Author has written 7 stories for Card Captor Sakura, Digimon, Final Fantasy: Tactics, and Resident Evil. My muse is tempermental so there are times where I'll have a lot of updates... other times there will be months or years on end where there is nothing. It's more of the later of the three, so things around here tend to get a wee bit dusty. Things that'll most likely spawn fanfiction from me: Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, and Silent Hill. There may be random little ones here and there from...whatever I happen to be a fan of at the time. A note to those that come this way to fave and watch stuff: Thank you very much. I appreciate it, really I do. And pairings... I try to stick to pairings that make sense or are "canon". I use air-quotes because there's a few I like that are out of the norm because they're so abso-freaking-lutely adorable D: (I'm looking at you, Resident Evil's Rebecca and Richard.). Various Updates and Such: 9/17/2009: Coming up section updated 8/10/2009: New one-shot up. 7/13/2009: Changed profile a bit. Still working on...stuff? Dunno. Just blowing dust off of the account. :P What's coming up: -Voynich Script- Fallout 3 multi-chapter. -Shattered Life (rewrite) - on hold -Pulling Petals- pre-RE1 Jillx?? random, er, at this moment: one shot. Because I can and I love the pairing regardless if there's no possibility that it can happen between the two. Merely a very rough idea at the moment. (on hold) |
Indigo Siren (15) |