Poll: If I did a drabble of Divergent/Insurgent/Post-series one-shots would you read it and vote on what scene I should do next? Vote Now!
Author has written 9 stories for Divergent Trilogy, Hunger Games, and Misc. Books. Hi! My name is Kellie and I am 22 years old (WHAT!!) . Even though I am technically considered an adult, I still wish I could climb the tunnels in Chuck E Cheese and order off the kids meal. When I am not writing, I am singing in the shower, crying over fictional characters, or teaching tiny humans. I also enjoy sneaking things into the grocery cart when my mom isn't looking. HUGE thank you to all the readers that made Trusting in You a raging success!! You guys rock! Wattpad: DeclarationsOfLove Video: A thank you to the readers of Trusting in You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MioU6OZSu9g Twitter: @kelliejo19 and @KelJo19 Instagram: @4thetributesandinitiates and @KelJo19 If you want to message me to read/edit one of your stories I'd be more than happy to! Please no smut, slash, intense swearing or anything above teen rated (there are exceptions). Check out my latest story, Trusting in You (fanfiction for Divergent) and review! -Kellie |
BleedtoLoveHer (14) ellizablue (27) Fluttering Phalanges (80) | GatesKeeper (21) HalfAgony (0) jennycaakes (15) | KateToast (107) |