Rory von Trapp
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Joined 06-14-03, id: 399718, Profile Updated: 02-17-12
Author has written 5 stories for Sound of Music, West Wing, and Newsroom.

I'm a 23-year-old recent college grad who likes to read, write, play music, and study languages.

Current fandoms: The West Wing (Josh/Donna, Jed/Abbey, CJ/Various), Charmed (Piper/Leo, Phoebe/Cole), The Sound of Music (Maria/Georg), Gilmore Girls (Luke/Lorelai), Wicked (Gelphie), Harry Potter (Minerva/Hermione friendship), The Princess Diaries (Clarisse/Joe movieverse), The Devil Wears Prada (Miranda/Andy), NCIS (Jenny/Gibbs, Tony/Ziva).

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Limens by Littlefoxylove reviews
6.09 AU. Hearts are complicated enough when they're whole. Sharon and Andy work through broken hearts, broken lives, and find a new beginning in the end of an era. Finally updated again, so sorry.
Major Crimes - Rated: T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 20 - Words: 101,273 - Reviews: 225 - Favs: 46 - Follows: 80 - Updated: 11/26/2018 - Published: 12/20/2017 - A. Flynn, Provenza, Rusty B., S. Raydor
What Never Was Is Now by Laura Mayfair reviews
No attacks AU. Lives converge and intersect in surprising ways. And sometimes the voice of Fate is a great storyteller. (written for newnumbertwo's birthday. Thank you to lanalucy for the beta. I took a liberty with Sherman Cottle's name. In my headcanon, he goes by his middle name, "Jack.")
Battlestar Galactica: 2003 - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,506 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 1 - Published: 3/25/2015 - W. Adama, L. Roslin, Billy K. - Complete
Breathe In by piratewench78 reviews
This is a different look at where we started at the beginning of S1. AU story about how "Nashville" began.
Nashville - Rated: T - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 15 - Words: 78,123 - Reviews: 145 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 31 - Updated: 3/16/2015 - Published: 2/8/2015 - Rayna J., Deacon C., Maddie C. - Complete
Compos Mentis by sweeny81 reviews
Post Endgame: Kathryn finds it difficult to adjust to life in the alpha quadrant.
StarTrek: Voyager - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 7 - Words: 35,733 - Reviews: 108 - Favs: 139 - Follows: 70 - Updated: 8/10/2012 - Published: 8/19/2011 - K. Janeway, Chakotay - Complete
Chain of the Mind by Jordan Trevor reviews
Were there only four lights? What if the fifth light was there all along? Following his captivity by Madred, Jean-Luc Picard struggles to recover. Can Crusher, Troi, and Riker help him see past the lights and find his way home? This story is set after "Chain of Command."
StarTrek: The Next Generation - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Friendship - Chapters: 18 - Words: 46,118 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 8/4/2012 - Published: 7/14/2012 - J. Picard - Complete
In This Moment by Mrs. Elizabeth Gibbs reviews
A tag to 'Life Before His Eyes' in which I basically take the opportunity to have a Jibbs moment while Gibbs is at the diner. Short, bittersweet, Jibbs. Some familiar lines, but with a whole new meaning. One-shot.
NCIS - Rated: K - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 705 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 3 - Published: 2/9/2012 - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Jenny Shepard - Complete
Backfired by Emi-Lynn reviews
When two agents wake up in bed together with no memory of how they got there, it starts them on a path to where they never thought they'd go.
NCIS - Rated: T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 48 - Words: 100,293 - Reviews: 1132 - Favs: 805 - Follows: 377 - Updated: 9/11/2011 - Published: 1/9/2010 - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tim M. - Complete
In the Eye of the Beholder by Emi-Lynn reviews
An accident reveals a truth two men are hiding and Gibbs learns a valuable lesson. Established McNozzo.
NCIS - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 16,656 - Reviews: 174 - Favs: 346 - Follows: 140 - Updated: 7/6/2011 - Published: 6/23/2011 - Tony D., Tim M. - Complete
The Impractical Heart by Pough reviews
When a tiny virus sweeps through Tony's body, leaving catastrophic results, his team remains vigilant. Not meant to be a "ship" story, but strong hints of it.
