Author has written 11 stories for Harvest Moon, and Doctor Who.
If you are reading this, then welcome to the inside of my miiind! O.O Hehe.
Let me just say this one thing in 2020: the "Timeless Child" is the most awful thing to ever exist in Doctor Who. There is no justifying it. It dumps on the history of Doctor Who while trying to way too hard to be fresh. (Cause heaven forbid Hartnell remains the original Doctor, right? Gotta check that box off of a little black girl. Not the way to include other groups, guys...)
No. It is awful. It cheapens the Time Lords.
It cheapens regeneration.
Hell, it makes The Doctor as this powerful being which for years they have firmly established he really is this nobody. A nobody being somebody. A nobody making the hard decisions. A nobody essentially being forced to play "god" at times. That is compelling and adds layers to the characters. But nope. Freaking Chibnall decided to make The Doctor this godlike being from which the Time Lords got regeneration from. Unbelievable...
And are you really going to tell me that the Time Lords are so stupid that nobody before The Master figured this all out about The Doctor??? Seriously? Nobody minding the Matrix - they didn't notice anything unusual in the Matrix? Oh no. Apparently the Master is the only one to figure it out. So dumb. And so dumb is the Master's reason for destroying Gallifrey...
Honestly, the show was heading towards this awfulness since they casted Jodie. Yeah I said it. Jodie was the tipping point. Knew something awful was coming, even though I did my best to give Jodie a chance. But there is a reason why I am against a female Doctor. I mean, Romana is my short answer...
This show is currently in the dumps. Thank Rassilon Big Finish exist...
But yeah. Sci-fi is life.
I'm always looking to improve my writing: so if you can help, don't hesitate to voice in a review or whatever :)
Constructive criticism is what I'm looking for - I wanna be really good at writing one day, but right now, I'm sort of a beginner.
I'm in many fandoms - specifically sci-fi - but I mainly write for Harvest Moon, considering you can do SO much with it.
PS: Honestly, Jeremy Renner's music is life. He's Hawkeye with a killer voice.
Now here are my fan fics so far:
Something To Do: Bored, Claire decides to calculate when the festivals in MFoMT are in real life. Two unexpected guests come to her house.
*related to A Secret Not So Secret but not in storywise; this gives the dates in the actual game and such in real life; how I did it: I used the equinox thingy for the 1st of Spring (in real life), etc. then I counted from there; so say in game Spring 14 - times 14 by 3 you get 42 and then count 42 days from the 1st day of Spring in real life; sciencey stuff lol!; the dates are an estimation... and really, I may "adjust" some of the dates and such in A Secret Not So Secret cause... I dunno... to spread things out *shrugs* I'll wing it x)*
A Secret Not So Secret: "N-no w-way! I can't believe it!-" Mineral Town, a town located on an island far from normal. Claire moved there, not expecting romance or any surprises. She didn't even expect to find things that she thought didn't exist in the real world, little did she know that there's a lot more to the island than she had originally concluded: fiction would take a whole new meaning to her. [work in progress]
*my likes play a BIG role in this, cause I can xD; lots of references; it does start of slow (and is to some extent), but it definitely gets interesting, so stick with it (and give it a chance); it is a Graire story, but it's slow: I didn't wanna rush things; there are other pairings as well; based on one of my daydreams - the basic storyline follows what I made up, but since I'm messed up I changed the details lol; oh, and it's done according to OUR time, not the games - hence the slowness? of it*
Inspiration: Basically, I've had this story in my head for a super long time. Various versions circulating around in my head, naturally. But the core? I've been keeping it close to it. Different shows play a huge influence, tbh. I dunno what else to say. I adore Gray x Claire and my sci-fi so why not slap the two together?
Dishes: Dishes... ugh! I didn't know exactly why I hated them so much, since I love to clean; but I guess even with unpleasant things - not just dishes, by the way - something good can happen, something totally unexpected, something that I wouldn't even have thought of. And it all started with Jack of all people. A one-shot which morphed into a three-shot.
*Told from Ann's point of view; it's a Jack/Ann fic - they are an awesome couple!!! There should be more fics about them!! It's a one-shot that morphed into a three-shot lol; and a story which doesn't seem to be popular since not many people read it *shrugs* maybe it's the couple - I personally love these 2 together :3*
Memories of My Chair: Little theory on Oswin Oswald from "The Asylum of the Daleks"; so definitely *spoilers* up ahead to those who haven't seen it. Come in and read at your own risk. *may change summary in the future.
