Realization for Him

It was meant to happen. Really, everyone saw it at the guild. Ever since he brought her with him from that searching-for-Igneel mission at the port town. It was obvious. Sadly, it just took him over seven years to figure it out. With countless near death experiences to boot.

Natsu has a rep of being the lovable, destructing, and idiotic, not to mention dense resident moron at the guild. But, he's not a complete idiot. Natsu just acts like it to get of certain situations that could get him killed with the beatings of the girls. Situations such as peeping on his female teammates with the Stripper (in his words) at the hot springs on their recent mission. Lucy nearly decapitated his head. Erza, thankfully, let him go because Natsu didn't know what he was doing. After all, he was the resident dense idiot at Fairy Tail and didn't know he was acting the way as a pervert would. Sadly (or happily in Natsu's case), that courtesy wasn't extended to Gray.

But, as the boys retreated to their respected rooms after peeping on the girls, it got him thinking about the girls at the guild and their looks. Natsu wasn't a complete dense idiot too. He knew what beauty was. And he knew that he was attractive among the girls…And guys. (He learned the hard way one mission with Happy and Gray. Note To Self: Never EVER go on a mission that requires just two guys.) He also knew that his guild, his family at Fairy Tail contained plenty of strong, beautiful females that would be great as a potential mate, or life-partner or wife.

Whatever floats your boat…Natsu thought as he looked through his en-suite fridge for food as his blue cat went to the bed.

Mira was obviously gorgeous. He's seen the covers she's done over the years. Motherly and strong too. But, too scary for Natsu's liking. Erza was like Mira. Pretty, strong, and scary. But he saw her as a sister more than someone to spend the rest of your life with. (Plus I think Jellal had her cover.) Wendy was too young. Plus Natsu swore that Romeo had a thing for her…Or he thinks. Levi was Gajeel's. Simple as that. And who was a dragon to take away a fellow dragon's mate? (Besides, Levi and her smarts weren't really something Natsu was really into.)

Now, Lisanna. She was the someone that he thought was his mate. Lisanna would make a great wife and mother. And Natsu holds some dear feelings for her as a child. But as the years passed, those feelings of romantic love went to purely sisterly-brotherly love. Sure, they had a close friendship now. But Lisanna distanced herself. When Natsu asked why, she simply answered "There's someone you should be with" and went to help her elder sibling at the bar.

That other someone was Lucy. Just Lucy of Fairy Tail. Not Lucy Heartfilia of the Heartfilia Konzern.

That's when he realized something about Lucy. Not that she's pretty. Nope; Natsu's always known that Lucy was beautiful. He even thought so to the point where he thought that her looks were equal to or even bested, BESTED, Mira's. He knew that his partner's golden locks, that seemed to come from the sun itself, were a rare beauty in Fiore let alone the town. And those doe eyes seemed to always gleam even when the team was in deep shit…Most likely because of the Exhibitionist and or himself. Even Erza at certain times. (But Lucy thought that her eyes were plain, boring, common, and what Natsu considered was the worst of them…Lucy taught her pretty brown eyes were…dull.)

"And let's not get started on her body…" he whispered as he sat on the balcony railing. Alone, as Happy was fast asleep on his bed.

He would've been rightfully classified as a complete idiot if he missed the pair of legs she's got with that ass attached to her hips. He'll admit it, he was an ass guy. But that didn't mean he didn't liked those breasts Lucy's so proudly to show off. (Really, she shows off her body but mostly her boobs and those creamy legs of hers.) Natsu would never give up a however unlikely chance to grope her boobs whenever it pops up: i.e. his face in between them when catching her or actually grabbing them during the recent war with dragons. Yep…definitely NOT an idiot.

He silently grinned to himself, knowing that Lucy really only lets him see her fully naked, at (unsuspecting) times, back home. Natsu would never let Gray see her naked. That's only reserved for the dragon's eyes only…And maybe Happy. And the girls…He guesses.

Lucy was different. Though, she may act like she cares about getting dirty or hurt on the missions, Lucy wasn't like any of the other girls in guild or outside of Fairy Tail.

Lucy was strong. Being able to kick a sleepy fire dragon and Happy every morning was an amazing feat for Lucy, Natsu thinks. And being able to put up with all that neglect from her very father was incredible to him. Dealing with the death of her own self after finding out the death of the last living member of her family sealed it for him. Lucy was the strongest in the guild. No doubt.

The entire war with the dragons made Natsu realized that being physically strong meant jack shit if he wasn't mentally strong to withstand anything that came their way. Such as Lucy dying before his eyes. Of course he knew that this Lucy wasn't his Lucy. But, as Happy said, Lucy was Lucy no matter where (or in this case when) she's from. He took it to heart, not being able to protect his partner. His best friend. The girl he figured would be his till the end of time. He was supposed to protect her. It was his job. He was able to do it for every time before this…

So why did he fail that day?

