Author has written 7 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, and Fruits Basket. 6/21/07 Woah, it's been too many years since I've been here. I obviously have a bit to catch up on, including my own stories. Sadly, they will probably never be finished, since I've moved on to other things. Like college. :0 Yeah, you heard me: college. Meaning: I HAVE NO FREE TIME. (even my summer's filled with hiking trips and so forth! Sheesh!) Anyway, I'm still alive & kicking, and I'll attempt to upload some stuff I've been working on for the past few years. Attempt, mind you. I got to reading some of my old stuff and I was like, "who wrote this stuff???!" because I feel that my writing has matured. We'll have to see about that. :3 Facts about me! Name: Lessa Wheeler (yes, Joey Wheeler & I are officially hitched! With a kid! Yee-haw!) Eye/hair colors: chocolate brown, brunette Interests: Lord of the Rings, Fruits Basket, Yu-Gi-Oh (none of that GX crud, though) |