Author has written 4 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Red Eye. Name: Discord Marie Age: 22 Gender: Female Location: Alaska Astrological Sign: Aries Discord Marie is my pen name. I am obsessed with Buffy and some of my favorite FanFics involve Buffy/Spike romances! I love the FanFics when they have babies together. Just as long as they dont turn Spike into a wimp. I freaking hate any story where the man is pathetic and wimpy! Especially Spike or Jackson Rippner, that will royally piss me off and I may gut the author, alive...I am also PMSing, so I might not be serious... I have written a Buffy/Angelus FanFic. It is a lot darker then anything found here, but if you like my writing feel free to click on the URL listed above. My story will be listed under my name and the title is 'Virgin State of Mind'. My new recent obsession with Red Eye still boggles my mind. I am basically experiancing something like transferance. Lisa is Buffy, Jackson is Spike. I'm sick, I know...But Red Eye doesn't have as large of a fan base so there isn't as much for me to read or buy...It's sad because I have now seen every Cillian Murphy movie, I went as far as to order them for my store, and I love his blue eyes. My loves are: Hannibal Lector movies, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Bones, CSI, Law and Order: SVU, Red Eye, Batman, X-Men, my car named Gambit, all things Tim Burton created, U.S. Marines(cause they are really hot), Sin City, hell I just love movies... Well, hope everyone enjoys my stories! Feel free to contact or email me... Lots of love, ~Discord Marie~ |