Hey everyone! I'm back! I'm really sorry it's been so long since I've updated… Last month two of my older brothers died. And I was in and out of the hospital. So, finally! On with Another Round! And sorry this is so short, still kinda in pain so it's hard to look at a bright screen.
Bella –
Carlisle says that I need my rest and Emmy pouts about it, but I know he's right.
I get up and walk to the room I'm staying in.
Emmy follows me, "You gonna be okay Baby Bells?" He asks sitting on the edge of the bed as I lay down. I nod and curl up under the blanket.
Esme walks in, "Emmett, come eat."
"But Mom-" His whining is cut off by her glare, and he looks back at me before I smile and tell him to go.
He just sighs and walks out, lightly closing the door behind him.
I look out the window and see rain, rain, and more rain. I really want it to stop raining.
A pain shoots through me and I bite my lip.
Curling up into a tighter ball, I shut my eyes tight and try not to breathe.
It feels like the world is tilting on its side and I black out.