*Didn't expect a great reception to it, but surprisingly people liked it - thanks every one of you out there :3*
Letting Go: Marlin prepares himself for asking the big question...
*Heck, I don't really know what else to write up there - just know that it's a Jill/Marlin one-shot and a contest entry with "leafs" being the theme*
Hide and Seek the Bowtie: The Doctor realized something he should have a long time ago
*Oh my goodness... this one was a flop: NO reviews on it .-. ehh, don't matter: wasn't the greatest and was sort of on the silly side*
Before It's Too Late: Related to A Secret Not So Secret: takes place around chapter 17-18
*Too lazy to write the full summery here lol*
The Hermit And The Farmer: Sick and tired of the mundane city life, Claire impulsively moves onto a farm, located in the quaint little Mineral Town. Her life will never be the same, especially not after she is informed about a hermit living around. Just exactly who is this hermit? *least on my list to update, though I do know where I'm going with it*
The Rapid Raindrops: After fleeing for his life from a planet, The Doctor arrives on yet another planet, one which he never freely chose. There, he meets interesting people like a peddler and... but when he is forced one night to stay indoors due to circumstances outside, he finds out that even the simple things are complicated. This summary will be changed once I find better words to type out here. *still on my mind but again, least on my list to update*
The Woman In The Shop: "The woman in the shop wrote it down. It's a help line, isn't it? She said it's the best help line out there. In the universe, she said." "What woman? Who was she?" "I don't know. The woman in the shop." This story visits the time Clara met 'the woman in the shop,' amongst other stuff. Read at your own risk. *kind of disappointed with what they ended up going with; really wished this was so, or at least something like this, but that's probably because I really want her to return*
Why Can't We Be Friends?: They say the third time is the charm. Ha, not in my case... *basically my feelings of recent events (2015, October)*
*may even add another chapter of it to reflect in the story my feelings on the matter currently.
Ya know - I'm considering on doing a Doctor Who/Stargate crossover or just a Doctor Who or just a Stargate or even all 3 ideas lol! Whatever I decide, I'm really REALLY considering on putting my made up Ancient in it as well: and yes, she is unlike the rest of her people - like I mean WAY off; she's quite rebellious! :P So those who know Stargate might go o.O at her or simple hate her lol but like I said, she's TOTALLY unlike the rest; so expect her to act non-Ancienty if that makes any sense. (and of course, I'll be adding some romance involving her) And also expect some non-Ancient tech too (and yes, some maybe inspired by other sci-fi shows lol) cause well, like I said, she is TOTALLY not like the rest of her people.
Upcoming Fics: (I mean, let's be real, some I'm gonna have to either rewatch or do research on now, haha. It has been that long.)
A Lost in Blue one for sure! Though not sure what storyline per say -- may base it off of Lost in Blue: Shipwrecked.
I would like to do another Harvest Moon, a long one specifically, featuring Jack and Ann. There really needs to be more fics of them! Not Ann and Cliff or Jack and Mary but JACK AND ANN!! They are epic together! And I refuse for them to be with anybody else lol! The first one may be based on the classic story The Prince and the Pauper.
Oh, planning to do a Jack and Claire fic - BUT! It's a sibling one lol I don't like ones where they are a couple - it's just not my tastes... But it'll be about... hmm, I guess you can say long lost siblings? Claire doesn't know who her parents are and has no idea that she has a brother. Meanwhile, Jack finds out that he has a sister and goes out to find her. Need to work out the details though. :P But like that. :)
Ooo, for this one, I am SOOO considering on during a sci-fi twist on this with Claire's character and maybe even Jack's... though not sure on his. lol, I need a life! :P hehe, gotta love my sci-fi :D ...but maybe I won't do a sci-fi twist and just do something different. Like lots of lots of drama, maybe hurt, maybe angst - like that. Idk, I'll wing it X)
Alright: since I recently watched Firefly and all this story will be inspired by it: there is this brother and sister in Firefly, right? Well, their story will sort of influence my Harvest Moon one with... Jack and Claire being brother and sister! :) Cause well, you all know I'm a sucker for brother and sister stories lol
Sort of a rich guy, poor girl story... sort of: you'll know what I mean when I get around to it - again, Harvest Moon. Most likely Claire and Gray but will include other pairings.
Claire gets raped and moves to Mineral Town - yeah, not exactly the most happiest story lines here: I will try to insert my humor in it when it is deemed appropriate: but I will warn you: it WILL deal with controversial themes. May give her a brother in it too though it's not in stone yet.
