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![]() Author has written 7 stories for Pokémon. Poke-lover, the fangirl Pokemon. Can usually be found sitting at her desk, typing stories that put her favorite fictional characters in awkward romantic situations. Easy-going nature. XD Hi there I'm Poke-lover88, and welcome to my profile!! I am pretty new to writing and I'm just doing this for fun, so my stories aren't gonna be perfect, but hopefully in the future they will get better! The Tiny Foxtail - my other account where I write for the lovely fandom of Fairy Tail Ayumu Foxtail-chan - another account where I do lovely fanfiction challenges. A good chunk will be Pokémon. I also throw random one-shots and few-shots on there! MyAnimeList /-/ Crunchyroll /-/ AO3 /-/ Fanfiction Google /-/ DeviantART Note: I solemnly swear that I will finish every story I start. No matter how long it takes, I will finish them all. :D Anyway, about myself, since that is what this section is for... Don't have much to say about myself. I'm just a regular girl who finally hit that big scary two-oh mark, and who is much more obsessed with Pokémon than she should be. I got into Pokémon after ordering Pokémon White Version on a whim on Amazon to make it to 25 dollars so I could get free shipping, and that's when it all started. XD It's hard to find things I don't like, as I am a lover of most everything (wasps and semi-trucks watch out though... I'll squeal my head off in terror. XD). I especially love music, you can find me listening to it about 24/7. I'm very outgoing and always looking to befriend new people, so don't hesitate to chat me up. I don't bite. At least not hard. XD I am a part of all kinds of fandoms. I'll only be writing for Pokémon on this account though. If you want to know what else I'm into either check out my other accounts or stalk me. XD I mainly write things for the fifth generation of Pokemon as it's the most dynamic in my opinion and also sparks the most headcanons, but I sometimes wander into other generations too. Poke-lover describes me pretty well... pretty generic... not sure if I really thought the username through. And 88 is my favorite number. You can call me whatever you please, Poke-lover's good enough for me but if you want to stick to real names you can call me Dani. Favorite Pokemon: TEPIG! *sparkly eyes* They are so adorable. Others include Bulbasaur, Klefki, Flygon, Metagross, Yveltal, Emboar, Absol, Gengar, and Chandelure. Although I do love every Pokémon. I don't think I have one that I think is lame. They're all either cute/badass to me. XD Also, I have this horrible disease called "procrastination". Yeah, it blows. So humor me for the spaces between updates? Please? XD Anyway, I play volleyball, and wrangle stray Caterpies... And that's pretty much it! :) 0=0=0=0=0=0 Other more random links: Update Schedule - where I've outlined what I hope to achieve with stories on all of my accounts Featured Stories - links to where my stories have been mentioned/recommended/reviewed/or featured Contests/Competitions - a list of the fanfiction contests and competitions I've entered and where, if at all, my fics have placed/ranked Giftfics - list of fics given and received Collabs - a list of collabs I am participating in and with what awesome authors Foxtail and Idea Queen - my joint account with the lovely Misty Ketchum97 Sleep-Deprived Weirdos - my joint account with the lovely malory79080 and the lovely Misty Ketchum97 0=0=0=0=0=0 I LOVE POKEMON, if you couldn't tell already, and so obviously that is what I shall be writing about. Hence the username... ahem anyway I ship literally almost everything. OTP: WhitexN- Ferriswheelshipping Other Favorites: AshXMisty- Pokeshipping LeafxGary- OldRivalshipping/LeafGreenshipping MayXDrew- Contestshipping (love this one!!!) WhiteXCheren- Checkmateshipping GhetsisXWhite- Gretelshipping (crack pairing alert :P) HughxMei- Sequelshipping ColressxMei- Moonringshipping CurtisxMei- Livecastershipping LyraxGold- HeartSoulshipping ConwayxDawn- HeatTagshipping PaulxDawn- Ikarishipping IrisxCilan- Wishfulshipping SerenaxCalem- Kalosshipping SerenaxLysandre- Kingsrockshipping (What is it with me and HeroinexBad Guy ships?) MoonxGladion- ?? (Doesn't appear to have a shipping name yet... and honesty the female protag doesn't have an official name yet either so this is just a mess pfft) I love pairing the baddies up with other people. I fangirl over them almost as much or more than the cuties like N. Also I call Touko/Hilda/White different things all the time. Usually White, I know that that's a character in the manga (that of which I don't read) but I call her that anyway. XD Crack ships are my fave. If you love crack ships... I love you. And that's about it, feel free to check out my stories, and enjoy! 0=0=0=0=0=0=0 Game Series' fics: (I do plan on writing a fic based on every main series game, and some of the spin-offs. So this is basically me just keeping track of which games I have/haven't done. XD) Main series game fics: Red/Blue - Gold/Silver - Sapphire/Ruby/Emerald - Diamond/Pearl - Platinum - Black/White - Black2/White2 - X/Y - Sun/Moon Spin-off game fics: Conquest Current Stories: 3 The Driving Force: 15/?- Ferriswheelshipping (Sequel to A Force to Be Reckoned With) Two Kings: 1/? - Ferriswheelshipping & Gretelshipping (On hiatus until The Driving Force is completed) Reunion: 1/? - Pokeshipping, Contestshipping, Ikarishipping, Oldrivalshipping/Leafgreenshipping, and hints at Wishfulshipping Finished stories: 4 Upcoming Stories: Hero- Checkmateshipping one-shot - T - Romance/Friendship Defeating the King- Ferriswheelshipping AU multi-chap - T - Romance/Action/Adventure Breaking Barriers- Y playthrough- KalosShipping & KingsRockShipping multi-chap - T - Action/Adventure/Romance Unnamed- Moonringshipping & Sequelshipping multi-chap - T - Romance/Action/Adventure Unnamed- Gretelshipping AU-ish multi-chap - T or M - Action/Adventure/Romance /-/-/-/-/-/Current Number Of Unpublished Plot Bunnies: 29/-/-/-/-/-/ 0=0=0=0=0=0=0 Oh! PS. I don't own Pokemon y'all, if I did, I can guarantee you I wouldn't be writing fanfiction for it, I would be developing the new game... or if I owned actual pokemon, I probably wouldn't even own a computer... so yeah :) Also, this is my disclaimer, I don't put one in my stories, basically because I forget, but please don't sue me... it is right up there. Hey! You! Yes you! If you ever want to shoot me a PM to talk about Pokemon, or you are looking for a wi-fi battle, or whatever else tickles your fancy, don't hesitate! I always love having new PM buddies to talk to! :D My 3DS friendcode is 4785-5478-4224 by the way if you want to exchange them! :D Signed: Poke-lover88 :P Hey, you beautiful person. If you've reviewed/faved/followed/ any of my stories. I love you. You're awesome. That is all. |