Author has written 6 stories for Loud House, Book X-overs, and PJ Masks. Important announcement. To those of you wondering what happened to my story "Time Waits for No Mask". I deleted it. I am terribly sorry for starting publishing it when only the first chapter was done, because by now it's clear to me I have bitten off way, way more than I can chew. I am completely stuck on the third chapter (which would involve Connor ending up in the Caribbean of 1717 and meeting the PJ masks team of that ear, the Twilight Raiders). I started over several times, tried idea after idea, but nothing works out. The rest of the story was supposed to involve the PJ Masks future versions as well, with eventually all 4 teams (Night Knights, Twilight Raiders, PJ Masks, and their future selves the Moonlight Masks) uniting to stop Chroninja from causing a time crash that would allow him to conquer all of history. Writing is starting to become too much a chore that only gives me stress instead of joy, and I have to face facts; my life is getting too hectic, and I am getting too old, for this hobby. Therefor, it's better if I retire completely. Again, sorry. |