Alright - THIS idea is SOOOO asking to be done and I am going to do it eventually. Okay, you know how there is a character named Romana in AWL/AnWL? Well, there's another character with the same exact name in Doctor Who - yup, you guessed it; MAJOR cross-over for this one. Heck, a prequel for this one may come out as well. Don't know details but lets just say that I am pumped for it all!
Another Doctor Who/Harvest Moon cross-over: it will be like the show how The Doctor picks up a companion but ever so once in a while they will come back to her town (may have a reason for that but I'm not sure). Most likely there will be NO romance between her and The Doctor: she may have a boyfriend but she is SOOO not treating him like Rose did with hers - Rose was cruel to him... one reason why I don't really like her. I may give her the some traits of Romana in her - you know, treating The Doctor as HER companion (cause that's what Romana did lol)
Jenny and Romana in Doctor Who meet! Don't know the details but I'm soo doing this cause these two are SO some of my fav characters in the show - ROMANA IS AWESOME!!!
Another theory on Oswin Oswald - it's similar to my other theory but at the same time it's not - you will see once and if I write/post it :) (not sure if I'll write it though...)
This one is a HUGE iffy cause the category isn't even on this site: I may just hold off indefinitely, considering it's a main goal of mine - trust me: this movie series NEEDS to be remade either in the form of movies or a TV show: it can do both well, if done right and I would love to be the one who does. And the way it ended... well, lets just say it's asking for a continuation lol
And many other ideas!
NOTE: I do delete updates when they are obsolete so to say -- if that makes sense.
Days to remember: November 15, 2012 (sometime around 11AM), Minnie, my cat, died. RIP, my Dittle Min Min.
Please keep this in mind that my job now really eats up my time. I do the very best I can do - that's all one can do. Plus, there's been some really stressful things happening in my life... that doesn't help either... and now I go to university...
Sept 4, 2014
Well, well, well... I've got nothing here.
Things really REALLY have been crazy. Still at my job - full time too. And looking to finally start college at some point. Difficult stuff happening at home too, but nothing I can't handle, though I will admit it's very hard at times. I really do apologize for my lack of activity here. It's just... well, you know: things. Whether good or bad, things always get in the way. I AM done FINALLY OH MY GOODNESS - finally done chapter 20 of ASNSS and I hope to upload it really shortly: just as soon as I'm done cleaning up some stuff here on my profile and even the little author notes in the story cause since then I have really matured.
June 4, 2015
Yup! It's 3AM at the moment... which is totally not relevant. Almost a year later... totally not my fault! D:
I've been busy! With going to university now, work, and juggling TV. Not to mention - here comes my love life - trying my absolute hardest to get over a crush who has a stupid girlfriend. One thing is for sure: GREAT WRITING MATERIAL! But still... ehhhh, he choose 2nd rate. I know my worth :)
I have a bit more free time than before; however, I have SO much TV to catch up in that writing will be scarce. But I am trying and that's all that matters. I have lots of story ideas and those ideas really don't go away. They stick with me till I write them completely! So just bear with me.
October 8, 2015
Almost 4AM and I decide to update this ol' thing...
University is CRAZY!!! I get hardly any free time to do anything - and when I do, I have to catch up in like a zillion shows that I couldn't watch due to school work, leaving me with no free free time to write! I did get some done tonight though... then I got distracted with Facebook...
Oh, I'm even friends with my crush on Facebook which is like awesome - well, what's more awesomer is the fact that he and his girlfriend broke up recently. Maaaybe I have a chance now? Who knows. And quite frankly, who cares. My gut's always told me that we probably would never work out to begin with -- and besides, I have myself and university to think about. I know this: I won't be against the idea of a relationship with him. The ball really technically is in his court: he knows I like him but that won't stop me from hinting.
...Sorry, I guess I needed to get that out! I'm gonna try to get writing (which I'm stuck on) for ASNSS as soon as I can but I can't make any promises. I know what I want to do - what direction to take - I just don't know some of the order I want to do it in. I know what plots I want to convey though and boy are they dandy XD
December 9, 2015
Instead of studying of a Calculus exam this Saturday, I am here... I regret nothing.
But in all seriousness, I REALLY want to update my long fic. Believe it or not, I still know the direction I'm taking it in. Shocker, right? Though, I have always struggled on the order of events for the fall I'm going to write... so... but I simply am swamped lately. Drama in my life - which I SO hope is over. I'm trying to move on: I just hope said person does to and leaves me alone, since I'll be leaving him alone. But whatever. Exams are coming up so... I'll try to get some writing it but NO guarantee there. I'm also gonna enter a contest at my campus for writing so there's that. Basically, if you've read Why Can't We Be Friends? you have a gist of what this contest piece will be about - only this time, it's in outer space and completely original (but no law saying I can't reference something scifi) XD
So that's what's up. I'm trying here people. Really, I am. But I'm only human. Take care everyone and have a wonderful holiday (whatever you celebrate, if you celebrate at all).
