Author has written 7 stories for Treasure Planet, and Merlin. Hey Everyone! azelmajondrette here! Thanks for visiting my page!
I accept Jesus Christ as my savior. No, I am not going to throw a bible at your face. What good will that do? But honestly, some people think it's okay to talk about EVERY video-game they've ever playedt- and it is- but God is off limits. I honestly think that very silly to think of the creator of the univers to be thought of that way, but hey! I'm just some teen on the face of this earth. What do I know? (Well... I do know that the whole God thing is true... As for every other life view of mine- I could be wrong.) So, yes, I am a Christian. I will talk about God. And I'm proud of it! But don't call me a hater please, because then you'll be a hater. Haters gonna hate! (Omigosh, I am really weird now...) So, I am definitely used to be one of those people who screamed "I am a nerd!" But then that become to mainstream... And not that I want to don hipster glasses- because I don't need two pairs of glasses- but that can be annoying. So I guess I have to switch gears to saying that I'm a... dork? Just kidding. I am a nerd to some extent though. I'm not super smart, but I'm a girl who likes Pokemon and Mario, I quote internet memes and asdf... I make anti feminist jokes- ummmmm... Just the sandwich one. Haha, so yes, I hold a degree of nerd...ness! (Screams of my intense love for Batman, and tries to impress myself by seeing how many villains I know.) Actually, I built my own version of Gotham City on Sims 2. You're impressed, right? ...Right? ...Okay. :-( (See? I DO use memes! Use ALL the memes!) So... I think I just packed myself into a nutshell. Random tidbit time: I love musicals. I want to be a Hobbit. My favorite disney movie is Treasure Planet- that masterpiece was VASTLY underrated. Plus, my cartoon crush on Jim Hawkins... Um, yeah. What else? Oh yeah, I like to write. A lot. Ok... Who actually read this madness? |