NCIS - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Friendship - Chapters: 19 - Words: 121,381 - Reviews: 572 - Favs: 504 - Follows: 395 - Updated: 6/15/2011 - Published: 11/8/2009 - Tony D. - Complete
A New Life by JibbsGal1 reviews
Gibbs finally takes a long awaited vacation, but something - or someone - happens to change everything.
NCIS - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 92 - Words: 130,552 - Reviews: 1098 - Favs: 192 - Follows: 78 - Updated: 5/8/2011 - Published: 2/13/2011 - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Jenny Shepard - Complete
Like Stephen by quiethearted reviews
Miranda compares Stephen and Andrea. For the Barren Desert Challenge on Live Journal's DWP Comm.
Devil Wears Prada - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 10,635 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 178 - Follows: 43 - Published: 9/19/2010 - Complete
Lying Eyes by joykatleen reviews
A serial rapist is hunting women in the tristate area, leaving little to go on. But after finding a connection to one of the agency's own, it will take everything the team has to catch the criminal and save themselves. NOW BACK ONLINE.
NCIS - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 25 - Words: 118,226 - Reviews: 363 - Favs: 145 - Follows: 60 - Updated: 8/24/2010 - Published: 11/3/2007 - Complete
The Future Is Ours: A Novel by Dawn47 reviews
The future is what we make of it, by doing little things that make a huge difference, by seizing opportunities that come our way, and by remembering to keep our friends and loved ones close. Will be posted 1 chapter a day starting June 1
StarTrek: Voyager - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 40 - Words: 475,685 - Reviews: 230 - Favs: 149 - Follows: 52 - Updated: 7/9/2010 - Published: 6/1/2010 - K. Janeway, Chakotay - Complete
My Father's Keeper by Emerald1 reviews
When Gibbs goes too far protecting Tony after the events in Flesh and Blood, who will pay the ultimate price?
NCIS - Rated: T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 33 - Words: 65,254 - Reviews: 1124 - Favs: 852 - Follows: 311 - Updated: 6/7/2010 - Published: 3/27/2010 - Tim M., Tony D. - Complete
First Impressions by ihearttony reviews
Tony risks his life to save Vance's children during an explosion. Can Gibbs, Vance, and the team work together to protect Tony from terrorists set on revenge? Will Vance ever see beyond the image to the person Tony really is? Papa Gibbs.
NCIS - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Chapters: 8 - Words: 32,692 - Reviews: 385 - Favs: 814 - Follows: 329 - Updated: 5/16/2010 - Published: 5/9/2010 - Tony D., Leroy Jethro Gibbs - Complete
A Second Chance by DramaLexy reviews
Judgment Day AU. A second chance for Jenny and Gibbs. Can they take advantage of it while they have the opportunity? my first ever NCIS fic. Jibbs and a little Tiva.
NCIS - Rated: T - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 14 - Words: 18,590 - Reviews: 137 - Favs: 77 - Follows: 26 - Updated: 4/17/2009 - Published: 4/1/2009 - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Jenny Shepard - Complete
The Angels Can Wait by angel-death-dealer reviews
Tony saves Ziva's life, maybe at the cost of his own. She knows she should be at his side, as does everyone else, but she can't go to him even when he calls for her. Will she go to him and make everything right? Tony/Ziva.
NCIS - Rated: K+ - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 11,097 - Reviews: 116 - Favs: 179 - Follows: 63 - Updated: 10/23/2008 - Published: 10/8/2008 - Ziva D., Tony D. - Complete
Worlds Apart by JanetAndrews reviews
Joseph and Clarisse are suddenly worlds apart from each other. Are they strong enough to fight? Or strong enough to let go? Slightly AU with introduction of two new characters. Now COMPLETE - updated with two chapters!