June 25, 2016
Yeah, I got nothing: I have NO excuses other than the fact that I didn't expect University to eat my time like it has/does. I mean, I thought I would get some writing done, right? HA! I have gone to the upcoming chapter for ASNSS but I'm sort of stuck. Like I know where I'm going with it but I also second guess and debate. Folks, I am trying here and I do thank you for your patience - especially to those who basically have followed from the beginning. It means so much to me and gives me a huge confident boost to see people read it and review it. Y'all so amazing!
If you are wondering about the situation back in 2015 October and even December - that ship has sailed. The guy not only stopped following my Instagram but also unfriended me on Facebook. I mean, talk about mature... well, don't matter. 100% DONE with him. If I never see him again it would be too soon. I don't say this often about people (cause I really don't like curse words/vulgar language) but he really is an asshole - you have to REALLY PISS me off to earn that title from me. I mean, WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH WANTING TO BE FRIENDS?? Maybe "confessing" to him wasn't a good idea waaaaay back but whatever: some people are just not mature enough to move forward.
Sorry for the rant, guys... Oh, but I am gonna enter this contest from Big Finish (they do Doctor Who audios) so very pumped! I hope that momentum will continue into ASNSS! Fingers crossed! And thank you amazing people! :D
May 2, 2017
Yup... I don't know what to say other than sorry...? University has really grabbed me by the hair, dragging me through life... This summer, though, I am taking an English course so hopefully this will motivate me to write for ASNSS cause goodness knows... it's practically been TWO FREAKING YEARS SINCE I UPDATED!! SO wasn't the plan! So. I am hoping to get some writing done this summer... but don't hold your breaths on this. Just know that I'm gonna try really really hard!
Update-ish: I did actually entered that Big Finish contest waaaaay back when... didn't win though. I am hoping they do that again this year. I kind of know what I want to do - perhaps in relation to The Rapid Raindrops -- like The Rapid Raindrops would, obviously, take place after the contest one I wanna do. We shall see.
June 30, 2017
The Nimon be praised! Updated ASNSS - so yay! Let's see if I can keep that momentum up now.
May 5, 2019
Wow. I still get my emails of when someone likes my stories etc. But wow. Longest hiatus ever...
Life happens...?
So, a general update on me: still working on uni and working and even working on cosplays. I'm going to have to reread ASNSS for me to continue. Believe it or not, where I wanted to go with it is still very much in my head. It should be: I've had like 100s of day dreams of it many years ago. Stuff like that just doesn't go away.
More on my personal life: think back to like 2015/2016. You can read my raw thoughts above. I'm a lot older now. I'm still don't understand some things - and probably will never understand tbh. But I am glad it happened - or more specifically, glad I was able to convey my feelings and thoughts. Though, that being said, I know I could have handled everything a bit more gracefully and just differently in my reaction specifically. You learn in life and that's all anyone can really do. So yeah: my only regret is not being clearer from a very early point. Have no idea if he has ever peaked on here. If so, then hi...?
Bottom line: I'm at the point of my life where I just don't care what people think anymore... well, not nearly as much as before. Obviously, one cares to an extent. I think anybody who can't acknowledge this is delusional with themselves. So if the guy wants to be friends, I'll be open to it but I initially will have to be reserved for the sake of not experiencing that hurt I did all those years ago. But if you become my friend, you have me as a friend for life. That is a promise. I just thought I should at least write this down somewhere. Whether if ever knows this *shrugs* again, I'm open but I'm not gonna initiate how I used to.
Anyways, I'm going to try to reread ASNSS but do not hold your breaths on this. What has been delaying this is the fact I know I'll be cringing at the beginning of the story cause I at least wrote it like 7 years ago. And I have changed so much. So much...
March 31, 2020
Welcome 2020. So far it has been eventful.
So much since my last update. I'm still in university, actually, though I am getting closer to the end. I've been taking my time on it cause I am no rush to be working like 30 years at a job just yet. That is one thing I've learned: take your time and don't let society dictate timelines for you. Don't bother looking at your friends and think "boy, they have their sh!t together." Guarantee they don't. Just be you and concentrate on you. If a special someone comes along, make sure they enhance your life. Don't have it where you need them to "complete you." Just some things this single gal observes in life.
