![]() Author has written 13 stories for Gakuen Alice, and Fairy Tail. Hello! I'm the Siberian Tiger from Sweden. I'm quite girly (what a suprise! I am a girl) and I love to write fluff stories and poems. I am currently 17 (is that young or old? o.O) and I look like any swedish girl except for the blonde hair since i dyed it brown. My free time is filled with books and my own stories (of course manga and anime too.) and a LOT of music. Anime/Manga couples I adore NatsumeXMikan Gakuen Alice First couple that I really shipped. They are adorable and Natsume is one of the sweetest characters ever in his own awkward way. If they don't get their happy ending then I will be royally pissed! LucyXNatsu Fairy Tail OTP OTP OTP! God I love them to bits and pieces haha. They have good chemistry and I like the whole "princess and dragon" concept. TsubasaXMisaki Gakuen Alice The "mature" couple who are hilarious together. Also, Tsubasa is freaking hot! Damn if he existed in real life I would die happy. HaruXElie Rave Master So sweet, so obvious. They had a good chemistry from the start and I loved them through the whole story. Good job Mashima! NarutoXHinata Naruto This started because I thought Hinata was a great character. Now I'm seriously rooting for NaruHina even though Naruto is a dope. He needs someone who will stay with him and Hinata needs someone who motivates her to become stronger. Nice match. NinaXZero Mamotte lollipop Two people who goes from bickering to love. Clichee but it works. Me and my friend spent hours looking at AMV's about these two hehe... InuyashaXKagome Inuyasha Also an amazingly sweet couple with great moments. Only thing that bugged me was that Inuyasha always would run of to find Kikyo. Heck if I were Kagome then I would have abused that "sit" thing until Inuyasha had come to the center of the earth. Just sayin'. HungaryXPrussia Hetalia I don't even know why but they crack me up every time... OtaniXKoizumi Lovely Complex This couple show that height doesn't matter. They are funny and kinda innocent. Oh and don't forget that both of them are suuuper dense, well mostly Otani. MegumiXYahiro Special A My favorite Special A couple. Yahiro is secretly sweet and caring and Megumi is just so cute and unselfish. God Yahiro you should really take the chance here! GrayXJuvia Fairy Tail A stripper and a stalker, perfect match! Juvia is a cute and kinda crazy woman and Gray is just... Naked. Oh well I can totally see them happening. GajeelXLevy Fairy Tail Bookworm and a beast. Levy was one of the first to accept Gajeel in Fairy Tail and he saved her from Laxus. Their interaction is fun and natural so I can see them happening too. |