Princess Diaries - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 14 - Words: 63,077 - Reviews: 81 - Favs: 33 - Follows: 22 - Updated: 1/14/2008 - Published: 4/8/2007 - Complete
The Game of Life by daydreamer4 reviews
This story is a little bit of everyone and everything two years after the inauguration. It will mostly focus on CJ and Danny and Josh and Donna, but Toby, Sam and the Bartlets will definitely have major roles.
West Wing - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 44 - Words: 166,688 - Reviews: 184 - Favs: 104 - Follows: 44 - Updated: 10/28/2007 - Published: 6/25/2006
And Let That Be Our Legacy by Elorie 'Kam reviews
It has the potential to bring the administration to its knees... but it doesn't. And so it goes on and forward, and we will do better. Character death. JD, SamMallory, ZoeyCharlie. Seaborn for America.
West Wing - Rated: T - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 43 - Words: 245,127 - Reviews: 87 - Favs: 65 - Follows: 34 - Updated: 8/18/2007 - Published: 2/26/2006
Charmed Senshi by Alcandre reviews
CharmedSailor Moon Crossover. The Charmed ones are needed in Tokyo, Japan. For what, they don't know. But they do know one thing that these aren't regular demons.
Crossover - Charmed & Sailor Moon X-overs - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 25 - Words: 45,063 - Reviews: 198 - Favs: 49 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 7/15/2007 - Published: 4/1/2003 - Complete
Forsaking All Others by Vplasgirl reviews
Donna had everything she'd always dreamed of: a husband she adored and two beautiful, healthy children. She was born to the role of wife and mother and loved it. Until an anonymous phone call shattered the very foundation her life was built on.
West Wing - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,848 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 11 - Published: 7/2/2007 - Josh L., Donna M.
Love Thine Enemy by littlesoprano reviews
[WICKED MusicalverseMGM film combo] When Dorothy accidentally comes across a grief stricken Glinda, she learns the truth about the Witch of the West... and reevaluates her relationship with another wicked witch in her life.
Wicked - Rated: T - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 4 - Words: 24,179 - Reviews: 71 - Favs: 74 - Follows: 61 - Updated: 5/26/2006 - Published: 7/21/2005
Light My Candle by VegaWriters reviews
It's not easy being a lesbian or being a lesbian in a man's world. It's even harder when your partner can't be seen with you for fear of political retribution, the administration you work for is scared to be honest about the real issues, and when you live
West Wing - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 6 - Words: 60,844 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 5/23/2006 - Published: 2/26/2006 - C.J. C.
Til Death Do Us Part by ceemonster reviews
In all their discussions, in all their planning and what ifs and maybes and thoughts of the future, the possibility never entered either of their minds... LeoAnnabeth
West Wing - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,191 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 3 - Published: 3/27/2006 - Leo M. - Complete
The Irish Wake by daydreamer4 reviews
Leo's funeral brings together the old gang for a night of grief and friendship in celebration of Leo McGarry. COMPLETE.
West Wing - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 9 - Words: 35,866 - Reviews: 76 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 3/24/2006 - Published: 2/12/2006
The Joshua Monologues by spitzthecat reviews
AU. Josh & Donna. The Vagina Monologues and what comes after.
West Wing - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 43 - Words: 238,633 - Reviews: 97 - Favs: 136 - Follows: 56 - Updated: 1/23/2006 - Published: 10/10/2002 - Josh L., Donna M.
The Subplan to Protect the Plan by jengwilson reviews
Donna starts making plans for the future and Josh starts making subplans to thwart her plans, and it’s a big planning mess. JoshDonna COMPLETED
West Wing - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 23,352 - Reviews: 155 - Favs: 168 - Follows: 24 - Updated: 10/25/2005 - Published: 9/23/2005 - Josh L., Donna M. - Complete
What Matters Most by jengwilson reviews
The President's sudden stance on Cuba puts more than Florida's electoral votes in danger. JoshDonna. COMPLETE
West Wing - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 38,663 - Reviews: 55 - Favs: 102 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 8/12/2005 - Published: 7/12/2005 - Josh L., Donna M. - Complete
In the end by twisted-coil reviews
Clarisse and Joe the story that wasn't in the movies. NOW COMPLETE!
