Author has written 12 stories for Harry Potter. I'm juss your average writer. My main focuses are HARRY POTTER related stories, and currently most of my stories have a DRACO MALFOY/HARRY POTTER theme. don't like it, don't read it. i can be reached many different ways. one would be to email me. my email's found above . for other ways, email me! also note : my blogging sites don't have anything to do with my stories. your only reason for visiting and/or commenting is to get aquainted w/ me, and not to whine and ask when i will update. thank you ;; UPDATE 6.16.'o5 : wow half a year later, here i am ! a lot of people seemed to be confused with my fake ending, so in case anyone actually reads this, i am here to clarify that that was not the end- see ..this is why people should read A/Ns : it's okay .. everyone who was "disappointed" in my "crappy ending" were extremely sweet though, saying that although they didnt agree with it, it was my story, and i could do whatever with it. nontheless, it still created a lot of confusion on my part, so i took it down. there has also been some wonderful people emailing me and stuff, trying to help me get out of this never-ending writers block. everyone pretty much said the same thing : try reading more Harry/Draco fiction, and read HBP when it comes out. surprisingly, because the sixth book is coming out, i'm more anxious of finishing all my current stories. not like that's going to happen, seeing it's coming out in just a mere monthxx;; the thing is, theres going to be another death, and i don't like writing stories that dont really correspond with the books. besides, i have this nasty feeling that the death is going to be Draco xx;; and if it is i am seriously going to jump off a building ._. do you guys know how devastated if Draco dies ? so im done that huge entry x hopefully ill be bored enough during my vacation to write more : i actually have half of chapter 3 of She Wasnt Like You .. but thats it ._. UPDATE 6.23.'o5 : posted a story that i wrote ages ago (well of course .. who has seen me in the writing mood these days ? xD) up; SEDUCTiON :) it was a challenge for my beloved Michael Serpent -- read the A/N for details UPDATE 9.15.'o5 : hm. not getting anywhere with my stories. i actually have a one-shot, but its only like 9/10 done. yes i will get on with it x) also, i am thinking that i will take up She Wasnt Like You again soon, since the story is somehow starting to interest me again xD ummm Intuition ; lets not talk about that -.-;; that story is getting nowhere T_T but anyway, i have just started reading short fanfiction .. not just H/D tho .. more like stories that give the writers theories about what what happened in HBP happened, and what will happen and stuff. not like a fans idea of the last book, but more like just a one-shot on the future. yup :) so fanfiction for me is starting once again, so just sit tight about a few more months and i will live again x) UPDATE 2.04.06 : yeah i give up, dammit. im most definetly on hiatus right now (although i guess that was pretty obvious without me having to say it). im not really sure whether or not ill ever finish Intuition, Broken, or any of these unfinished pieces. time has gone by&suddenly, im reading over these fics that i was so extremely proud of before, &ive just realized how immaturely theyve been written. for anyone whos interested&actually reads this crap, im actually writing a new fic. its to be novel-length, &ive got basically the first&second chapter down already. however, seeing how my other fics have gone, i think im going to finish writing it all first (or at least get a decent head start), &then post it. so yeah :) also, i know this is extremely late, but ive recently found that Michael Serpent died. he was a wonderful writer with such an imagination .. i wish id gotten to know him better than the little bit thati did get to know of him. wherever he is right now, i hope hes happy. much love x3 |