Reviews for Another Street
SmilingHana chapter 1 . 1/12/2017
Gray & Claire is one of my favourite HM couples - I can't tell you how happy I am to have someone as talented as you writing about them! This was beautiful, from the start to finish. The use of the poem was beautifully done, and it tied in with the story really well. I liked the gradual process of moving on in Claire, making the story believable and relatable. Also, I liked how you didn't portray Cliff & Ann as two people who wanted to hurt Claire deliberately; they were just two people in love who wanted to be together. And Gray, always watching over Claire from the sidelines. I'm happy he got his happy ending in the end too :)
liane chapter 1 . 11/6/2014
aww that was so cute! Gray x Claire is simply perfection and i love how you portray them! I also like how you make Ann & Claire as friends rather than rivals
Arazome chapter 1 . 6/26/2013
I love the way you set up Gray x Claire in this story. 3
socrchick.xo chapter 1 . 6/26/2013
This was beautiful. I love how even though you incorporated the poem into the story, it wasn't like you used word-for-word quotations. It was all wonderfully done. Also, I love how its down-to-earth and understandable. And Gray being the one seeking Claire's attention, instead of the other way around? Too perfect. I haven't read many another stories that accurately capture the characters' personalities I have set in my mind, but this one was bang on. Thank you for this, I loved every bit of it.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/9/2012
I simply love this sweetness! Lovely story _
HMWarriorsLife10 chapter 1 . 8/5/2012
(Oops, not signed in) great job with this! I love how you put the poem in there- that's one of my favorites. This story was wonderful, a great read. Keep writing!
Ruphira chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
This was beautiful. The poem tied in really well, and I liked how realistically and maturely the characters acted. Claire was understandably hurt, but she didn't act childishly or do anything dumb in response to her feelings. And I loved how you portrayed Gray; always there for her, quietly waiting in the background until she notices him. Which she does, adorably. :D
I liked how you put such a positive spin on the relationship between Ann and Cliff, too. It wasn't all angsty or "Ooohh that redheaded witch, she treats him so terribly" etc etc.
Anyway. I really enjoyed this! Write on
Ancient Liddel chapter 1 . 7/17/2012
This is such a really really nice story - I should have read this long ago lol; I'm glad I decided to read it :3
I enjoyed it a lot :D
Nice work!
Lazy to Login chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
Loved it! :) You really pulled me into the story with your words. Do keep writing!
Elise the Writing Desk chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
I swear, I don't know anything more sweet than that kissing scene...except for sugar, candies, chocolates, grayxclaire. Great job.
Belimair chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
This was a wonderful story. The use of the poem to relate to each stage of Claire's relationships was excellent. This has a professional feel to it - well written, no grammar mistakes, properly developed plot and characters...

All in all, definitely a pleasure to read.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
So many thoughts about this wonderful fanfic. I love how the poem that inspired you perfectly parallels not just your intended meaning, but also Claire's gradual shifting emotions as the story goes on - from disappointment, to anger, to hope, to happiness. Your writing style weaves an excellent attention to detail with a realistic internal monologue from Claire, so much that, a person who has never enjoyed a Harvest Moon game (such as myself) is not left out and can find this story amazing on its own. I'd love to see a sequel! Amazing writing overall (:
dancingwiththestar chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
This is an interesting story! I like Claire she is very pretty! Keep it up :)