A Buffy / Angel crossover with a Buffy/Spike relationship (Takes place in s/6 Buffy and s/ 3 Angel)

Series Summary:  What happen when Buffy finds out about Angel's son?

Pairing: Buffy/ Spike with minor Buffy/ Angel flashbacks other pairings to follow.

Rating: R

Disclaimer: You know all the characters of BtVS and Angel are owned by 20th Century Fox, Joss Whendon and the rest of them. I DON'T OWN THEM.

Just borrowed and had a lot of fun doing it.

Hope, Dreams and Miracles

Part I – Calling

Timeline: in the aftermath of 'Gone', when Buffy in back to normal sort of.

Summary: Buffy is tired and not really ready to deal with the bomb that is about to dropped in her feet.

Rated: PG- language

"Dawn … Dawn are you here!"

"Dawn, I'm back and even visible in all that ." Buffy yelled as she closed the door .  There was no answer the house was quite.

"Dawnie I'm sorry about earlier. I know I kinda freaked you out. Do you forgive me? * Ok, don't talk to me I'm too tired for this and ways.* Buffy bitched to herself as she scanned the fridge for something. As she looked up she saw a note from Dawn:

            Dear Buffy,

            I went to Janice's for the night .Were

            THEY don't mine having me around!   

                See ya tomorrow maybe.


"Fine!!" Buffy yelled at the top of her laughs " if you like them better than just move in there !!!

"Ahwwwn… to tired to care'" Buffy left the kitchen and started for the stairs.

Then she saw the answering machine blinking.

  "Oh what now. " she mumbled.

"Buffy, Buffy are you there!" The voice sounded like …like Angel's.

"Call me when you get this message …it important, Please Call ….Soon."

*Angel , No it wasn't Angle . Could it be ?*  she thought as she pushed the play button again.


"Hello Angel Investigations ….."

"Cordy? " Buffy asked softly.

"Buffy, Is that you ?"  Cordy answered .

"Yeah, Is everything ok? I mean Angel called me and he sounded kinda different." Buffy asked nervously.

"Everything's  fine !   Angel just wanted you to hear the good news first!" Cordy happily replied .

"What good news? " Buffy ask, but Cordy was too busy yelling to Angel. "Angel…. It's Buffy!" 

  A minute later, "Buffy? " Angel answered.

"Angel. What …. Why ….I mean you … you  called? "

" Buffy, I didn't mean to worry you. I just wanted to tell you the good news . "

"What news?" Buffy said calmly. " What Good News ?"

After a moment of silence Angel responded  "Buffy… I ..um.. I have a SON. "

At the other end of the phone Buffy's mouth just hung open in utter shock. Her mind was racing but she was unable to speak.

"Buffy are you there? " 

"Angel, you have a what?" she asked, still not quite sure she had heard him right.

"I have a son! Him name is Connor."  Angel proudly answered. "And I want you to meet him."

Buffy's mind was still spinning. "When? …. How? …..Who's the mother? "

"After your mother died. I  mean after I saw you , I came back and …,I'm not quite sure how it all happened I know that we aren't suppose to have kids but so how … some way …I guess it was the prophecy….and it's Darla." Angel finally taking an unneeded breath.

 There was an eerie silence on both ends of the phone.

Angel finally spoke "Buffy are still there ?"  

"Yeah, I'm still here. I'm just confused about … who did you say was… the mother?"   It finally registered what Angel had just said. "Did you say Darla!!!"  Buffy was really angry , so angry she was glad that he was in L.A. and she was in Sunnydale , well maybe that was still too close . Maybe moving to Siberia would be to close. "Yes, Buffy I said Darla. " Angel said you could hear remorse in his voice. "Please, don't be mad at me . "   

  "I can't ….I just Can't …not right now!" Buffy replied sobbing as she hung up the phone. She was still in shock over the whole phone conversation.  Falling to her knees she knelt on the floor and sobbed.


Buffy was still on the floor when Willow arrived home.

"Buffy, Dawnie are you here?" Willow called out. Waiting for an answer Willow heard something in the kitchen. As she moved slowly to the kitchen it became more apparent that it was Buffy crying. "Buffy are you ok? What is wrong? Is it Dawn? Are you ok?" Willow just keep babbling on.

Buffy had almost stopped crying. "No, nothings wrong Willow. Dawn's at Janice's house tonight. It's … its Angel. "

"Is he all right?"

 Holding back the waterfall welling up inside of her. She managed to tell Willow everything, about the phone call….  Connor, Angel and even Darla.

Willow was now in compete shock too." You mean…Angel and Darla …. Connor is their son" Willow sunk down the side of the cabinet and sat next to Buffy, with Buffy's head on Willow's shoulder. They sat there in silence.  Nether of them, knowing what to say.

Finally Willow found the courage to speak. "Buffy are you ok? I mean are you ok with all of it?"

     "No."  Buffy muttered.

"You still love him. I mean you wish that it could be you with Angel and that Connor was…. Your son not that bitch Darla's."

"No. I just don't want to be all alone. I just don't want to grow old and have no one to share my life, my dreams with."

Willow put her arms around her best friend and squeeze . "Buffy, you'll never be alone; you have Dawnie, me and the rest of the Scoobies."

As Buffy stood up here knees felt like Jell-O.

"I got to ...to go ….kill something." Buffy grumbled as she picked up her jacket and a few stakes from the counter and stormed out.

She thought about trying to stop her but thought it best to let her work though this in her own way. Willow sighed.