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Joined 02-14-12, id: 3722916, Profile Updated: 02-21-13

Hello everyone, I'm Becky, and I draw and write about characters I think should kiss.

I'm now up to date on Homestuck. //checks every half hour for update
My patron troll is Sollux and my fav ship is AraSol. My fav troll is Eridan, and my fav kid is Jake. That should answer most of your questions.

I also really friggin' love South Park!!!!!!! The first episode I can recall seeing is "Gnomes". I didn't know who Tweek was, but he is now my favorite character. Also Craig is awesome! //SHIPS

Favorite band is Gorillaz.

I will take story requests!

deviantART: http://


- “What is wrong with our boy??”
“I don’t know, but it sure isn’t our parenting, we’re awesome!”
- “The gnomes…they steal my underwear! Next they’ll want my blood…BLOOD!! GAAH!!!”
- “No, that’s not the script, they do that all the time.”
- “What the hell is this?? Chocolate milk mix??” *tastes cremated ashes* “GODDAMMIT, THIS ISNT EVEN GOOD CHOCOLATE MILK MIX!!!”
- “Did you know china and Japan are actually different countries?”
“Oh, really?”
- “Weeell, I guess you don’t care what Tweek said about your Mom.”
“Nope.” *closes door*
“Awwh, god damn it!” *ding dong!*
*opens door*
“Weeell, I guess you don’t care what Tweek said about your guinea pig.”
“What?? What did he say about Stripe??”
- “The only thing I hate more than pee is bananas!!”
- “I’m not too busy, Stan.”
“You’re not?”
“No. I just don’t care.”
- “Eric, did you just take a crap on my desk?”
“What up, dawg, what up?”
- “I got it from Mister Garrison’s car!”
“Mister Garrison threw away his car?”
- “You’re too fat to be Kenny.”
“You’re a…stupid Jew.”
- “Here you are boys. Our dear little Kenny.”
“You turned him into a teapot?”
- “Dude, did Cartman just crap treasure?”
- “Awwh man, here we go again, use the Jew as a scapegoat.”
- “I can’t be a god, that’s too much pressure!!!!!”
- “That true, Craig? You a troublemaker?”
“HEY! Did you just flip me off?”
- “Take a picture of the sound, Stephen.”
- “A ladder to heaven? That’s fucking stupid!”

One of the Girls by ThreadbareSP reviews
The fourth grade girls have made another list, ranking the girls from prettiest to ugliest. This time, it isn't rigged, and Charlie Pierzynski is dead last. TSP Episode #202
South Park - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 9,367 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 1/5/2012 - Published: 1/2/2012 - Kyle B. - Complete