Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. Hi... Um... My penname is Katarina Evanla. I've written one major fanfiction project, The Dark Side of Love, and an overabundance of short stories. Most of the publishable/finished ones are posted here.The Dark Side of Love: Finished, completed, done. I may edit it chapter by chapter some day. I keep finding things I'd like to rewrite or edit. Sequel/Companion Fic to The Dark Side of Love: Started. I've written three chapters of a companion fic detailing Ginny's story and providing some more insight for Draco's story during the time period of The Dark Side of Love. It will be called Shadows On the Heart, and it's intention is to be a story in and of itself, not simply a supplement. I haven't started posting it yet because it's boring the living hell out of me, so it clearly needs some editing. The sequel to both of these stories will be called Shades of Gray in Love and War, and I have only a hazy plot idea for that. My goal is to finish Shadows on the Heart and begin Shades of Gray by September of this year. edit: I haven't worked on this in ages, and I'm not sure it's going to happen anymore. Dreamless Sleep: Consider it done. I never planned it, it just happened, and I've considered doing a few additional one-shots in that strain, but it likely won't happen. It Doesn't Matter: Done. I'd intended it as a one-shot, but I really needed a division. So it's a two shot. I'm sorry for any confusion. On Love and Friendship: It's done, I promise. None of you have likely read it, or enjoyed reading it, but it was meant as more of a character study than anything else. Very introspective. Benefited me more than the readers, I have a feeling. It was never meant to be more than a one-shot, although I started a prequel that was in more story format, and it's currently on pause. He Should Have Known: I'm writing again, after quite some time. :) This is an H/D war story fic. It's done, though I may be persuaded to write a sequel. :flutters eyelashes: Thanks for reading my profile (and, perhaps, my stories?). I'll keep this updated, so if you're curious, check back. |