Poll: What should happen to Bella in Another Round? This may or may not change the direction of the story Vote Now!
Author has written 4 stories for Twilight. I'm known as Razor to everyone I meet, I'm a writer (Well I consider myself to be one) and thats all I do. My entire life has be devoted to trying to find a good enough story plot that I can finish and get published. I'm on my way, and have already writeen about 130 pages of the story. Raised military, 10 big brothers (all military). I learned how to fight and shoot guns at an early age. The place I'm in now isn't even remotely close to wear I grew up or the way I was raised. I'm not even allowed to own an AK-47 or an M16! I can be extremely friendly, unless you make me mad. I love constructive critism on all of my work, it helps me better myself and know what others think of my writings. Just don't post negative comments on my stories, because if you do then you can bet that I will find eveyr little detail that is wrong with your's, and I will let you know it. My blog, , has many of my short writings that I just write between my normal everyday activities and the fanficitons. I like Twilight, but I will work on posting some kind of Maximum Ride fanfic, its the best in my opinion. So, thats all about me, let me know what you think! |