopath with a knife. Nagasumi noticed him coming close to me and angrily exclaimed, 'YOU LEAVE THAT GIRL ALONE, YOU ASSHOLE!' I looked behind me as the man came closer to me, laughing evilly. Nagasumi jumped out in front of me and began beating the man up while his parents called the police. Soon the police came and arrested the man. After the police left I thanked Nagasumi and kissed him. I know it seems wrong for me to kiss someone I don't know, but he had just saved my life and a simple hug didn't express my gratitude."

That story made everyone, with the exception of Kai Mikawa and Lunar Edomae, gasp in awe.

"Wow Nagasumi risks his life to save a girl he just met, and as thanks the girl kisses him, how vexing," commented Akeno.

Just then Gōzaburō walks in and sees everyone crowded around the two.

"HEY YOU MAGGOTS SIT DOWN!" he shouts. This scares everyone and they all sit in their seats but they all stare at Sun and Nagasumi instead of paying attention to Mr. Seto.

"Alright then; since none of you want to focus on learning I guess it's time for a field trip. The beach sounds amazing so let's go." Mr. Seto states.

Sun and Nagasumi both hold hands tightly and look at each other nervously.

Sun and Nagasumi made up a story about how they met. What measures will they go to in order to keep everyone from finding out the truth?