Lucy stayed strong for everyone at the guild. Or, the very least, tried to. But Natsu would always smell the lingering scent of tears in her room when she was fast asleep. One time even saw the remnants of tears on her face. She stayed calm and collected, Lucy-like, during the day at the guild but cried her heart out at home. It was for her family…For him.

He knew that she was hurting. Natsu was too. He would stay with her, without Happy's presence, and let her cry on his shoulder in his warm embrace. Sometimes, he would cry with her. He couldn't stay strong for her all the time. They both knew that. But she couldn't do the same for him too.

There was a night when he changed. She had a nightmare on the night. And that was the night, when he held her crying form in his arms, that he would protect her for the rest of his life. Whether or not she was his mate. Because he was part dragon. And dragons would protect their precious treasure till death.

He stayed outside. Thinking if Lucy would say yes to being his mate. He made up his mind that very night when she cried into his chest. Clinging on to him like a lifeline. If it meant being next to Lucy 24/7 and protecting her from whatever evil comes their way, Natsu would gladly be the dragon to Lucy's princess.

Natsu was about to hit the hay before a quiet, almost inaudible, knock appeared at the door. Curious, the Dragon Slayer went to the door. He heard soft sniffled and smelled the familiar lingering scent of salty tears mixed with the Celestial mage's lavender scent. Natsu immediately opened the door, seeing a dishevelled Lucy holding a blanket over her trembling body.

"…Hi Natsu…" the blonde whispered.

Natsu didn't reply with words. But, instead pulled her in for a near bone-crushing hug. Lucy let tears fall from her eyes as the blanket slipped from one of her hands to grabbed onto Natsu's bare shoulder. With a grunt from Natsu, he lifted Lucy in his arms, holding the blanket firmly against them both. Lucy, on instinct, wrapped her legs around Natsu's torso and buried her head into the crook of his bare neck.

Natsu walked them over to the bed and just sat on it, letting Lucy get out her sobs before starting a conversation with her. Without letting him ask or even giving him a chance to, Lucy started her story.

"I was at the castle. Alone. I didn't see anyone. I thought everyone left me. Because they were dead. Then I saw you. Barely breathing though. I knew you were gonna die…But I kept telling you to stay with me. You said that you would always stay with me because it was better being together…like back at Tenrou. I gave you a smile…Then you died. And…I screamed in my dream…Then I woke up…"

Lucy waited for Natsu to talk. All he did was hold tighter. Knowing that she needed his security. Her breathe tickled his neck, but Natsu didn't show it.

"You know I would never leave you Luce," he said in a deep, serious tone that he hardly ever uses. At any other time, it probably would've surprised the Celestial mage. But for the situation like this, it didn't.

Natsu would never let himself die. It was his duty to protect Lucy, his potential mate. What good is he if he died?

"I know that Natsu. But there's that possibility that you will. You always save me and it gets you into dangerous situations."

"Lucy…" Natsu pulled away. Lucy's head sunk. He lifted her chin with his thumb and index. "That's part of the job. The job of protecting everyone in Fairy Tail. And you know it. If I die, I hope it's for your protection. And it if wasn't, well I'll have to come back as one of those zombies you love so much to make sure you're protected."

That managed to get the blonde to laugh. "Thank you Natsu."

The pinkette smiled and pulled her in for another hug. "I'm always there for ya Luce. Let's get to bed before Happy wakes up and gets pissed." He felt her nod and shift to get up. Probably to go back to her room.

Natsu pulled her down to the bed.

"I meant here Weirdo."

"You're the Weirdo Natsu."

"Not as much as you Luce."

"Fine; I'll stay for tonight."

"I knew you wouldn't resist."

Lucy rolled her eyes as she pulled the blankets on the bed. Natsu got up to turn off the lights. Lucy shifted over to make room for Natsu. He tugged the blankets over their bodies and placed Happy's sleeping one on the other side of his head, not facing Lucy. Lucy snuggled up to Natsu's body, resting her head on his chest. Natsu hesitantly wrapped an arm around Lucy, pulling her closer in the process.

Lucy let the steady heartbeat of the Dragon Slayer lull her to sleep. "'Night…Natsu…" she said in a cute sleepy voice.

Natsu smiled as he looked over to her with his enhanced vision. Lips, slightly apart. Hair, fallen perfectly into place. (Even if dishevelled.) Eyes, unmoving. Meaning no dreams…No nightmares for his mate.

Natsu could get used to protecting Lucy from everything. He leaned in a kissed her forehead and the corner of her lips. And he could defiantly get used to kissing her too.

After tonight, as he let Lucy's steady breathing lull himself to sleep, this was a realization for him. And the three words in his final thoughts before sleep overtook him were the outcome of this conclusion:

I love Lucy.