But with everything going on in the world, I have my studies online and have told my work (I work at a coffee shop) that I do not want to work. I live with my parents and both are elderly. Even though I think the media is blowing corona way out of proportion when you actually examine the data, I still think taking precautions is a smart thing to do. I am staying home for the sake of parents.
Also, and I'm going to put this above but if you haven't checked out Jeremy Renner's music (you know, Hawkeye from Avengers movies), do it. He is amazing and tbh his songs have been helping me tackle things I want to accomplish - even for writing this! Also, I've been a big fan for quite some time of Alexander Rybak from Norway. His violin playing is just magical. But I digress.
I will be trying my best more to get ASNSS finished this year. It is one of my resolutions which I aim to actually once in my life make sure it happens. I am determined. I have the time if I focus. And with all the support I get from reviews, favs, or hell even just traffic I see for it, it encourages me to continue. I appreciate all of you guys who actually stuck with me on it. Means a lot. I'm no professional but any movement on my stories I get extremely excited and it just gives me determination. Though to finish ASNSS, I'm going to have to do some research of Harvest Moon cause it has been years - like YEARS - since I've played a game. This is where YouTube has been my best friend as well as search engines. My ideas will be published, mark my word. Thank you, lovely people! You make this girl very happy!
April 21, 2020
I seem to like updating this thing late at nights...
Anyways, been consistently working on writing. I really want to finish ASNSS - like do you know how much of a relief that will be once I do? The weight? My gosh. It would be glorious. I may even get around to writing some books I want to write. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
So yeah. Nothing much other than I've been on a role! :D
July 9, 2020
I seem to want to write for my stories here than actually write for my assignments. As I type this, I have like 11 days to complete a research paper for one of my classes. But can I actually concentrate on it? Ha! No. Instead, I go and publish the next chapter of ASNSS... That is my life in a nutshell at the moment...
But I just wanted to write this update here cause I will probably won't touch writing another chapter till after my due date of my paper, even though I DESPERATELY want to cause the next chapter I am SUPER excited to write! Its a recent idea I thought of for the story, one which I think works with the flow of the characters.
Anyways, keep your head ups and enjoy life as best as you can! See you on the flip side!
July 16, 2020
Well. Didn't expect to update this here so soon... but this needs to be put on:
It might be a little bit before I post the next chapter of ASNSS, not because I don't want to write. But because I have a lot on my mind atm. Let me explain.
I'm slowly - I stress the word - slowly getting my studies done. I've had ups and downs, but I have reached the point where I am almost done. So much so is that next winter I'm looking to graduate. Everything, for the most part, has been smooth sailing in the enrolment part. That is until recently...
This one stubborn faculty at my uni is not letting me in courses I need - I even proved it to them that it says right in this booklet for what I'm pursuing that I need the courses I am requesting to take (when you are not part of their faculty, at my uni, you have to request permission). It is in plain English and now I am facing a situation where the courses are full. I wanted to avoid that situation by enrolling early! But - GAH!
Thing is another faculty I had to ask permission for - I got into those courses no problem. So tbh I am not understanding why this faculty is giving me nothing but a headache...
So anyways, it has been super stressful - like REALLY stressful - to the point where I can't even concentrate on writing the next chappy. It is even starting to affect my focus on my current studies. I just can't seem to focus cause of the frustration...
So just wanted to let ya'll know this so you won't worry whether or not another is coming or whatever. Like I said, I desperately want to post it asap - I mean, so far I've been really enjoying writing this particular chapter; even reached an exciting part which I can't wait to flesh out but unfortunately this whole situation is zapping all my motivation... Let's just hope this gets resolved asap. Until then, I will continue to raise a little hell for them... I know I am in the right in this...
For cryin' out loud - PLAIN ENGLISH *facepalms*
July 29, 2020
Just when I thought I was making progress in getting into courses I need...
After a back and forth of first proving I can take those courses then being sent a form which THEY SHOULD HAVE SENT OVER IN THE FIRST PLACE, the courses are full and they are saying "apply for fall 2021." No, idiots. I want to GRADUATE in 2021! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD - THEY ARE FULL CAUSE OF THE INCOMPETENCE OF THEIR FACULTY. I swear this is aging me 20 years here... I feel so sick right now as I write this all out...
On the positive, I have been making progress on the next chappy of ASNSS. I mean, that is the only good right now in my life... well, except for hockey being back on our screens.