Princess Diaries - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 38 - Words: 75,226 - Reviews: 307 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 6/5/2005 - Published: 12/20/2004 - Complete
Putting Family First by jengwilson reviews
When Josh has a personal tragedy, he needs Donna more than ever.
West Wing - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 43,793 - Reviews: 77 - Favs: 65 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 5/7/2005 - Published: 3/14/2005
The little girl and the sea captain by malintzin reviews
What if Maria and the Captain already met twenty years ago? Here's the unusual story of an unusual couple... AU warning!
Sound of Music - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 25 - Words: 79,455 - Reviews: 168 - Favs: 64 - Follows: 25 - Updated: 4/29/2005 - Published: 1/31/2004
Bounds of Freedom by mahc reviews
JED-ABBEY-ENSEMBLE 'Yin and yang. Give and take. The forces of life. Wasn’t that what it was all about, anyway' An alternate storyline for the China Summit
West Wing - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 51,906 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 2/3/2005 - Published: 1/19/2005 - Jed B., Abbey B.
For the Sake of the Family by She'sAShipper reviews
COMPLETED, SEPTEMBER 8, 2004! What will the Captain sacrifice for the sake of the family? UNDERGOING REWRITE 5/2008
Sound of Music - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 22 - Words: 40,355 - Reviews: 153 - Favs: 52 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 9/8/2004 - Published: 2/16/2004 - Complete
He Gets That From Me by She'sAShipper reviews
One-shot songfic. Lorelai visits a special someone on a special anniversary.
Gilmore Girls - Rated: K+ - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,012 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 1 - Published: 9/3/2004 - Complete
My Mind and Soul by imnotacommittee reviews
AU - Outside attentions force eyes to open
Sound of Music - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 47,509 - Reviews: 176 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 8 - Updated: 7/28/2004 - Published: 7/11/2004
Whence Gaza Mourns by mahc reviews
JED-ABBEY His decision. His request. His order. His fault. Post-ep for "Gaza" and "Memorial Day."
West Wing - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 12,546 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 9 - Updated: 7/27/2004 - Published: 7/21/2004 - Jed B., Abbey B.
Memories of the Future by Alcandre reviews
Chris arrives at an empty Manor and starts to remember. Short and sweet.
Charmed - Rated: K+ - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,303 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 3 - Published: 5/3/2004 - Piper H., Elise R. - Complete
Life with Easton by Lizzy127 reviews
What happens when you turn the clocks forward, and TSOM takes place in modern times? Well, that’s the plot of this story... it’s my best attempt to write a modern day TSOM. FINAL CHAPTER IS UP!
Sound of Music - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 19 - Words: 42,089 - Reviews: 129 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 3/21/2004 - Published: 8/19/2003 - Complete
By The Fountain by imnotacommittee reviews
A little girl is lost in the market place
Sound of Music - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,526 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 10 - Published: 2/24/2004
Waiting for You by imnotacommittee reviews
Storms surge and tensions mount as the Captain is forced to wait outside.
Sound of Music - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 4 - Words: 15,501 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 1/11/2004 - Published: 1/8/2004
Muggle Studies by Alcandre reviews
Guinevere Woodson is an ordinary young woman living an ordinary life... well, until she gets a letter from Hogwarts asking her to teach there. Just a random little idea I had. RR Chapter 6 up!
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: 8,004 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 1/8/2004 - Published: 12/9/2002
Sweet Child Of Mine by PsYcHo-Me reviews
Bonding time for a mother and her son. RR Please. :D
Sound of Music - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,821 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 3 - Published: 9/18/2003
Puzzle Time by Alcandre reviews
Piper finds an old puzzle in the attic and she and Paige put it together. But what happens when a demon attacks them while they are working? I don't own Charmed.
