Author has written 2 stories for Ninja Turtles. My name is Sue Ling i am a young adult, not a teenager anymore but im not old either, i have been married twice though, widowed once and divirced once, i have three young boys, i started my family at a very young age i enjoy reading stories! My Life: I was born in a unstable family i ran away from home shortly after i turned thirteen with my first boyfriend and lived with his family we were married at 17, my only child with him was our son Chen(now he is 14) my young husbend died shortly after, three years later i meet husbend number two and had two boys with him Zak and Tory my twin boys(both are now 8) i divorced him nearly 2 years ago i am a singel mother. Iam Chinese/American with long black hair and dark brown eyes i have mocca colored skin i am a very short person (my own son is taller than me!) Hey dudes i have a question for you i read these stories but have yet to find them again have you seen them if so tell me what happened i think the author was: Askre they were turtotopia vicious encounters tale of don when the assassin strikes a familiar stranger pains and gains of motherhood I halfway read them a while back but those stories mysteriously i cant find help please i have asked a friend and even she doesnt know either (i belive she published a astory calling out for help i think recently)so does anyone? I really wanted to finish reading them! |