Charmed - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,506 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 3 - Published: 8/26/2003 - Piper H., Paige M. - Complete
Nautical Training by imnotacommittee reviews
The Captain is eager to share his sea-faring knowledge with at least one of his children
Sound of Music - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,910 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 7 - Published: 8/13/2003
Home Away From Home by Alcandre reviews
Part II up. Years later Piper is feeling a little low and she gets a visit from an old friend. R/R please!
Charmed - Rated: K+ - English - Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,471 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 7/24/2003 - Published: 4/8/2003 - Complete
The Captain's Study by jelpy reviews
A man's study is an ideal place to learn about his character
Sound of Music - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,805 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 4 - Published: 7/7/2003
Elsa's Gold Dress by Handmade Freak reviews
Elsa's Gold Dress observes Maria, Georg & Elsa's Love Triangle during the Party ::
Sound of Music - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,075 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 1 - Published: 7/2/2003 - Complete
Skipping Stones by imnotacommittee reviews
The Captain shares a quiet moment with the one who may need it the most
Sound of Music - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,829 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 5 - Published: 6/27/2003
A Connecticut Yankee in King Cotton's Court by N. Y. Smith reviews
A trip to Tennessee turns into something unexpected.
West Wing - Rated: T - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 10 - Words: 11,949 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 1 - Published: 6/23/2003 - Josh L., Donna M. - Complete
Silent Night by spitzthecat reviews
JD A car accident 2 days before Christmas changes everything.
West Wing - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 42,032 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 81 - Follows: 11 - Published: 2/23/2003 - Josh L., Donna M. - Complete
Shall We Bury Fathers or Sons by mahc reviews
JED-ABBEY-ENSEMBLE - A terrible accident and its aftermath seen from the eyes of several of its witnesses. A story of pain, love, hope, and determination.
West Wing - Rated: T - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 11 - Words: 26,012 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 25 - Updated: 10/2/2002 - Published: 9/24/2002 - Jed B., Abbey B.
What Doesn't Kill You by spitzthecat reviews
Josh is the victim of a hate crime.
West Wing - Rated: M - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,605 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 33 - Follows: 5 - Published: 8/11/2002 - Josh L., Donna M. - Complete
Tacet II: Dawn by Marguerite1 reviews
Post-ep for "Posse Comitatus," #2 in a series of 4
West Wing - Rated: K+ - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,717 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 10 - Published: 5/27/2002
Such Mortal Drugs by Marguerite1 reviews
When should a life be allowed to end, and who gets to make that decision?
West Wing - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,560 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 12 - Published: 5/12/2002
Time and the Fates of Men II - "Percussion" by Marguerite1 reviews
After "In the Shadow of Two Gunmen" - Leo gets them through the night.
West Wing - Rated: K+ - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,646 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 1 - Published: 3/14/2002
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Not Calm, Not Bright reviews
Less of a story, more of a scene from Will and Mac's first married Christmas. Will's attempt at perfect Christmas decor proves hazardous; Mac cleans up. Written for The Newsroom Secret Santa on Tumblr.
Newsroom - Rated: K - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 702 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 5 - Published: 12/27/2014 - Will McA., MacKenzie McH. - Complete
One of the Boys reviews
A post-ep of sorts for Institutional Memory. CJ reflects on her time in the White House and the men who have changed her life. Vague references to events throughout the series.
West Wing - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,361 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 1 - Published: 11/10/2009 - C.J. C. - Complete
Sounds of Symbolism reviews
Or How the White House Staffers Found Their Theme Songs . Ensemble piece in which The Sound of Music is discussed over beer.
West Wing - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 889 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 7 - Published: 7/27/2008 - Complete
Five Ways Josh Misses Leo reviews
Donna's POV. She knows he misses Leo when he's willing to reinstate Total Crackpot Day.
West Wing - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,246 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 2 - Published: 1/26/2008 - Josh L. - Complete
I Could Have Danced All Night reviews
A Sound of Music fic with a My Fair Lady title. Maria's thoughts while she's dancing the Laendler with the Captain and her memory of the first time she danced the Laendler.
Sound of Music - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,542 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 5 - Published: 3/7/2004 - Maria R., Georg vT. - Complete